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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I liked it, but not as good as last season's trailer. 


LOVE that Mary is back as a Snowflake. And as usual, she's going to give us content. And it looks like it's going to be NEW content, too...the sign of a great Housewife. Meanwhile, say it ain't so? I love Meredith/Mary together. But it looks like it will be a good fallout with both getting their licks in. 


I'm shocked to say this...but if Lisa was still Fabulous Ice to me...I would say I was on her team in the Lisa vs Little Girl feud. But now? I'm actually Team Little Girl...who looks like (and forgive me @Gray Bunny for saying it) she will be using that Ashley Darby playback she got from Gizelle on ALL STARS 4 and was using last season a bit to maxmize a feud with Lisa. Could she be upping her game a la Porsha post-RHOA S5. Time will tell. And Lisa lunging...Guuurl. Let that be MONICA, I bet she wouldn't. Oh, the irony.


And here comes Heather as a sniper from the side. Le sigh. I wish the others (outside of Mary) would see her for who she is. Instantly Team New Girl on that feud. 


But...they all appear to be putting in the work. Which they knew they would have to after Season 4. 


Might be watching. 







Same. And reading what you wrote, I wonder if Little Girl's voiceover at the beginning is referencing that re: Monica as well. If so, she is really is going to try to establish herself as the Ashley Darby of this show. 


Heather for me has been a case of the Emperor's New Clothes. Now that I see her for what she is, I cannot unsee her. So yes, I would love that the only reason she is center cast photo is because Production is about to do a takedown on her late in the season to top the Monica reveal that also came in later in the season last season. If so...clever. 

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Honestly...not a lot went on. I still loved it, but outside of the surprising brunch between Lesa and Stanbury, it was pretty much the Housewives going about their lives with a polo event at the end.

And what a brunch it was!!! I think I might have to re-watch it to get all of the nuances on display. Because the wordplay they were using on each other...this was not a brunch. It just felt like Lesa and Stanbury were playing a game of chess with each other. Still, for two girls who dislike each other, it says something about both of them that they could sit down and hash it out in the interest of their mutual friend. 


Outside of the polo event, this episode was just great in how it showed some of the cast's lives. It was great to see Ayan working on her business. Not sure how I feel about the idea of Sara's son almost getting kidnapped though I loved the Nina cameo (and her shade hehe). And that final scene with Caroline and Sergio...just wooow. It felt so real, and I hate to say it...but I think he truly does love Caroline. 


CAROLINE. If Caroline Stanbury is going to do anything, she's going to show EVERYTHING. And she did. Girl went on a whole apology tour this episode to the point that even I am over it. So is Sara. And the friendship with Ayan might actually be important enough for her to actually be emotional about it and also HAVE A SITDOWN WITH HER NEMESIS. lol. And if there is anyone that Caroline is competing against...it's Lesa. And just her talking about her life and her birthday was very enlightening, and...it might actually be love with her and Sergio and it was nice to see that talk at the end. Heartbreaking though it might be in the long term. 


TALEEN. Outside of showing Saba how to do squats and the polo event, she didn't do anything this week. 


BROOKS. Outside of the polo event, she didn't do anything this week, either. If anything, it was nice to have it confirmed that she's known Taleen's husband longer than she's known Taleen. And that was why that fight at Caroline's housewarming was a cut too deep for her. 


SARA. lol. Nina said online that her cameo was totally last minute because she had run into Sara. Nice to see her regardless. And this story with Sara, the nanny, and her son....just WOW. I hope she punishes that woman for even considering the potential kidnapping. And the men wanting to even consider a kid is very foul and disgusting. Saba also continued to say nothing, but true about Sara's relationship with Akin. If he is insecure now when they are not married, how would he be if they were married?


AYAN. Outside of her business meeting and her polo dress, she didn't really give much either. Except annoyance. Because she kept harping on the voice note business, and it just felt like everyone has now moved past it. And was it me or was she annoyed that Lesa/Stanbury are now getting along? I mean...really?


LESA. I think we know where I stand with her and VoiceNoteGate. But it was the brunch that got me. It's not that Lesa has not shown she can have a civil conversation with someone she doesn't like. It was still surprising to see her sit down with Stanbury. And then the conversation. I felt what Lesa was saying was true, but just how she said it. 


Overall...it was just...there. 

Granted I'm no Brandi fan, but that does not take away from Andy and his nasty-ness.

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I think the story is shaping up to be Lesa vs Stanbury and their lingering resentment, and in a way, Ayan is merely peripheral to events. Interesting that Ayan said she was angry at Lesa about how events went down... I was like B!tch, where? How are you angry at Lesa?? But honestly, as lowkey as the episode was, I loved how it took us into individual lives. Sara uncovering a kidnapping plot chimed with what I've heard about wealthy people in the Gulf -- they have to be careful whom they hire because ransom situations are real, given all the money there.

And lucky Brooks has deflected all the drama to Lesa and is watching from the side, happy to swoop in like a harpy and gather up the broken pieces to cackle over. I wonder how reunion went for her?

Andy and Brandi... either this story disappears into the ether, like the Bethenny union thing, or it clings on and kills Andy's career.

RHOC -- I've caught up, tonight's episode notwithstanding, and what a fire season it has been so far. OC hit the ground running. Tamra doing the most to destroy Shannon emotionally is such a bad look on her (coached by her minion Terri, I wonder?). And Gina finally getting called out on her stirring is long overdue. OC and Dubai are really hitting the spot right now.

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