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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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AGREE with a lot of this. I did feel a *little* sorry for Sonja as it must seem many of the ladies have it out for her. However, it must be frustrating to have a friend who is literally delusional. Luann was very nice to accommodate Sonja and make her feel better about herself. But imo most of the women are pissed about Sonja going to Page Six and spilling tea about them for a few coins. 


Sonja is clearly hanging on by a thread financially: those scenes riding the jitney and then having some random guy keep her 1980s sedan in his backyard were sad. She couldn't even get Dorinda to offer her a ride. Her house is on the market as a rental which is a good move financially, but lord knows if anybody has signed up to live there. 


It's sad to know that she's been on anti-depressants but not surprising given that she's been self-medicating ever since she joined RHONY. Dorinda blurted out that her husband left her because Sonja cheated on him in the South of France. That explains a lot in the sense that Sonja never seemed angry at her husband for leaving her. Grief-stricken, yes. But vengefully angry, no.


Tinsley is bitter and mean and I cannot warm to her this season. She is also deluding herself with regards to Scott the Magic Unicorn becoming her boyfriend again. I think he sees her with more realistic eyes now.


I can kind of see both Carole and Bethenny's sides of their falling out. It can't be easy for Carole being Me-Myself-and-I's best butt buddy. It's a rude awakening for Bethenny to realize Carole is a friend-jumper who essentially ghosts her former BFFs once she's found a jump-off.


There isn't much going on in Ramona's life on the show right now, but I am truly loving her as Greek Chorus/Voice of Pinot Reason.

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Camille and Teddi better f-cking drag Erotika Lame at the reunion. People let her a** get away with murder. This is why I miss Kathryn because she was the one person that wasn't scared to go against Erika. You could've said Dorit had that same chutzpah too until she started to suck Erika's tit this year. 

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I agree. If it's a matter of Camille vs Erika...I really believe that fans of the show are going to be Team Camille as an original especially now that snarky Camille is back. 


Yeah, I'm going to need Teddi to step it up. It looks like she was starting to in that clip.

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I'm disappointed at the overall lack of Erika dragging in the preview. I imagine if someone had dragged her beautifully, Bravo would tease us with it. Anyhoo, time to bury this faux-tough, supercillious, dismissive Erika Jayne persona. She thinks she's all that, but nobody's buying it anymore. 

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God I hope so. She lacks any self-awareness and is only surrounded by people who tell her she’s great. I have to wonder if she even realizes the tides have shifted.


It appears Dorit is still going to pretend the things she says and does on camera, never happened.

Edited by Antoyne
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Finally caught up on Beverly Hills. Wow, what a lackluster season finale. Kyle is a victim again, wash-rinse-repeat. 


A fight that stems last year's flimsy "pantygate" storyline. Oy. Ladies and producers, y'all gotta pull this show back together before it comes a non-factor like New Jersey. I know they've got it in them. They've got the star power and recognition. They just need to stop worrying about fan reaction and thinking of the newest gif-worthy moment in their talking heads. 

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I think BH is a lost cause.  The reason the first season worked was because they were themselves and weren't acting.. per se.  The second season was pretty good, but the other women were trying to upstage LVP.. the breakout housewife from the first season.. and Camille was muted due to PR/shock of going through a divorce.


I am intrigued to see how OC will fare in season 14... it seems like Tamra/Shannon are still buddy buddy (Tamra even got some Bass Lake comments on her instagram for hanging with Shannon in Philadelphia right after Eddie got his 4th heart surgery procedure... you know the show will flash back to season 4 with her saying that if her spouse was in the hospital.. she would be at his side no matter what LOL).

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It's great and we're only on the third episode. This franchise has an organic quality that is severely lacking from the rest of the franchise shows - particularly BH, which just wreaks of scripted, structured, business like interaction. It's clear that the NYC ladies remain in each other's orbit throughout the year. 


Sonja taking that Jitney bus service was just...what a fall from grace. And then driving her 20 year old Mercedes in the Hamptons. It's all faded grandeur for her. She's got the townhouse up for rent at $32,000 a month - no takers so far. 


I loved Luann shopping around the Hamptons for Bethenny's birthday gift basket...and Sonja's blender. I love seeing that glimpse into the domestic lives of the ladies.


Tinsley and Carole are both super bitter this season. Tinsley is a whiner, and as Bethenny points out, what is she complaining about when the debate is whether she's funded by a trust fund or a boyfriend? All I know is she's an idiot to be living in that hotel when she could live in a comparable apartment for 25% of the price. Carole is so crusty and ashy and mean. Carole is just a hag. Nobody can say anything to her without getting a defensive reaction.


Bethenny's birthday dinner was amusing. When Luann admitted that Bethenny was right...and now just right but "fu*kin' right" about Tom, and Bethenny's reaction, I laughed, rewound and loved it all over again. I'm finding myself enjoying and finding myself in agreement with Bethenny this season. She is right about Luann vs Ramona - Luann is likeable, Ramona is tolerated by most, and Carole just plain hates Luann. 


That said, I also enjoyed Ramona's scenes with setting up the art in her house. She is incredibly kooky. 


Now we come to Luann's breakfast...and I have an unpopular opinion. I think that Dorinda did not come across very well at Luann's breakfast when she launched into Sonja. Sonja blathers on quite frequently, but I agree with Luann that Sonja is harmless. Without being insensitive, Dorinda does talk about Richard's death as often as Sonja talks about her divorce. And both of these events are losses and pain is relative. Dorinda just went ballistic and it wasn't even Sonja who brought it up - Luann is the one who said "you've been through a lot" to Sonja and Dorinda just jumped right in, slamming her. Sonja is minimizing her use of an anti-depressant (I think she might want to reconsider her position that she isn't depressed and that it's only a matter of anxiety, for her own sake) but it's a reaction like Dorinda's which puts a huge stigma on mental health problems. At the same time, Dorinda clearly needs grief counselling about Richard's death as he's been gone since 2011 and that loss is still very raw for Dorinda.

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It's not an unpopular opinion. I adore Dorinda and love her CLIIIP moments, but she was way too aggressive at that lunch. Clearly she is still raw from Richard's death. Clearly the issues she has with Sonja have been festering for the past 2 years. The Page Six exclusives and the delusions are pissing the women off, Dorinda included.


I also think that Dorinda is trying to give Sonja a wakeup call and be honest about her feelings to Sonja's face (instead of bitching behind her back like Carole and Tinsley did in the car -- I think Dorinda knows that Sonja HATES it when the other women talk or make fun of her on the sly). Not to defend Dorinda but Sonja still needs a wakeup call of some sort. She has become increasingly ill-tempered with and distant from the women, too. She is not the same Sonja of 2 or 3 seasons ago.


It's sad that Dorinda cannot see Sonja's vulnerability because normally she is an empathetic Sagittarian who can be protective of her friends. Let's not forget that Dorinda was drinking and that is an issue for her, and this season it may come to a head. I don't think she quite realises the depth of Sonja's despair. When Sonja talked about getting on depression/anti anxiety meds, she made it a joke, however it was also a cry for help to the other women. She wants them to know she is going through something as far as her mental health is concerned.

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Agree with you completely, but the bolded sections in particular. What Sonja needs is a lighter touch with a wake up call, and that's where I think Luann comes in. 


5 or 6 seasons, when Sonja took down the portrait of herself and her husband from her dining room, it was Luann who was there and sat with her quietly looking at the empty space on the wall. I have long thought Luann is the only one who can reach Sonja gently enough: Ramona is too abrasive, Dorinda is too volcanic, Carole is too judgmental, Tinsley is too dumb, and Bethenny is too ambitious. 



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