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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I listened to an interview with Andy on Isaac Mizrahi's podcast where he mentioned that the Housewives put themselves on display with the expectation of getting feedback, which I am using as an excuse to post the pic of Erica Jayne from tonight's promo of WWHL looking very skinny.  Between her and Kyle, it makes me wonder if the storylines on RHoBH are going to center on all the women being h-angry all season.  Similarly, I just saw RHoNJ's The Marge on TikTok who seems to be a mere shadow of her former self.  Whoever is giving these women weight loss drugs should get their prescription pad revoked!

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Thanks. That scene was literal TRUTH. Mr. Graves thought: 'I've protested racism, segregation and struggled for civil rights. Why should I stay quiet about this vainglorious fool?'


@DaytimeFan Thanks for the nuRHONY Erin Lichy tea. I knew there was something I couldn't warm to about her! Besides her obsessive hyper-competitiveness, LOL.

Seriously though, we know that people of different political stripes appear on the RH shows. This is America now; this is certainly my extended family now, and this is our WORLD now -- deeply polarised. The crazy thing is Erin donating FOUR TIMES to a T*ump/Giuliani Ponzi scheme. I did a Wikipedia read on WinRed and apparently it is facing a bunch of legal cases regarding the organization's 'auto-donate' function where donors kept getting 'automatically' billed again and again. So I'm pretty sure Erin will go the excuse route of 'they got my credit card details and kept billing me without my knowledge.' But my goodness, these NY/Long Island/NJ Trump supporters. They grew up watching him being interviewed on Donahue in the 80s. They will never stop loving him, because he is a Queens boy and they consider him one of them.


I was going to disagree with you at first about Sai, because she keeps bringing up the age thing re: Jenna. Like, girl, you are not some spring chicken. But then Sai talked about how she grew up and, my God, another great moment. The other women like Erin and Jessel were like "How could you afford an apartment at 16?" and Sai said "It was super-cheap and I worked at Sears." Like, yeah, she didn't get an allowance from Daddy. 

I like Jessel because she is bringing the relationship drama. That much is clear.

Brynn is still such a mystery to me. Who is she married to? Is she divorced? What does she do? Did she grew up like Sai did? Maybe next episode we will have a deeper dive on Brynn.

It is doing it for me, too. It is definitely building to Everybody vs Heather. This is, essentially, Tamra's ultimate revenge envisioned. Also, Vicki poking Gina... Vicki is going to come back (near) full-time, right?


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Sai just... seems to distanced, and very mysterious to me. But, this past episode, she really just hit me and I'm liking her. From running into Erin's room (and whiping out) to her talking about her background, she's just... clicking. Plus, her banter with Ubah at dinner when Brynn was talking to Erin about Jenna was fun to see.

Jessel just seems so... unlikeable to me. She is that classic Ramona of apologizing for behaviour and then immediately repeating it as if the apology did not just happen, but that's also another reason I disliked Ramona.

Brynn annoys the ever-living s**t out of me!

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A couple RHs are looking shrivelled, though I tend to believe that Kyle Richard's weight loss is also due to her new work-out regime, which she's been doing with her 'new BFF,' Morgan Wade. She is getting muscles, unlike some of the other RH skinnies -- I'm looking at you, Marge, who no matter how many Ozempics she swallows and face-lifts/dental-work she has, stays looking her age. And I preferred Erika with her curves. Erika's whole shtick was the Jane Russell showgirl, after all.

Ozempic a RH fad right now, just like the dental-work and that sucked-in-cheekbones look were. I hope nobody harms themselves with this one, though.

Jessel is unlikeable in many ways, and clearly insecure about her position in the pack. However, I agree with her about the cheapo green lingerie, which was not flattering at all. I think she will continue being unlikeable because she is insecure about showing the real Jessel on TV. I still think it will be watchable, though.

Brynn is going to annoy me soon, and the 'sexy come-on' quips could eventually end in a harassment suit, but right now I'm intrigued to know more about her. I feel like we haven't seen anything about her!

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It was a cute gift, and she really did mis-handle the situation. If anything, it was a size or two too big. She could've easily just said, "Oh, thank you so much" and kept her comments to herself, to avoid hurting Jenna's feelings, because it's obvious Jenna kind of shrunk into herself when Jessel said those things. Plus, Erin was right: you haven't had sex in a long-ass time... STFU, slap the lingerie on, and screw your man. I also think the lingerie was conversative, which from an outsider POV, looks like it would make sense... but knowing she enjoys lollipop sticks... whew.

She is giving me the ultimate "beauty fades, dumb is forever" vibes.

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Side note: Ugh, the dental work / sucked-in cheekbones thing always weirds me out, especially when it's a younger woman in Hollywood who suddenly looks like a different person because the bottom half of their face looks so different, i.e. Sophia Bush, Shelley Henning (ex-Stephanie, DAYS).  I could be wrong; maybe they just lost weight in their faces as they got older. It just seems off to me. 

I haven't seen NuRHONY episode 3, but I enjoyed the second episode without Brynn, that's for sure. From the one episode I saw of her plus the cast's appearance on WWHL, she was already doing too much; similar to Jen Shah's premiere episode on SLC. 

Re: RHUGT RHONY Premiere:  I'm SO glad we get this one earlier!  Glad they're feeding into the buzz.  Until I saw that last line about Morocco, I thought they might be scrapping the Caroline/Brandi season altogether... 


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RHONY episode 3

I want to like this show but this cast is SO petty. We’re just now getting to know them and the things they’ve been getting upset about are so trivial and forced to me that I don’t care. They spent the whole episode berating Jenna because god forbid she had to work at 6:30am and they were partying. Like WHAT?!

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I think the women got peeved with Jenna because they stayed up filming and Jenna (much like Kenya does on RHOA) ain't about to film extra sh*t past the call time. I can't blame Jenna if that was her reason. Ain't nobody about to film and work for free. Any overtime filming would result in double time pay. I thought the whole fight was dumb. 


I do like these women though. Old RHONY (pre season 10) used to fight about dumb stuff. I'd rather these women fight about cheese instead of dark, grizzly matters like the Gorgas/Guidice  family fights, Marlo trying to make her nephew's death a beef with Kandi, Tom Girardi crap, Jenn scamming folks, etc. 

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