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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Well...Adriana vs Guerdy? Who would have thought?


I've already said that Adriana was a mover and shaker on this show because she was messy. And this past episode, she really was. In fact, she seem green at Guerdy and Julia bonding. Growing closer. But I couldn't help but wonder if it was because they were bonding or if it was because the attention was not on her. 


That said...that did not take away from the fact Guerdy was messy, too!!! She knew good and well what she was doing when she continued to needle Adriana about the feet rubbing. ESPECIALLY in Martina's presence. 


Both of them were high voltage and it was great to watch. Mmmmmm I could understand Guerdy to be honest. My past is not a good one and I have had my dark days. So to be able to survive that with a positive outlook is something to inspire to. And yeah...it makes you a little bit...extra. Seize the day indeed. And why back down from anyone? Especially someone as extra and messy as yourself...which Adriana was being. Can't two women bond over losing children? Guess not. 


And then...Martina...GUUUUURRRRRL!!!! Can she get a mojito? lol. She was going toe to toe with Adriana, too, and I loved it. If she did not know about Julia and Adriana...SHE DOES NOW!!! And she was gathering. LOVE.


Meanwhile...Alexia's drama with the ex-husband's gay lover ends. NOT her drama, mind you. See...promo for next week with Peter vs Todd. But...it's safe that we didn't get to see the ex-lover. But...given what he does for a living (thank you Twitter for the tea.

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 )...yeah, I can understand why. I did love that there was at least some resolution by Alexia, Marysol, and her gay friend even if it was like an episode of JG's Y&R


Another good episode. 

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Well...and I love the title of the first episode...first impressions...



ANDREA. Not annoying...yet...but so very self-absorbed so far. Attempting to be witty, but feels like for show.


LYDIA. I admit that I was expecting Lydiot.

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Right now she seems so ordinary. But yes...as mentioned, you could already see that she's very 'hide the hand and act innocent.' How...Kyle of her. lol. It was who got the ball rolling with Jackie vs Gina. And I believe that will be what turns into everyone against Gina. We'll see. I'm on Episode 3.


JACKIE. Ooooo...I always knew she was quirky. After all, shine, shine, shine. hehe. But I didn't realize who her husband was. Ha! I'm back in high school again! I liked her so far though, but it is funny that at some point it feels like she will be accepted when so far the show started as the rich versus the underdog rich. Liked everyone's reaction to her.


JANET. Thank @Cat for letting me know she will find someone. I am liking her as a divorced woman so far trying to get back on the horse. So relatable. And her humor at herself has been cute to watch. 


CHYKA. OMG!!!! #GOALS. Business. Foine chef husband. Wealth. I love everything about her so far. 


GINA. Yeah, she had spark from GO!!! And I love it. Even if I feel she is going to hard on Jackie. But she has a refreshing self-awareness that I already like. I can't wait to see what she does next.


And do I have to even mention...the wealth.


Congrats for sure. I had no idea.


That does make me wonder though if that is why he has been on edge. 




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This was the episode where I sat up and thought, OK, Miami isn't playing. We are going to have some serious interpersonal drama here. And Martina putting Adriana in her place was just that moment. Suddenly we have a triangle. Suddenly everyone is aware that there is a flirtation between Julia and Adriana. And Guerdy brought it up as payback for the way Adriana treated her when she and Julia had an unexpected bonding moment. When I knew Guerdy AND Martina Freaking Navratilova were both prepared to get messy, that's when I started to pay attention!

And I got nothing but nice to say about Baby Lucy Cohen. If she's anywhere near as cute as Ben, she is going to be adorable.

Aww that first episode was so good! Wait til you see more of Andrea, though. The phrase 'Give them enough rope with which to hang themselves' comes to mind! I couldn't believe some of the stuff coming out of her mouth.

And yes Chyka's Bruce is foine as [!@#$%^&*]. I love how enthusiastic and positive she is-- they both seem to love what they do.

I am watching Season 5 right now and the stunning locations and cinematography are still top-tier. Like seriously, Melbourne is a step above the average RH show. Not that I mind not seeing that on other shows. Potomac, for example, keeps it real and adresses financial precariousness, it doesn't pretend to be anything it's not. It doesn't have to TRY to be entertaining, either. And I appreciate it all the more because of that -- it is one of, if not my favorite, franchise for a reason.

Nevertheless, watching some glamorous international locales always adds an element of excitement. And that reminds me.... Dubai will be coming soon. I think the wealth on that show is going to blow most of the other franchises out of the water. Oil/property development wealth is another level.

Edited by Cat
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That was a fun premiere. Drew didn’t even bother me that much, even though I’m still puzzled how she got a second season after watching her absolutely bomb her first season (with that Prophet Lott nothingburger—the S13 reruns leading up to the premiere did her no favors).

Looks like we’re getting another season of her hot but clearly duplicitous husband making her look crazy on national television.

Sanya seems fresh and fun.

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That's VERY interesting. 


I am catching up and I am sure that will color things a little, but best to know now.


Sounds like Production is covering because other than the wealth Heather brings...what else would the season bring other than a Shannon takedown season...what else would the season?


That show needs a live wire. And Tamra is gone. So is Kelly. So is Braunwyn. And while she is no Kenya, Noella is being that live wire.


It will be interesting to see how next season go? Will Production keep covering or are they setting up Noella for a fall? 

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I felt like they took too long to get back to us. A telling sign of that...I had forgotten that Kenya was on DANCING WITH THE STARS. That could have taken up some episodes. I loved it was at least referenced. There's nothing like things going on in people's lives, but we the audience heard nothing about it. 


It was a good premiere. And this cast definitely POPS in my opinion. From Marlo getting her peach to ShebySheree's return to Sanya being introduced and already mixing it up, it was like a nice start to a new era. So much so Production gave shoutouts to Porsha (Not Ashy), Cynthia, and Nene...letting the audience know they are important to the legacy of this show...but we are turning a corner. And I'm here to see it. 


Which brings us to the two things. Marlo's event. And the drama already starting with Ralph. I loved Marlo's event. So much fashion. Some celebrity. And at least Production trying to give a somewhat logical reason to what Marlo's money. Of course we know better.

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 But this idea is sound. Who knows how Marlo clothes people in the industry and I really had to think about that. But that could be my years watching THE CITY showing. And as for Ralph...I had heard the rumors for whether that would be a storyline. And...? I said at the end of last season that they were going to drag Drew for how she sidekicked for Porsha last season. So...not surprised. 


That said...it was a great start to the season. And Kenya, Marlo, Kandi, and ShebySheree kiki-ing at the start was awesome. And I want more of that. It just felt so much lighter, breezy, fun. 


KENYA. I said on my page and I'll say it now. Of course, Drew would go ahead and apologize. She spent all of last season coming for her. But with no backup from vets this season, she had to go and kiss that ring. Love how unbothered Kenya was by it. But Kenya was fun and living life. And I now have her crush on her dancing partner. hehe. And it was nice to see Brooklyn without her face being block out. And I love her light shade. But it's sad that the feud with Marlo appears to be starting already due to Sanya and Sheree's pot stirring. And I was soo in awe of the white dress she wore to Marlo's event. 


SHEBYSHEREE. Don't call it a comeback...call it a TAKEOVER.    I'll say this much. One thing that Sheree is good at...is poking fun at herself. Heck, she poked fun at the fact that she's broke tonight. So it was nice to see her continue to do the same. But I'm glad she's back in all her delusional glory. And I'm looking forward to seeing how things with Tyrone goes since originally he refused to film. But he DOES come around. And look at her pot stirring between Marlo and Kenya. She fit in soooo well and flawless. And I can already tell she's not here for Drew. Looking forward to the start of their feud.


KANDI. Let me get it out of the way right now...I LOVE she was serving 80s realness in her new Confessional with the leather top and total curly 80s hair. More please.  And I love she was being messy this episode...I know KANDI? Really? That she picked up on the inconsistencies in Ralph's story. That SHE went and found the assistant online. And then pot stirred with Drew. 


SANYA. I like her. Though during her intro scenes with Drew, it clicked who she was. I know. I didn't know it was THAT Sanya. Oooooooo....intrigued by her. Now sure how I feel about ShebySheree taking her under her wing and already have her stirring the pot to get Marlo vs Kenya starting. But so far, I like her presence, her vibe, and intriguing family life. And like most newbies, she did not come across as awkward in the group scenes at all. You woud think she had always been there if you didn't know better.


DREW. Le sigh. I think we all know that Latoya was my favorite last season over Drew. So outside of foine husband, she was just doing too much. Heck, she's still doing too much. I loved Kandi and Sanya already shading her. No matter how she acts she will NEVER be a Kenya Jr. At least she was smart enough to kiss the ring at Marlo's event and apologize from go to Kenya. But she clearly ain't too smart if she thinks that is going to save her from her well deserving dragging for backing Porsha last season. So I fully expect her to take her licks. That said...this Ralph storyline...might save her. We'll see.


MARLO. SHE GOT HER PEACH, YOU'ALL!!! HAHAHA!!! I admit...I like seeing the family side to her. While she still puts on airs...I still felt those scenes were MOSTLY real. And she is out living life. But...she should have been wise to what Sanya and Sheree was doing. But perhaps it was the point of wanting her night to be prefect and also the memories of 'KENYA MOOR HAIR-CARE!!!!' but she overreacted. I like that Kenya did not take the bait...YET...cuz the season just started and we don't need that feud yet. However, I don't know if I would say Marlo can't read. SEASON 4 MARLO COULD AND DID READ...PEOPLE...DOWN. And I giggled at her (and ShebySheree's) montage in the episode. She's come a loooooooong way since Africa. 


And next week...the Ralph drama begins and we might get a new group of Househusbands, too...I'm down. 

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