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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kim's a** got exposed tonight! I thought Phaedra's swan song was epic, but Kim's surpassed it. Kenya, Nene, Cynthia, and Kandi undressed Kim's behind perfectly. They read her down! 


Kim also exposed herself in those last mins of the reunion. When she said that "no White woman would hang with these women and expose themselves to that" or that "she was jumped by five African American women," the true her that many of us have been seeing for years came out. Kim is dunzo. I feel like tonight's edit was not only a farewell from RHOA but Bravo too. I bet money that Bravo is gonna announce down the line that this upcoming season of Tardy for the Trailer will be the last. Kim showed her a** tonight. 


Oh and Sheree is a dummy. Not only did she allow Kim to berate her at the end of the reunion, but she allowed Kim to play her off the show yet again. Once again, she rode on the wrong team and her behind might be jobless. 


I'm totally excited to see where this show goes for s11. Personally, I hope they keep Kenya, Porsha, Nene, Cynthia, and Kandi while bringing in THREE, new, young housewives to pump new blood into this show. 

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Is Kroy her husband or her bodyguard? Their relationship just seems odd to me - does he have no purpose of his own?


(I guess I would have to watch her show to find out, and I'd rather not...)


Even he seemed shocked when she said racism wasn't real.


I'm surprised this footage was put out. It makes me wonder if someone at Bravo is just done with her. I can't imagine they thought she would return in the way she did.

Edited by DRW50
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 You'll see.



Darrrrrn...and I thought Kenya's dragging of Marlo was epic...her going in and checking Wig is epic, too.


And just how everyone is tagteaming her and I feel no sympathy.

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Ashley needs to cut her mom off. That's the only way she's going to wise up and drop that loser.


I find Gizelle to be a nasty beast as each episode passes. Pretty face but an ugly soul. How she gets off on people in pain sickens me. And I don't believe her dropping Karen's financial situation either. She's gonna ride this story till the wheels fall off despite the fact that she's probably still getting tithe money from the church as child support from Jamal "allegedly."


Next week looks like the hazing is about to begin for Candaice. I hope she's ready.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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That reunion was epic. It matches season 4 as their best! Kim at the end with Andy was so revealing and bizarre. She asked why he didn’t feature her businesses or loving husband and family life...when did she show that? Let’s be clear, if Bravo could’ve had Kim as an official housewife they would have. The issue was what ended up happening in season 5 and again here, that she refuses to be a full part of the show. If she didn’t want to be attacked at the reunion she shouldn’t have been negative and picked fights literally the entire season. I also think it fired the ladies up that she did it mostly behind their back so they’ve been waiting to get her ass. 


That was an epic farewell!

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Kroy is a dolt. I think he's slow. He's cut off his whole family b/c of Kim. His purpose is Kim for now. I give him another 5-10 years before it really sets in for him that he's given up all his youth for Kim. He's gonna be bitter as f-ck. 


When it comes to Bravo/Kim, it was a joint effort to bring her back in hopes that Kenya would be the target this year; however, it backfired for everyone. Kim, as usual, threw her weight around and showed her a**. Michael Beck, her friend who was EP this season, had the show blow up in his face too. Word on the street is (in my Gizelle RHOP voice) is that he got replaced mid-season b/c the show was becoming a train wreck and he couldn't handle it. It also blew up in Andy's face too as he was hoping it'd be everyone v. Kenya and he'd finally be rid of Kenya. Sadly for him, that did not occur. Kenya made the best comeback ever. She was in a portion of the season, but made all three parts about her while delivering epic shade. 

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Yep yep YEP! Watching Bravo's best-laid plans to lumber RHOA with Kim's presence come completely undone in one episode was ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS and outdid the Phaedra take-down.


It was TT who reported that Beck got quietly demoted halfway through filming when Bravo flew in a longtime RHONY producer to take control of production -- partly, I suspect, to  deal with Kim's crazy diva demands and possibly at the request of Nene, Kandi and others who had no desire to be kicked around by Kim anymore. 


From the very beginning of the season, Bravo, Beck and Kim's entitled ass EXPECTED to be Star of this franchise, showing the other girls 'how it's done.' Production trailed and built up her scenes heavily, bent over backwards to squeal that KIM Z IS BACK on its YouTube channel. The end-game was this: Kim would sweep in, tear these women apart, sweep out, have the audience clamoring for her full-time return, and then she would supplant Kenya come season 11. Sadly, though, Production expected too much of the rather limited Mrs. Biermann. Being married to Lurch may make you look smart and quick-witted, but that doesn't mean you are any of those things. Production also under-estimated the other women, who were not 100% on their game during filming, but who came through in strength during Reunion, especially Kenya.


Kim did not have the vocabulary or coolness that the others had. Her defense has already been overused to death on Twitter and IG, so the women were more than ready with a response to the tired litany of "You're just jealous because I have a husband with no income and 472 kids!!" They were fired up with purpose and righteous anger, but ice-cool when it came to delivery. It was perfection.


When Kim ran out of her jealousy defense, the mask dropped completely. Did you see that producer scamper out squealing "We need Andy and a camera NOW!" ? God knows what Kim must have been spewing before the camera got there, but we definitely saw Ms. I-don't-see-color true colors. And they are ugly as sin. Even Slow Lurch knew it was bad because he put his hand on the camera and tried to get it out of there. And Andy couldn't be bothered to make her feel better. When they hugged, she clung to his neck like 'Don't drop me, Bravo!' I have no clue where her career will go from here. Bravo did everything to make sure she would be winning this season. It was a slam-dunk for her -- and she still managed to torpedo it. Don't worry about her too much, though: Kim will land on her feet and still has one more season of Tardy to turn things around (thanks to M2M on the same night) -- unlike Phaedra who is nowhere to be seen after last year.

Edited by Cat
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The dragation of Kim! LOVED it

"Girl, aint nobody thinking about you. Ive been here longer than you at this pointso please stop. Always want to flap her lips about something but the minute someone else does, she has a problem"

READ of the night. Go Cynthia! Im not her for Kim and her tears. Bitch, BYE!

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