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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I thought the D.C. finale was actually pretty good. I didn't follow the Salahi mess in real time so having "gotten to know them a little" it was more interesting watching it play out. See, I thought they got the show BECAUSE they'd crashed the WH, I didn't realize that happened while they were already taping!

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I did a google search for her and the first thing that came up was broke...lol. Apparently according to this article, she owes over $180K in lawyer fees. Her old home went into forecloseure last year and the house she is in id actually a downgrade from that. She's on tv now so she needs to keep up the appearance that she's well off and not broke. I think all the girls are in competition and try to outdo each other. Its why she will continue to buy expensive things when she knows she needs to be going to Target

IA. The last 2 episodes were much better than the entire season. I cant stand the Salahis. They are the Heidi and Spencer of DC. Famewhores to the max. They annoyed me how they kept answering with the same response at the hearing. Too bad they have not paid for that and I hope they do. I felt bad for Cat to lose her invite to the white house. Her marriage ended partly bc of teh shenanigans of this show bc it had an impact on her husband's career. I also thought it was very cowardly how they just left Stacie's house without saying goodbye.

If this show comes back for another season, they need to make some changes. They need to drop Lynda and Mary as housewives. I like them but they are boring and dont add much. Stacie is kinda tame as well but I dont think it should lose more than half its cast. I do like he friend Erica, and she needs to be bumped up to housewife status. She brings more drama. They need to bring someone new who isnt as uppity and sophisticated as the other women. Someone who's sexual, loud and the one they talk behind her back. Michaele brings the drama but she is way too fake and plastic.

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Was it my imagination or was Dwight looking scared the whole episode because of Nene? Kandi needs to just leave this show she is too talented to waste her time on this show, unlike the other wives she actually has a career. Kim needs to quit singing altogether. Sheree needs quit getting her hair done, nails done, etc when she know she broke. :lol: Phaedra honey your man was in prison for 6 years and Dwight is hanging around you an awful lot watch your back or better yet watch your husband back. The model already bores me.

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Phaedra gets the quote of the night! "I love me some Kandi, but I keep thinking Dwight just might get jumped by these crazy heffers besides us" LMAO!

Cynthia is alright but she doesnt bring as much energy to the show as Phaedra does. I fear she may be another DeShaun, which is kinda needed among the crazy. I hated her hair in the beginning at the park. She needs to keep it slicked back or put a weave on bc she looks much better both ways.

What was NeNe doing wearing hot pink nail polish? With her hair color, skin tone, and color of her clothes, it just did not look good on her

Edited by Cheap21
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OK - I just got into these shows back in August when DC premiered. I heard all my friends rave about them, but resisted and resisted... until I couldn't resist anymore!!!

With DC being my first season, and not really knowing how dramatic the other seasons were, I quite enjoyed DC as my first experience into the Housewives franchise. I thought the casting was brilliant, as you have big players with strong connections who aren't in fear of foreclosure or bankruptcy (save the Salahis, but they deserve it). I think this is the whole point of the Housewives shows, to show life as a rich, powerful snob (much like Beverly Hills will be, going back to their roots). Atlanta and New Jersey are very entertaining with their drama, but really should be on VH1 with their hijinks. They are all in bankruptcy or foreclosure... basically fake and trying to be on TV.

So yes, DC isn't as popular, but I have a special place in my heart for that group of girls. I loved Stacie, Lynda, and Mary equally. Michaele brought some good drama, but they are ridiculous and are leaving (whew). I hated Cat at first, but now I really like her a lot. The reunion last night was awesome, and I can't wait for part 2 when the husbands come out. Mary is right - the Salahi's hijacked their show, bc I really would have loved to see footage of Stacie connecting with her dad (which we started to see in the first half of the season). Hopefully if Season 2 comes around, they will... although with Bev Hills and Miami and all the other higher-rated shows, I think Bravo might be on overkill with all these shows.

I saw the first season of NJ on DVD - it was awesome, yet a bit dark and creepy. I love Caroline and her sons, and Dina. Jacquelinne (sp?) is a bit naive. Danielle is ridiculous and fake. Teresa is enjoyable, and I love her kids and how she loves her kids so much, but I think she's a little too pageant mom for their own good. The reunion for Season 1 was awesome, can't wait to see Season 2 on DVD if Netflix will ever carry it.

I've also caught up on Atlanta through reruns of Season 1 and Season 2 on Bravo. These girls are a trip, except I think Kim and NeNe create all this fake drama bc they love to be on TV. I even heard NeNe rented that house of hers just for the show, and these women really aren't as rich, powerful as Housewives should be for these shows. Oh well... I love the new girl Phaedra (or as NeNe calls her 'Fakedra'). NeNe has some great one-liners.

I just got the DVDs for Season 1 of Orange County... and man does this show look OLD. Its funny to see how the franchise started out, and now with all the high ratings and popularity, they can inject a bit more money into their production... which brings me to Beverly Hills - WOW they've changed the graphics and tone of the show. And I love how they are holding Diamonds instead of peaches or oranges in their opening shots. These girls look so plastic with their plastic surgery. Should be a good season.

Netflix isn't carrying New York yet, and Bravo hasn't shown any reruns since August... so this is the only series I haven't started or seen yet. I hope to soon though, because my friends love this city the best.

I'm surprised they don't go to Chicago... but Miami seems pretty logical too.

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The show went into syndication last month. Its airing on NBC packaged with Days in major cities. I was upset when my NBC affiliate wasnt carrying it but randomly flipping through channels last week, I saw its on My Network, so you may want to check that as well.

I wonder if they would consider going to Texas next. Thats one part of the country not represented. Im sure theres some rich oil family wives that would die to be on this

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Thanks Cheap --- I'll have to look into that! Ideally I would love to start from Season 1, episode 1... but I didn't with Atlanta and I was able to get right in and watch completely out of order with no problem.

I live in Texas, and I actually heard rumors that Bravo came out to Houston and Austin to do some scouting for potential housewives. Houston would have the multi-millionaire oil housewives, but Houston is so large and crowded and dirty, that producing and filming might be too hard.

Austin would be perfect, but might be a bit too small. Austin is unlike any other Texas city - its more California and less Texas. Lots of movie stars have homes here, so I know they could find some housewives, but like I said, its a bit small compared to the other cities. Not sure if that would matter...

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I read a New Orleans version had been greenlit.

We NEED a Texas version! Rich oil families, big hair and big fights.

The Atlanta bitches are my favorites, especially Sheree and her ridiculous grandeur. I LOVED the snarky comment she made about Phaedra's husband, Apollo, knowing Lawrence (her hair stylist) and having been in prison for six years. LMAO.

Previews show Kim singing at the White Party, Kim battling out NeNe on the tour bus! I live for this trashy drama.

I like NYC, since its the most normal of the series. NJ is good, but the Danielle drama needs to be over and bring in new blood.

OC is OK and I have yet to watch DC.

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I've read elsewhere where people thought DC was kind of boring, but I really liked it. I'm watching the reunion now. The only other Housewives that I watch is Atlanta (love that), but this DC reunion is funny and shady as hell. This one of the best reunion shows.

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Well they wouldnt have to do a Texas city...they'd do the whole state. In the same way they did New Jersy, bc NJ has small cities and its not all nice. Plus it doesnt have any famous city aside from maybe Atlantic City and thats a tourist attraction that screams cheap and trashy bc of the gambling. Real Housewives of Texas would be fine enough

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Before the season premiered it was heavily rumored that Cynthia was a disappointment and the producers had trouble finding material for her. Not surprising they didn't even include her in the first episode. I notice she's very bitchy in her blogs which I think is a precursor to an exciting reunion performance and her hope to be asked back for another season. I guess it's true Victoria Rowell is who they really wanted. We all know the crazy that would've brought lol.

DC became my favorite of all the series. I know many thought it was slow and the White House State Dinner ruined the suspense of the season. Still I loved the ladies and I found it interesting. Very different and certainly packed with more class and different type of conversations. Cat and Lynda were my favorites. I find Stacie to be an interesting character who I look forward to seeing on future seasons. Besides Cat, these ladies got a pass because everything was so centered around the Salahi's drama. Mary posted on her blog entire stories that were filmed and cut to make room for them. I hope next season Stacie gets called out for all her of sly shyt stirring. It's really hilarious. She's always "just saying" but she knows what shes implying. She's such a gossip and I love it! LOL! For next season I'd bring on Erika, drop Michaele and add another HW. Keep the four we already have.

OC has always been my least favorite, although I did love the first two seassons. Since Tamra and Gretchen arrived it's more outrageous and just not interesting. They're too aware of the cameras and phony now. NYC is a great series, but it's next season without Bethanny (or minimal Bethanny) could be a mess. Sonia, Kelly, etc. aren't interesting enough on their own.

Atlanta is just a classic. Nene. Kandi. He By Sheree. OMG! These girls kill me. I love the humor in this series and also in DC. It's like a sophisticated modern sitcom, yet they aren't in on the joke. It's like Modern Family come to life. I love it. On DC you have everyones reactions to Michaele. Atlanta it's everything.

Bevely Hills is an interesting show so far. The ugliest bunch, but I *love* Lisa and Kyle.

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Beverly Hills

Did you guys watch the BH premiere? OMG, these bitches put ALL the other housewives to shame. Think of it this way....the other shows were more Desperate Housewives. BH is DYNASTY! They are not just rich. They are filthy rich. The other housewives have porsches and ferraris. The BH women have private jets! They dont simply have big houses; they have mansions and estates! This show embraces the glamour and the high end lifestyle none of the other seasons before. Here are my thoughts on them

Kyle - I love her! So far she's my favorite. I love how wild and fun she is, yet practical. Anyone else think she looks alot like Demi Moore? They could be twins

Kim - I like her but its so obvious she is out of place. Its sad how she has such a hard time socializing with others but I hoep she can let her guard down enough to allow herself to be friends with the other women. Too bad it looks like this will cause her trouble in the upcoming episodes

Taylor - Dont care for her. Im having a hard time watching her bc her face is way too botoxed and messed with. Its sad how she paranoid and scared she is that her husband will trade her in for someone younger and bc of this she's had so much work down.

Camille - My 2nd favorite. I really like her but feel sad for her bc she's going on about how great her marriage is to Kelsey Grammer and they've since split and he has a new girlfriend.

Lisa - I love her english accent. She's the Joan Collins of the season! Definetly the most fabulous and posh of the group.

Adrienne - She's another one, who's faced annoys me. Its way too plastic and considering her husband is a plastic surgeon, that shouldnt be a surprise

Edited by Cheap21
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