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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think the franchise needs to reorganize and revamp again.  It's just too toxic and too much focus on shade and drama.


Current producers need to review the following shows and seasons where they got the balance right.


RHONY season 3 (and I still believe kelly and her claims that Bravo made her go on the trip to Scary Island).


RHOBH  season 1 (nicr balance between trips, friendships , individual day to day stuff, and organic train wreck moments).


RHOC season 4 (naked wasted true...but still more about their lives without contrived bravo mandated gatherings.  And no fighting over airtime..jist being themselves...even Gretchen then).


RHOA...season 3 and 4.  (Loved kim exposing phadra for lying about her due date...and providing proof that she was a nurse.  Marlo and Sharee...their season 4 smackdown.).

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From the sounds of things from Tamra Sue, OC sounds a bit divided this season, with certain women only hanging out with each other instead of group gatherings. With 7 main castmembers, I guess it was bound to happen. Hope it doesn't get too toxic. 


P.S. Jeff Timmons' name better be mentioned heavily at some point...

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Tamra was speaking to the HuffPost, here it is but you got the gist of it! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/tamra-judge-on-a-softer-side-of-kelly-dodd-shannons_us_594f0f66e4b0f078efd9823e


Because everybody is split, looks like there will be more focus on individual lives or 1-on-1 interaction between the women. That's a lot like how OC was before Cangergate happened in Season 10. I really enjoyed OC back then, and in many ways this way of filming could diffuse some of the toxicity.


#Cancerscam tarnished a lot of the participants, Vicki of course (even though I end up rooting for her against the three witches), but also all the others. They were always thrown together and because they were trying to trip Vicki up, and she was trying to sweep everything under the carpet, the toxicity built and built. Separating the two groups into their respective corners will hopefully calm things down a bit without taking away from the drama between the women. Given that Shannon is still on the show, I doubt the drama is gone.


LOL I'm ready for Timmons to be mentioned. Sounds like Tamra isn't talking to Vicki -- she prob thinks she leaked the incident.

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Last season on RHOC...shannon's vow renewal only had heather, meghan and Tamra there...and it was a fun event..with all of Shannons friends there.  No one fought and it proved an event can commence in housewife land without a fight.  Also, Vicky's birthday didnt have shannon nor heather there...and it was kinda fun (loved Brianna trying to figure out who merv Griffin was lol).  


And RHONY didnt have all the women together as much.

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OMG Cheap! 

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ETA: I had forgotten Marlo was introduced as a foe. She was supposedly dating Charles Grant.

Phaedra Voice: The alleged ex lover...of Nene

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I love Dorinda when she is drunk and bad. I don't know why Sonja keeps wanting to go toe to toe with Dorinda when she knows she cannot handle her. Sonja truly needs to let go of this tiff she was with Dorinda over the Berkshires. She invited you this year. Be happy. 


Dorinda also had me rolling over the fact that she left her luggage all the way in NYC heading to Vermont. Only Dorinda...

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Ramona AND Bethenny got on my nerves this episode. Bethenny needs to let go of her anger with Ramona. You don't like her, OK. But stop saying you'll be cordial when you're nothing of the sort. Also, I didn't like how Bethenny (of all people) lessened Tinsley's traumatic experience and wrote her off. This is the same b-tch that has spent the past 2 seasons talking about her mess of a marriage to Jason. Why can't Tinsley share hers? With Ramona, she was a twat about the rooms. You didn't get the best room, get over it. Be happy that Bethenny (well production TBH) invited you. 


Sneak peek of next week's episode: 

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I cannot wait for Dorinda to go in on Luann. It's tiring. You're married. We all know it. Now shut up about it. The easy part is done. Let's see if you can make it over the true hurdle, Luann. And Bethenny is full of sh-t in the clip. She knows damn well that Luann has been talking about marrying Tom all damn season. Also, her defending Luann is ludicrous. You were just dissing Luann and her union an episode ago. Now you wanna defend her? Enough, Bethenny. 

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Ramona is truly through and through an awful human being.


I'm completely and utterly over Sonja. If this dumb bitch does not stop bringing up the god damn Berkshires. LIKe really bitch?


And Luann expecting the best room because she just got married? Not a good look. It was shades of the old obnoxious Lu and I didn't like it one bit.

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Ironically...Luann is actually married...you know...a 'housewife.  So that could play a bit into it.


I'm hoping for next season for NY to have less group..and more one on one..or individual scenes.  Id rather see more scenes of Luann as a newlywed.


And I think the season 4 purge for MY was too much.  I would have fired Cindy and Kelly....but kept Jill and Alex...and added just Heather in season 5.   That way..the show could have taken time to introduce Heather...i would have loved to have seen how Jill and Alex would have interacted with Heather.  


RHOC season 12....i can't wait.  I shouldn't be excited but I am.

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