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Agreed. If she returns, Im done. I didnt even watch all the episodes this season bc of her and only tuned into the finale and reunion to see her get dragged. She doesnt deserve  redemption arc. Her presence alone is such a turnoff

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Mad as a box of frogs. 

Take a bow, SLC Housewives. THAT is how you do a 3 part reunion. They got down in the dirt and fought it out, but also reached some form of resolution and détente with their disputes. I would not change a thing about this cast. Bring 'em all back. 

PS: Meredith, Jenn Shaw is a piece of sh*t who scammed the vulnerable and elderly. She doesn't deserve a second chance.

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Agreed, that was a great ending. MVP to Mary because her reactions always have me in giggles. And I can't believe I'm finally coming around, but I was actually okay with Angie. Her seemingly genuine friendship with Mary, while finally not smirking and posing for the camera, is making me warm to her. 

In terms of Little Girl Whitney vs. Lisa and/or Meredith, I'm actually on Little Girl's side for the most part. As mentioned, Lisa can trash talk other people and their marriage but it's a boiling hot scandal if they do the same to her. 

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RHOP: In what should be a surprise to almost nobody, word on the street is Stacey was paying TJ to play the role of her boyfriend, and he doesn’t show up to the reunion because she was two payments (2 months) behind on paying him. 

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Said what I want to say about SLC...and I will...Part 3 was definitely them fighting it out. And some resolutions did come...but how Andy was acting this part really turned me off a bit. Glad the ladies kept on pushing though.



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Agreed! I wouldn't change a thing about this cast, eventhough I like bronwyn a lot less than the beginning of the season. The dynamics are still interesting. 

I am team Whitney too. She didn't have a storyline but she made up for it with her interactions in the group. 

Andy can not control these women. I sometimes feel bad for him 

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I guess I had to sit with this. I didn't know why really. Until I got online. Then it hit me.


Production was totally trying to run with a redemptive arc for Brynn. Uhhhhh NOPE. She did all of that mess throughout the season and became a liability at the end. A dangerous one. There's no way to redeem her unless she goes and get help. So with that in mind, Part 2 was not nearly as good as Part 1. 


Don't get me wrong. There was plenty of content. Perhaps too much actually. People (especially Sai who heel NEVER left Brynn's neck) kept giving Brynn lashings. IMHO Rebecca's segment was the highlight. While she fumbled a clear explanation about Scientology and their practices, I felt she became aware enough of the ladies wanting to get that on camera and was coy. She also gave us an unexpected bout with Erin where she handled Erin well...and Erin showed her slip. And Rebecca is never here for Brynn so she read her ass for me. Just...where was all this mouth during the season lol? And of course, there was Brynn vs Ubah...boostered by the fact that the whole group kept checking Brynn whenever she took a lie. I was surprised to see Erin, Sai, AND Jenna continued to pounce on Brynn whenever she would stray from owning her crap and taking accountability.


Where the reunion failed me was that in the end, they let Brynn get away with not taking accountability. If one has to keep nitpicking your monologue aka attempt at false narrative, apologizing to you when you ARE NOT the victim with your fake tears, then the apology you force...not say...out of your lips...is not going to seem sincere. So Brynn FINALLY apologizing Ubah like a kid after throwing a biiiiiggggg temper tantrum fell flat for me. She fake cried. She tried to paint a false narrative where she was the victim...only to have Erin and Sai jump her with 'you didn't say that.' She tried to appear like she was a victim, weaponizing her trauma...only to have Jenna right there to correct her from using it as a weapon. And she was being the fixed sign she is and was dragging her feet. Ubah apologized to HER? so she had her own piece of mind. And Andy...just let it happen. 


Was there resolution for Ubah? I feel so. But for the audience...I don't think so. There can be none if Brynn stays. She has to go. And get help.


ERIN. If I'm honest...she actually continued to show why she has been good casting. Erin always shows the good, the bad, and the ugly. And there was a good mix for her here whether I liked it or not. lol. I liked that she started to nitpick Brynn right along with Sai. And she took accountability (after Sai and Andy confronted her) for her part in the mean girl chat with Brynn and Sai. But I felt she showed her slip when she threw Rebecca...who she introduced to the cast as her friend...under the bus. She was coming across as a Kyle Richards as if Rebecca did not check in on her at all during her parents drama. When Rebecca proved she did, she was not satisfied. So I loved Rebecca flipping the script when Erin called her self-absorbed as if Rebecca was not talking to the Queen of it. Girl, bye. lol. So I can't help, but feel that the nitpicking at Brynn was very strategic. 


JENNA. Jenna leading a gang-up? WHhhhat?? lol. Other than that, I didn't like the others making Jenna go and talk to Brynn on break. The divide was so clear. But good on Jenna for not only letting her Gemini out and calling Brynn out, but also trying to get Brynn to see her way out of her current drama. It's a shame she went back to babying Brynn in the end though. 


SAI. Stay, stay, STAYED on Brynn's neck through both parts of the reunion. God bless her for that. And color me shocked that she briefly got into it with Erin over Erin trying to act like she was not talking crap about Jessel. And of course, Sai was the only one who could have explained Raquel's point of view to Ubah even if Ubah did not want to hear it. 


RAQUEL. Except for her segment about her vs Ubah, she really didn't do much.


JESSEL. Outside of her showing how well she knows Ubah...and she was not wrong cuz how Ubah (or anyone) acts toward someone depends on how you come at her (or them)...she did not do much either this part.


UBAH. Now that she's living with Oliver and out of New York, I don't even know if she will be back next season. But honestly, I liked her this part of the reunion. It took two years, but I felt she was being authentic. Which just like Erin, it can be for better or for worse. For every moment she was bad (though I giggled at 'you know what? continue to be afraid.'), she had good moments. I love her checking Andy as if they both don't love the D.

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 And have you look at her? She's a hot model. Of course, she gets free stuff. Stay pressed, Brynn. But going back to bad, I didn't like how she handled things with Raquel. And even when Sai explained it better, she did not care, and that was a bad look for Ubah. But just as quick...how she can have tears for someone who tried to ruin her...and forgive them...she has a big heart. Even a bigger heart than me. I would be curious to see where her story goes.


BRYNN. I guess I am going to eat crow. but unlike the topic, I can take accountability. I loved her her first season. But now? Even Real Brooke Davis would have taken better accountability. I cannot even begin to think about the last time she has made me laugh. And this part of the reunion she was doing everything possible to not own her crap. They were better off lashing her like they did in Part 1. She can't handle it? It's too much? WHERE? It wasn't enough if she was still trying to throw everything off. She seriously needs to go and get help. I don't want her back. 


I will say this much. I do want to see how they navigate this. So looking forward to next season. A pretty solid reunion. I looked forward to it more than I did SLC tbh. 

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Sonja's ex-husband, John Adams Morgan, died earlier this month at the age of 94.

The obituary that was posted by the Morgan Foundation only mentioned his current wife (his 5th), but none of his children.


His death may provide some closure to Sonja so she can let go of the past. I hope it does and that she's able to move forward with her life with joy and happiness.

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In a word...chaotic.


I guess if I think about it...the whole reunion was chaotic, but Part 3 for sure was crazy! Britini in all of her crazy thirsty glory...and Mary not here for it! Bob, Jared's small D rumor, and the unseen footage! Lisa vs Ms. Whit! Andy unusually pressed! Mary having Ms. Whit's back against the fake narrative of Jen Shah getting a second chance...but MONICA can't! Bob getting her lick back on Lisa 'Social Friend' Barlow! Heather's lame attempts for relevancy. Everything, but the kitchen sink, hunni!!!


What I really liked about this part? That even the ladies got tired of how Andy acts at a reunion and just ran right on pass him to force some resolution...which is what THE AUDIENCE would like.  Was that Lisa vs Ms. Whit segment brutal? Oh, yes. But I liked they FINALLY came to some kind of compromise/truce/resolution in spite of interference. Will it hold? I guess we'll see next season.


LISA. I feel like someday her ability to not have true empathy for others or to care about anyone but herself will eventually come back to bite her on her butt. I did like Production gave her just that little bit of unseen footage of her defending Bob and her marriage, but that felt like they were doing that to protect Lisa as a favorite (like that rumor that she and Mary got into it over their kids that was cut from the cast trip to protect both) than to show that Lisa is a good friend. She isn't. Which is why I LOVE Ms. Whit setting her up about how she's a good friend to have THREE witnesses (Bob, Mary, Angie K) on the couch next to her who ALL can say otherwise. Well-played, Whitney. And after pressing her, Lisa had no choice, but to come to some compromise. Let's see if she upholds that. Honorable mention...her pulling a Regina George on Heather with the STFU. 


HEATHER. She even threw Britini...who came on as HER friend...under the bus just to appear relevant. lol. That was how irrelevant Terri Demarco Heather was to this reunion. The ONLY time that she was relevant was when Ms. Whit flipped the script on Meredith (with Mary's help) and called out the hypocrisy of the ladies still going to bat for Jen Shah over Monica. THAT was the time for Heather to speak up. Even Production with the cameras knew that and focused clear on Heather. And what did she do? Looking down and sat there like a little church mouse. Weak sauce.


MEREDITH. Smh. I'm sure she did not like Mary speaking up against her over Jen Shah. Not that she should have been surprised. One of Mary's many throughline has always been Mary does not see it at all for Jen Shah. Moreso now that it's been proven this show can go on WITHOUT her. Unlike without Mary. Now *PhaedraParks*CHECK THAT.*PhaedraParks*

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ANGIE K. Curiously muted outside of the fact she and Brit came in the same dress. lol. Glad she came to a little truce over High Body Count Hair. 


MARY. MVP for me. Not only backing up Ms. Whit when Jen Shah came up, but she dished out truth on all of them. Because what Mary has never liked about them has been the fact that they don't like to be held accountable for things they actually did. And perhaps they wanted to have selective amnesia if they want, but most people remember how much of a (flashy) terror Jen was. And lest they forget, she was STEALING FROM OLD PEOPLE to fund her lifestyle. And also she LIED RIGHT UP UNTIL SHE WENT TO JAIL!!! Mary was reading that left couch, and I was living...backhanded compliments to Jen and all. And Couch Left can feel any way they want, but Mary be standing in her truth and worse...is an Andy's favorite...so they can't say JACK to her. And even if they did...she would read them like a Scripture (c) Mary Crosby. And I was also lmao at how she don't see it for Britini at all.


WHITNEY. Okay, she earned me calling her by her name. lol. Cuz for her not doing much in the other parts really, Whitney came out to play for this part. And that coup de grace of her setting Lisa up to look oh so stupid to Couch Right in the Best Friend Ever Contest was something out of Ashley Darby's playbook, and I was not mad at it. She came across silly, but rational vs Lisa. And to Lisa, image is EVERYTHING. So Lisa had to call a truce after. The fact that she and Lisa went toe to toe was crazy to watch. While I want them to maintain their truce, if they do not...Whitney needs to come like this moving forward. 


BOB. Hehe. I enjoyed her getting her lick back on Lisa. And her vs Britini will never not be funny. And all that tea about Jared...lmao. And the tea of the unseen footage and that her AND Lisa heard this rumor from some random guy from the spa. Hmmm. And then...Jared CLAPPED BACK ONLINE. And Production SHOWED the callback. I hollered. 


BRITINI. You know what? She is coco bananas, but I warmed up to her by the end. I don't want her to have a snowflake, but I don't mind her coming back in this FOH capacity. She was hilarious during the reunion. SLC's answer to Marlo of the old RHOA days. And the fact she waited around after her segment thinking she was going to come back for the end of toast. lol. And not to mention she was hoping to make an entrance was also lol. 


I also loved the positive note moment that Andy staged at the end. Usually they fall flat for me, but this one felt genuine. 


I didn't think this show would have a good season after S4 with Monica, but I'm eating my words. It was a pretty good season. A good newbie. Good personal stories and subplots. Personal good FOH. And it was mostly wrapped up at the end without it getting toxic. 


Can't wait for next season.



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Great write-up, and I have to cosign on Whitney coming out as the bigger person. Lisa has such tunnel vision, can't shut her yapper, and has very little genuine sympathy or empathy for anyone else. 

Crazy how a good season can turn one's opinion around for the time being. For instance, I thought this was mostly a great season for Potomac's Gizelle. She's lucky Candiace opted to leave the show, and perhaps she's best on her own without her sidekick. Instead, she has to learn to buddy up with others. 

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I couldn’t believe how much I liked Gizelle this season when I’ve hated her since season 1. Being forced to be friends with everyone and not being able to ice people out with Robyn did wonders for her. I hope the show realizes this and leaves Robyn where she is.

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