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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Now THAT is a midseason trailer. RHOP is having a fabulous season which, after an epic previous season, is no small feat. 

Literally nothing happened. I found Eboni's story with her father to be the biggest letdown - we didn't even see a Zoom call. Just her leaving a voicemail! Nothing! 

The only upside was Sonja saying she'd destroyed a toilet and when she left her phone on and had a hot mic moment with Lu. 

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I try and try to watch the new season of NY, but I can't. I can't stomach Ebony and her Regina George mean girl queen-manipulative good girl persona. I really can't. This will probably be an unpopular opinion. Ramona is the only one that still brings something wild and interesting. And her being accused of having white privilege... every episode... is disgusting. And racist. Nobody should feel bad they are white. Ramona is NOT a racist. But how the story is being pushed... it's unbearable. Leah has some kind of mental problems... is she borderline or something. She starts yelling and screaming everytime there is a different oppinion.

Stop with this wokeness and this serious tone. Also.. get Sonja help, the woman is clearly a self destructive chronic alcoholic. She need HELP ASAP. This now has become exploiting a sick drunk woman... it's not funny anymore... it's not hot... it's not Sex and the city. It's Postcards from the edge and Sunset Boulevard.

Luann doesn't really have a point in this show anymore. I think she needs to go.


I would NEVER bring back Bethenny. Bethenny stopped being interesting after season 8.  We don't need another season of her crying and always knowing it all. And I used to love Bethenny.


We need FRESH blood. And we need Jill Zarin back.



Also... Beverly Hills has become so fake and boring... I snooze half the episode. And once upon a time it was so dramatic.

Now we have this long scenes, where nothing happens, while a short argument is made to be so big... 5 seconds of conflict with dramatic music... it's not enough. The show is dying also... Garcelle is the only thing fresh in it.

Dorrit has to go.

So does Kyle. And her sister.




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Annnnd Kaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrnnnnnn WIIIIIIIINNNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!


But seriously...Wendy and Mia sitting there as Wendy goes off on Robyn is giving Candy and Lulu from POSE vibes and I was here for it.


I am always here for Ashley vs Cadiace!!!! And the fact that Ashley was mocking her was the cherry on top. 


And the salad toss...hehe.


And as Candiace mentioned...MICHAEL DARBY IS AT IT AGAIN!!!!


And of course...MACY GRAY!!!


Can't wait. 


My only disappointment was that we are at midseason...awwww



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That RHOP halfway trailer was so well constructed, and I was so pleased that they are not going to ride the Eddie divorce rumors as the only SL on the show. We'll be seeing more of the Darbys vs the Bassett Hounds, and that is always good for drama.


@Chris B Re: the RHONY reunion...

Is there even going to be a reunion? In some ways, it might be best to treat this season as a crazy anomaly, end it with next week's finale and pretend it never happened come next season. 

However, I do worry given latest ratings. According to Bravo Ratings, RHONY S13E16 - 0.746 million viewers (0.19 18-49 demo) -- this is RHOD levels, and the demo is poor as well. Viewers have given up on this season. After the RHOD decision, I'm worried that Bravo may be debating doing the same with RHONY. 

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I think you're onto something, @Cat - Bravo should not proceed with a reunion. This season should never be mentioned again and totally ignored from cannon. In a lot of ways it is like the last season of OC, which sucked hard, and then Bravo decided to delay its filming and eventual release. The same should be happening with RHONY. 


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And the divide...WIDENS.


Not surprised really. After Team Real came in and started asking the real questions, of course the Coven would be wanting the payback and being petty. And sadly last week after the Coven threw Sutton under the bus last week, none of the real life stuff with those cowards (outside of the Kathy/Kyle scene) ring anything but hollow. When someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE THEM. Sad, but true.


What is also true? Dorit is dead to me. Again, I guess I should not be surprised. She has been back and forth and blowing wherever the wind went. And after playing with the right team last season, it was a matter of time before she fell again. But THIS? How dare she!!! A person cannot sit there and accuse someone of something she herself was doing. And the micro-aggressions? Read the room, Boo. 


I guess she's in good company since Erika cannot read a room either. When all of your friends admit to consulting with lawyers and you pick on the one who actually was willing to give you a loan per Never Before Seen Scene on a special episode of BH, one shows their hand too easily. It was interesting that she was in a meeting ON CAMERA with Kyle and Ex Soap Opera Star and they tried to get back the narrative Garcelle and Sutton successfully snatched away from them last week with Erika trying to spin (and failed) to tell another lie story. 


And next week...DINNER PARTY FROM HELL PART 2. They better show EVERYTHING if they are using that as the title for next week.


KYLE. I think out of everyone in that Coven, she came out pretty well this week. I admit that I've had my own thoughts about AMERICAN WOMAN and was proud she was actually trying to build a brand even if it put her in conflict with her sisters. And with Kathy on this season and knowing how she felt about the show, it was good to see them finally talk about it. If only Kim had been there. For once I saw what Andy was talking about with the sister dynamic, and I found myself thinking about what if all three sisters had started at the same time on the show. It was eye opening and intriguing for sure. We did see Producer Kyle in that scene with her, ErikFAKE, and Ex Soap Opera Star. But the one I REALLY love...was Kyle pulling an Ashley/Candiace Episode 2 Combo at Garcelle vs Dorit. Her looks were giving me life, girl!!!! LOL!!!!  Because you knew she wanted to use the opportunity to throw Garcelle over the bus, but her dislike of Dorit was more than her need to do that (and the fact she knew how she would look after last season if she did)  and she was loving every minute of Garcelle telling Dorit about herself. I was right there with her.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. I hope it's true she is about to be subpoenaed. That said...she showed her hand last week so those house scenes feel like an act. And when the best thing, outside of if I remember those dresses, is your daughter's boyfriend...yeah, epic fail. Not helped by helping ErikFAKE with her fake a$$ narrative. At least she kept her big lips shut.



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HOW DARE YOU!!!! As a black man, I found that extremely triggering. How about you 'OWN IT!' and admit that you were upset that Garcelle called you out on your flipflopping last week. That's what this was really about. That she was trying to pull from things that happened a year ago. That she sat there and corrected a black woman. That she was taking JABS in the way that she was accusing Garcelle of doing. That producers had the rollback on the fact that she talks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much and NO*clap*ONE*clap*THING*clap on Garcelle doing anything vicious to her? Dorit can frak all the way off. And I await when Producer Kyle decides she is expendable and throws out the debt her and PK battle with in RL. JS. *shrugs* Loved that Kathy, Kyle (with her looks) and Crystal backed Garcelle up and that silly idiot from Connecticut had to back down and STILL tried to throw in a jab. I hope she realized going forward Garcelle will HAVE NO MERCY and I WILL BE LIVING. 



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You suuuuure, Baby!!!! Tore her a$$ right on up. I loved how she played it. It was a study on why black women have to be so careful. See Dorit correcting her. See Garcelle seeing she was about to go completely off on her. See Dorit try to belittle her with the 'oh, we are going to walk away now?' YES, BITCA CUZ SHE ABOUT TO DRAG YOUR A$$$ and UNLIKE YOU, SHE HAS CLASS. Also unlike her, Garcelle can pivot beautifully and got in that face...but again...OPTICS of a black woman standing over a white woman sitting down. And look at the Coven telling her to sit down. Uh...why? What are they afraid of? Heck, we had Kyle storm off the same way last season at Denise's, but we aren't going to talk about that??? From there, she gathered Dorit. And when Kathy and Crystal had her back over Dorit, Dorit knew she lost and was still picking. It was clear Dorit was looking for a moment and Garcelle let her know YOU AIN'T GETTING ONE HERE over what EVERYONE already knew. And just like Mia with Wendy on POTOMAC at the start of the season, if the offended friend had no problem with Garcelle, why do YOU have a problem? Oh, yeah...you have been irrelevant so far this season and need a moment. 


SUTTON. Needed more clapback. Though I loved her clapback at the dinner. Yes, it was ErikFAKE's problems and not at all bs. These cities talk. And when you are on multiple boards and know everyone who is anyone (I see Sutton was invited to the Met Gala this year vs Pat the Puss...I wonder why?), you do have to worry about your image. Especially when someone is clearly lying. 


CRYSTAL. Thank you for reminding everyone (since a cat apparently had ErikFAKE's tongue) that Garcelle did not know they had talked about not mentioning it. And that they had mentioned this THREE times at this point. Time to let the mouse go. 


ERIKA. SHUT UP, BITCH. And yes, I did not say BITCA. There is a difference.   Even as I am typing they are trying to prove in court that an LLC does not know everywhere. WHATEVER HO. She has completely lost the narrative thanks to Sutton and she is burning mad at that. The fact that there is a cut scene showing that Sutton was willing to loan her money shows 1) Sutton is at least a good friend enough to offer and 2) shows exactly who ErikFAKE is. [!@#$%^&*]...HER. Oh, look I can clean!!! So can I when I have time. Your point? If I had been Sutton and she started that mess with me, I would have showed her what a true Gemini is and we are A++ on Bitchcraft and we would MENTION...IT...ALL. Talking about small talk...BITCH, AREN'T YOU FROM ONE? Not Sutton's fault you played your hand POORLY. 





I admit I'm still back in Salem. And you all are making me scared to watch. lol.


And even now there are conflicting rumors about the reunions from ALL the sources. (not helped by Andy btw)


So let's see if anything pops up by the end of today since it's the alleged filming day.

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The finale of RHOM was Alexia’s wedding, which was canceled when her mom died…


I agree. Clearly something big is going on behind the scenes. Too much is leaking and they aren’t commenting. I think the reason they’re avoiding a reunion is because of what happened with Dallas. It’s best to just move on as y’all have said. 

I just hope they give Bershan another shot. I think she was great casting for RHONY and deserves another shot. After this weeks boring episode it was nice to see her heavily appear in the promo for next week. 

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Dorit is a twit. I didn't fully buy her Good Guy act last year, so in a way this is true to form. She just wants her moment because she did F all in the first 10 episodes of this season. All the deflection she is putting on Garcelle is to cover her ass re: throwing her BFF Erika under the bus to all the others.

The fact that Erika said nothing to defend Garcelle was "whack" to borrow the term she started throwing around at Sutton. When Sutton burst out laughing at her, I almost cheered!

What was surprising was Kyle doing the bare minimum to defend her fellow Encino-dwelling buddy. And in the VTs she was relishing Dorit being brought down a notch. @Taoboi is right -- when it comes to a choice between Dorit or Garcelle, sniper from the side Kyle is more than comfortable seeing Dorit go down in flames. Guess they're not as tight as we thought they were.

Kyle is by far having her best season ever. Kathy makes her look funny, light-hearted and relatable. Her BTS manipulations are a thing of beauty: she's telling tales on Sutton to Erika and Rinna, and yet has Sutton on speed-dial for cosy morning chats while she puts on her face. Will she ever be exposed? Not this year -- Erika has definitely taken the heat off her. That was a nice scene with Kathy about Américain Woman and the wedge that drove them apart. I felt like it was genuine too.

Next week: i am ready for Sutton to bop the snarling Cujo right in the nose! "Or what? OR WHAT?" -- BOP!

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That is truly shocking and devastating for Alexia. I remember her mom the psychotherapist who lived in Madrid during S3 when she did those therapy sessions with Alexia's son Peter. Covid, too -- how devastating.


Yes, they way you explain it re: RHONY's non-existent reunion is perhaps for the best. Best not to draw any more attention to this season which has been so publicly maligned. Take time to reassess and regroup in better Covid times.  I will say that the fact that so many outlets are discussing what went wrong with RHONY suggests viewers want to see it restored to its original lustre. Many fans are invested in the show getting back on its feet. With Dallas, talk of the show on social media simply trailed off into indifference. 

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I know!!! And the salad toss has not happened...YET.

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And Oooooooooooooooo TEA!!!!


ETA: Now that someone posted it...the CUT scene from last week's BH I mentioned.




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