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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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+1 on both counts. D'Andra and Miss Dee at Jabot was an awesome storyline for this season and I really want to see more of it next season (please Bravo, another season please?).


LeeAnne won me over too. She is harmless and can laugh at herself non-stop. Once she wore that hot dog costume I was sold. 


And YES TO MELBOURNE! That commercial is excellent. Bring it on, it has been missed. 

Edited by DaytimeFan
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When LeeAnne learned to let go of the FEEL SORRY FOR ME, I'M IN PAIN TOOOO! stuff and just embrace life with light-heartedness, I was right there with her. Yes, she does go crazy when it comes to Cary (who I also love, for different reasons). These two are oil and water but it makes for a pretty exciting Season 2, with Brandi playing both sides and stirring the pot. Even when LeeAnne goes nuts and gets threatening nowdays, it's so OTT that it is almost comedic. It's LeeAnne the volcano, blowing her top -- and once it is blown, she is back to stuffing her dog in another hot-dog costume (let us never forget that LeeAnne did not go ALONE as a hot dog) or sighing "Why me?" when she got news of a pretty effing scary flesh-eating disease. I am also glad she has love in her life as Rich seems a good fit with her and brings her down to earth. And def the friendship with D'Andra is real. There is no way D'Andra would have made LeeAnne her maid of honor at her private wedding if she didn't consider her a close friend.


FYI I didn't know that D'Andra was once a bodybuilder (according to WikiNetWorth)!


I'm looking forward to the cameras showing up at 'Jabot' with D'Andra at 9.05am with her mother at reception tapping her expensive watch and saying "Dew yew KNOWWW what taaaaammm it is, Dee Andra?"



omg when I saw Lydia stride out with that big foolish grin on her face (and a few extra pounds, it has to be noted, though she always wears her curves phenomenally well) and then Gina caught the baby pacifier.... lol  I am ready for those two and Gamble, I tell ya. Chyka will be missed; Pettifleur won't be. I'm ok with Janet, but Jackie can keep talking to her angels about her wine spritzers or whatever that La Mascara mess is. Still, I do enjoy when she tries to play superhero to Lydia's dumb villainess.



Lord knows I have enough serums and essences in my life (thank you, Paula's Choice and k-beauty) but I am super tempted to check out this Hard Night, Good Morning 'elixir' !


P.S.: Forgot to mention earlier but Kenya looked and was fabulous in that E News segment. I adored the ways she shaded Kim and her thirsty-ass mini-me Brielle.

Edited by Cat
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RHOD trailer released: http://www.eonline.com/news/890802/the-real-housewives-of-dallas-season-2-reunion-trailer-is-here-complete-with-a-major-walk-off


I am so over Cary, Brandi, and Stephanie. 

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I'm glad that Kameron shaded the f-ck out of Brandi by calling her Oscar the Grouch in the trash can.  You know that ached Brandi to the core. 

Love Leeanne but I am p*ssed that she allowed these b*tches to get her to walk off set. She should've just sat there and nodded with a grin. You don't allow bitches to see you sweat! You make them sweat!

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Those looks are channelling about six different TV shows.


D'Andra - Dallas

LeeAnne - Dynasty

Kameron - Gossip Girl

Brandi - Jersey Shore

Stephanie - Melrose Place (specifically Heather Locklear)

Cary - Game of Thrones


Despite that weird thing over her right breast, I think Stephanie looks the best.



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Just saw OC last night... Wow, in the middle of that episode, hubby and I are just laughing/exasperated at how horrible half of these women are, and we started going through the list of who should stay and who should go... 


Vicki: Queen bee. Drama queen, yes, but the O.G. who can still whoop it up and has an interesting family life outside of the petty women drama. 

Peggy: Growing on us every day. She's quiet, but doesn't take [!@#$%^&*] from the other women. Plus, her family is cute and her daughters aren't annoying, entitled brats like others (i.e. Rinna's over on BH)

Lydia: Generally very level-headed and diplomatic and calls others' B.S. out. Can sometimes be a little flaky/sensitive, and the whole uber-religious (i.e. weirded out by drag queens) is her weak spot, but overall she's needed for this clique. 

Tamra: The cockroach that just won't die. Just as my hubby hates Kyle Richards and LuAnn, this one will not go away either. We just need to dismantle her Mean Girls entourage... 

Shannaloon: Her outburst reaction to Vicki & Tamra making nice-nice was hilarious. Shes' so afraid her sidekick will leave her high and dry... and she will. For her health and sanity and recouping any sense of pride, you need off of this show. But, for our own entertainment, I'll take her for one last season just to see a complete meltdown. 

Kelly: I'm liking her less and less every episode. That patronizing "awww" when Tamra/Vicki hugged, her overall interjecting into conversations when she needs to let others hash it out without interruptions, her badgering of Peggy, her focus on food instead of Vicki. She's just too messy and increasingly obnoxious. Plus, did you notice how when she saw Vicki was calling her, the way she said, "Ugh, it's Vicki..." and then acted all concerned as she talked on the phone, she's phony as hell. But, her separation will give her another season, but no sympathy from me. 

MegaNeck: I hate that I kinda liked her for the last two episodes of last season and the first two of this season. She has no sympathy for others and just generally does not care about anyone else. Fake, dumb, and useless. Has she really lasted for 3 seasons or is this only her second? Good Lord, she needs to fade away with nary a mention ever again. 

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I hope LeeAnne comes back and drag all of them (especially Cary trying to get all grown woman now) for filth.


That said, I loved Cameron (and I'm sure Ashley Abbott who held her own as well in that clip) throwing her status in ALL OF RIGHT COUCH'S FACE. You can give a pig lipstick, but that don't at all make it a proper woman. Yes, Brandi got pressed about that to. She can stay that way.

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