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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I saw the footage. For the life of me, I don't know why her lawyer or Ray did not advise her to settle with the state attorneys office. Do a little time and comply. The bodycam footage is bad. I feel for Karen because she obviously has,struggled with alcohol for a long time, and doesn't have perception about how badly the accident could have gone for her. I don't know if she will do a mea culpa at reunion, but I hope she will. She may go to jail, but it won't be the first time a RH has had to do that. Anyway, that's all I've got. I feel bad for Karen, one of my favorite RHs despite all this, and hope she cones out the other side of this mess.

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im sure they advised her of that but at the end of the day, the lawyers work for their client, not the other way around. Karen wanted to fight this bc she has a problem taking accountability and letting the world see her in a less than positive light. She probably didnt think these videos would be released

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In the statement I read he said that while they respected the jury's decision, they were reserving her right to appeal.

I also read the prosecutors were seeking 60 days in jail and then Karen chose to go to trial. I'm surprised she couldn't get it together and plead guilty and cut a deal for 30 days or less.

It's just plain foolishness or a lawyer who pumped her tires and gave her advice that fed into her ego.

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You are exactly right. Karen has a problem taking accountability, and in this particular case, it is going to be her downfall. I can't believe she thought the videos,wouldn't get out. They always get leaked. "Thomas Jefferson's concubine" is  particularly damning for a host of reasons,. But also because hours after the accident, she is still completely lit and running her mouth. The ride in the police car didn't even sober her up. I am wondering how Ray reacted to all this behind closed doors.

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Another lowkey episode with a great cliffhanger. But like I've been saying about a lot of things this week and last...still enjoyable, but the momentum this season had has been lost. Personally, I believe that the momentum will blow up again since La Dame vs Mia is in play still and we still have the cast trip coming. 


So this episode was a little bit of everything. I've already said that I loved how this season was allowing the ladies to have their own stories, and they were being threaded throughout the season. However, this one felt like filler. And it made it feel uneven. 


But thankfully Jacqueline was trying to be relevant which gave an overarching arc throughout the episode. La Dame wanted to have a couple event. Jacqueline wasn't invited. So of course when Mia mentioned she might come by herself, she was going to invited Jacqueline around. That thirst was real. It was good to keep the episode anchored to something, but still...


LA DAME. It is weird to comment on her in light of what's going on with her in real life. But pre-that, it was nice to see her setting up for a HW event. And she was in her bag by not inviting Jacqueline, being there for Stacey, and feuding with Mia. And there was the talk. The one she had with Ray. It was interesting to see her feeling a way about him...only for her stuff to be exploding in real life where he was being a good husband like she had been a good wife during his tax issues.


GIZELLE. You know what? I thought Gizelle was joking in interviews when she mentioned that she was still seeing guys she met during the speed dating cuz GIZELLE. So I was HAPPY to see her on her date with Hot Chocolate!!!! I about fell out. Girl DOES have a type. And just watching Gizelle was something different for her. And how oblivious she seem to be to the fact that the guy was devouring her with his eyes. He really seem into her!!! I was like...how does she not see it??? lol. And then she took him to the couples event. Gizelle...is giving.


ASHLEY. And not to be outdone, Ashley brought her Jack Harlow. And if Ashley is going to do anything, it'll be get a dig in at Karen.


WENDY. Not a thing to say. Sadly.


STACEY. lol. Everyone coming for Stacey and TJ was something else. I can't decide if they are trying to open her eyes or just give her more drama for the show. And it was nice to see Stacey's aunt to flower out this relationship between Stacey and TJ.


KEIARNA. HELLLLLLLLLLLL-HO, KEIARNA'S BROTHER!!!!! YES, PLEASE!!! Outside of that, Greg continues to come across as someone who doesn't want to be filmed. I continue to feel that will be the potential conflict for Keiarna as an individual storyline. 


MIA. God, I hate that blond on her. And I loved everyone getting in on her because she came to the couple event without G OR Inc. Of course, I felt she was going to use Jacqueline as her date, but I guess we will see more next year when the next new episode airs. 


Last new episode on a whimper.

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 The fact that I can sum it up in one word is saddening. 




I liked that Rebecca was finally opening up more. And that she finally was checking Brynn. And then last week, they save their confrontation to this week. And that ended in a bit of whimper. I would say for now. Cuz the vibe that Rebecca was giving was that she would be watching Brynn moving forward AND would pounce if she kept on with what she was doing by coming for her. Then the other cast members trying to keep this growing feud going was a case of them sensing they didn't have anything to show on this trip. 


There was also Raquel finally meeting her mother after six years. And THAT was good. It showed so much. It also continued why Raquel was a good addition to this cast that was giving nothing on this trip. 


The setting itself was giving more than I felt the cast was.


Now the next new episode though...? THAT looked good.


But...another misstep.

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I've been sick for the past two weeks. So I'm only now catching up properly. First of all, I have really missed a trick by not keeping up with SLC this season, haven't I? I will try to catch up with this season over the holidays. I've sometimes found it hard getting into prior SLC seasons (with the exception of last year's riveting season), but i hope to embrace Bronwynn and SLC's paradigm shift.

Secondly, is BH kind of struggling with its momentum this last episode? I haven't finished it so hopefully it gets good, and maybe I was just struggling with this bad cold and lack of sleep, but I had a hard time locking into the episode. 

Thirdly, RHONY. I watched the two Puerto Rico episodes back-to-back and loved them. Maybe the fun of the first episode disguised the 'whimper', as you put it, of the second. But honestly, I loved the easy flow of the whole thing, including the myriad relationships the women hold with each other, which is always heightened by a girls' vacay.

First of all, Sai, our Greek chorus. What a difference a year makes. Sai stirs but also keeps things light and breezy. Like Raquel she is Nuyorican, and being in PR seemed to make her glow from the inside.

Raquel is a MVP. From her observations of the other women to her reunion with her mom, which was both tense and loving (and which Sai understood to her bones), Raquel gave the audience something personal and vulnerable of herself, and brought out another dimension from Sai, too. I like the way they quietly click together and bring out the best in each other.

OK, so Brynn and Erin can be mean girls sometimes, but the two of them hanging out with Jenna (and, uh, Big Abe) was definitely the most fun group compared to the Instagram influencers. Also I think Ubah was jealous that Erin was having fun with them and not her, priming us for the fight with Brynn next week. I also think Erin likes to play her friends against each other like Kyle does, having them compete for her attention. 

Jessel has been curiously underpowered this season. However, something about her ditzy honesty, the fact that she's not quite as influencer-sophisticated as, say, Sai or Ubah, makes her a relatable enjoyable cast member.

Rebecca is Rebecca. A completely rational and self-actualized civilian who unwittingly walked into this show without understanding what any of this is about.

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Wow. Everyone is just falling sick this year. I was really bad off last week, but thankfully it hit around a period of time where my work week was light so I could (mostly) NyQuil it down while getting plenty of sleep. And it's been mostly a work week this week, but I been keeping with liquids and sleep as best I can. I hope you feel better.

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I was shocked to hear you were not doing SLC this year because I feel you would love this season. I had my doubts at the start of the season due to the absence of Monica...and her shadow is definitely hanging over the first half of the season...but in hindsight, the show has pivoted and built on nicely from S4. My only concern has been Heather and her ego. At this point...SHE is the only one keeping Monica alive...in real life in any case. I think, like Racquel on NY, you will love Bob (aka Bronwyn). But this year has been a great year for new housewives who not only have a good dynamic in the group, but their own interesting individual story. And...she's rich!! hehe. Also...Mary is the MVP this season as she ascends to a whole other level of Housewife by being authentically her, but more open and vulnerable to the audience. I know she's won over so many of her haters who have not liked her with her story of her son. Those scenes really had me crying for her and him. And her opening up and having a sincere friendship with Angie has been such a highlight. She is still her, but the things that people seem to not like about her, it feels like she heard...and she listened. PS. You HAVE to give your opinion of SLC's version of the BH Dinner from Hell. YOU...HAVE...TO. It was one of the BEST episodes of any HW show this year. AND it was at Mary's.  


For BH, I think you will have to ask @DaytimeFan, @Antoyne, @Cheap21, and/or @Gray Bunny because outside of clips...I've stopped watching overall. But from their comments, there was momentum. Has it been lost, you guys? 


NY...yes, I thought the first episode of their trip was pretty solid so I can't figure out why I was not feeling the second episode too much. I definitely agree that Erin is the type of friend who likes to see her friends fight over her. Because she was way too easily manipulated by Brynn to start up on Ubah and try for a gang-up. I was so happy Rebecca and Sai stood up for Ubah who I thought handled herself well by not fully engaging but staying calm. 


I love that you are loving Sai this season. And yes, there was nothing she said during the Racquel and her mother scenes that was not ringing true. A whole other side to Sai.


Racquel has been nothing, but giving. And I admit that I was scared of this meeting. I will give Eric Fuller his due because Racquel's storyline with her mother has been a nice slow burn. So the scenes could have fallen apart like most of Eric's stuff does. So I was happy to see that was not the case. And I don't think they have even gotten to the meat of it yet so still so invested. That could be because my own relationship with my mother is an interesting one when it comes to me being a gay black man.  


So it's not just me? re: Jessel. I still like her and her vibe. But she's been backburnered for a while now. Given she was THE fan favorite last season, I do find that worrying. 

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I think it's the bad cold (I had a rough one two weeks ago) because I am loving BH this season. I can't get enough of Dorit and how she isn't letting her foot off the gas when it comes to exposing Kyle and all her manipulative bullsh*t.

Yes, something is going around - I was sick as a dog with a nasty cold for 2 weeks.

BH is excellent this season. SLC is also excellent. RHOP is also having a great season. As did OC. This is the year where a lot of franchises had a great comeback.

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Agree with everything in your post. BH hasn’t come out swinging like this is in years and this week was another home run for Dorit. The way she shut down Camille, who my god I hope this wasn’t her audition to get back on, was basically flawless. Dorit also is able to remember the things she’s said to people and I’m loving it.

Truly a come back year for multiple franchises.

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