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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I thought it was a good start to the next cast trip. Team Teresa/Jennifer/Dolores though. lol.


You have Marge and Melissa worrying about Jackie like she is Regina George and they are Mean Girl 1 and Mean Girl 2. Meanwhile you have Teresa, Jennifer, and Dolores actually talking about life. Teresa with the house, everyone picking on Dolores about David, Jennifer with her parents. And THEN...the tea about Marge's Joe. See what I did there? What do the wannabe Mean Girls have to talk about? NOTHING. Except for the rumor they don't want to talk about??? Oh and Teresa. SMH. 




MEMORIES OF NONO. I should have known. I cannot ever see or heard anyone talk about the death of parent without tearing up. So Teresa talking about Nono and her mother and just how REAL her talking about it. I had a good two minute cry. I miss my dad, Teresa. I totally understand and feel that. And I remember the video of the doves online so that just hit my heart. And then Joey talking about hard that was to do with it happening in the middle of Co-Vid...anyone who lost someone understood that.


DOLORES. I've been enjoying how more and more, they are showing so much of Dolores's life. And her family. And her dynamic with her man. And just...more. I just don't recall them showing so much outside of Frank Sr. And Frankie so it's been refreshing. And I like she got an award and they touched on breast cancer. But yeah, I'm like Melissa...what is up with Dolores and David. His vibe when all the girls were showing up at HIS house was...odd.


TERESA'S GIFT. Come on! It was funny. I felt like it was part-dig, part-humor when she gave Jackie the 'gift.' I mean was Jackie not just talking analogies and the like. If anything...correct me if I was wrong, but did they cut out the Evan line from the preview clip of that scene?






MARGE. Girl...you be lying. Every time she said she never hear it, she had the tone of someone that did not even believe what she was saying. And we know Joe was lying and he looked it, too. 


JACKIE. Girl...you were too crying. Trying to be a victim when she is the one who is keeping the rumor alive. 


Again, good start. 








So...after fighting with Falynn on Twitter...Latoya might just go to the reunion after all. lol. Lord, those two.


So far...Falynn is not going to be at the reunion. Unless she is tricking Latoya in order to get her to drag her. Verbally. 

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I still enjoy Marge. Sue me. LOL. I don't blame her husband for denying saying anything and liked that the other husbands kept mum. They wanna stay out of the women fighting; other House-husbands should take note. 


Meanwhile, even though this Teresa/Jackie feud was exacerbated this season by Teresa, Jackie is the one that needs it to survive on this show, and it's.... draining. I'm going to call it early and say this will be her last season because this is her final leg to stand on. 


Other than that, fun episode. @Taoboi ITA on the Mean Girls analogy, and preferring the Teresa/Dolores/Jennifer car ride. And wow, those vibrators looked like bowling pins! 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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THANK YOU!!! She's been a revelation this season for me. With everything ended and done, it's like she has a new lease on life and dare it if she's not going to be living it.


Hahahaha. It doesn't beat last year's Candyman/Kandi video when Nene did the same thing, but that is hilarous. I can't wait for the reunion tea. 


@Gray Bunny I was rolling at the vibrators and Joey's reaction to them. 

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I also teared up with the Nonno flashbacks. We have 'grown up' alongside this family. It rounded out Teresa from a one-dimensional Joisey Gorl to second generation American who had familial/cultural obligations to stay in her marriage and succeed financially. The Italian connection has always been one of the more fascinating components of RHONJ. Nonno was a factor in the Giudice-Gorga standoff we got in S3-5. 


Even though I hate that Teresa instigated the gossip about Evan (which was spiteful), I find myself easily Team Dolores-Teresa-Jennifer. What is it about these three together, so comfortable and relaxed? They 'get' each other. Cooking together in Dolores's kitchen (Jennifer with no make-up, Frank Catania puttering around) was the best thing ever. With Teresa + Dolores & Frank, you can tell it goes way back. It's not often that Teresa listens and is reflective like she was in that kitchen. Also in the car when Dolores was talking about how Teresa needed someone to take care of her and sweep her off her feet, Jennifer in her VT said "I wish Dolores could see what her friends deserve, she also deserves."

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 I love that.


Team Marge-Melissa-Jackie friendship feels more superficial, like 'our kids play together/the two Joes love each other/I love your dress.' I think Melissa needs people around her who affirm her looks/amazingness on the regular. Jackie does, too. Marge knows this and obliges. Marge is smart. Sometimes I really dislike her because she is so strategic and trying not to show it. And she is targeting Jennifer (HOW DARE HA). However, like @Gray Bunny I still like her humor. 


I don't know if it's the pandemic and we've been in a year of, like, semi-isolation but I am really liking hot Bill Aydin !  


Jackie. OK. I feel like she expected this season to go a certain way and it... didn't. She jumped on the chance to play victim and bring down Teresa. The problem is, she didn't have the back-up she expected. She set down the 'I refuse to film with Teresa!' gauntlet in an effort to edge Teresa to the periphery. Both Melissa and Marge were like "We support you, honey! We're just going to Teresa's pool party where the cameras are." Looks like Marge was talking out of turn, too. No wonder Jackie has that sour expression. She was nervous showing up at Dolores's and coming face to face with the big T-Rex! I almost felt sorry for her.

Edited by Cat
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Jackie puts on this front like she's not scared of anything..yet is all talk...no action.  I get being upset by a rumor..but the way she's acting...is she hiding something?


Her hubby did slim down..and I've seen some comments on his shirtless pics were positive (pre season)... so I could see her being insecure already..and than the rumors put her over the edge.  


If she isn't careful..she could end up being like the main character in Kate Bush's 'Babooshka'

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Can Marge stop attacking Jennifer for saying the damn truth? And can she stop playing victim? She wants to make Jennifer bringing up the guys' conversation the issue, when really the issue is: Marge and Joe have been talking out of turn about the Evan rumors. We can all sense that Marge is trying to cover her ass.



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