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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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These women are vicious bitches. This franchise is a flop. Aside from Melissa they are way too unlikeable. 


Lisa is so strange. She is such a nasty woman to her kids. They'll write memoirs about her. Calling her child a 'dickead' and then being upset when he calls her an idiot? The joke about Krissy's IQ being "room temperature" was sharp though.


Krissy. Nasty bitch. Vulgar. Crass. 


Nicole is harmless, if a bit dim about her children not being spoilt. 


Victoria is damaged goods


Athena X has a lot of false piety going on. 


Melissa is nice. 


Matty I don't mind. She's got big balls and a big mouth but she says it how she sees it. I like the immigrant fighting spirit. 

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these women are giving Australia a bad name. Whereas with Melbourne, there was an elegance and class with the women and how the show was presented, these women are gutter trash. Melbourne is like early years of BH, and Sydney is starting at season 4 NYC. Usually these shows start off with the women as friends and they eventually start fighting as drama ensues and personalities clash but these women hate each other off the bat with no buildup or organic explanation to the viewers for why things are so vile from day 1. Like why are they even filming together?

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I don't even believe that any of these women were even long-term friends before the show. I seriously believe that this cast was just slapped together with a bunch of casuals, who want the fame of Melbourne, so they'll act as vile as possible to get some shine. 


This show is quickly start to steer itself into Vancouver s2 type nastiness and that's not a good look. 

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From what it sounds like..the Sydney show has descended onto S4 NY (yet there were some funny scenes like Ramona interviewing assistants and luann trying to teach her daughter to drive)...and OC season 11 toxicity (maybe Kelly from OC should move to sydney...shed fit in perfectly)


In order for a ftanchise to work especially a new one...you need to know and care for the cast members...and yes...they need to not interact as much at first until we know them first...then interact and see the conflicts arise.


I rememebr heaes ago, they tried to do a real housewives of chixago...but Andy cohen said no one interesting was found.  From what i recall...they auditioned groups of 5 or 6 close friends together.   However, if i were casting for my home city...how to gwnerate organic conflict is to cast women from the city and the suburbs (there is a huge suburb vs city debate)...sort of how on NY...Alex living in brooklyn and trying to social climb was such an organic conflict.

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Yes, it was rumored to be called Real Housewives of the Gold Coast, a particular wealthy neighborhood which isolates the possibilities of bringing in suburbanites even moreso. Apparently, whichever group(s) they found weren't open to airing out their dirty laundry and actin' a fool, so it was scrapped. 


I agree that the surrounding burbs (think Naperville, Oakbrook, Northbrook, etc.) could open up a wealth of possibilities. After all, how many of the Atlanta women are really in the city of Atlanta? 



Re: BH, I agree that LVP is ready to go and I wouldn't be surprised if this is her final year on the housewives. I do see Andy pimping Erika on WWHL, but otherwise I don't feel she gets overexposure on the show itself. I really like her, and if the show must go on without LVP as lead, at least they've got someone with strong personality and a growing fan base waiting in the wings. 


I don't think this is one of Beverly Hills' best seasons, but the show is still enjoyable and it doesn't have the toxicity levels of Season 4 or the latter half of last season. It's just that only half the cast is truly interesting (anymore) and the other half is burnt out or still trying to run on last season's fumes (Hi, Eileen!). No matter what happens next year, Kim Richards is not allowed to be featured on this show for anything other than a background guest at a party who isn't mic'ed up for the camera. 


I love how Camille appears at every single party. She clearly loves this group of ladies genuinely but doesn't want to get caught up in the ratchetness directly. 



NYC, my ladies are back!!! I hadn't heard whispers about this show for the past couple months and I never heard confirmation regarding Bethenny, but all the ladies are back! After last season's success, I'm sure this particular group has another good round in them. I don't have qualms about any of them (not even Carole; her friendship with Bethenny gives her a purpose), and can't wait to see the inevitable sh!tshow surrounding LuAnn's wedding. I also find it interesting that discussion of the presidential election is going to be featured heavily. 

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I'd say that this is an accurately-seated Reunion. LR has to be up top in the Brandi spot because she got into the drama this year.



Yes they are and I am SO EXCITED for it! They filmed during the late campaign and election itself, and Carole is a big advocate for Hilary; as it was a shocking election result, I can see why they would feature it. NYC has always been a town where politics are important, and so are advocacy groups. It usually skews Democrat, and even its Republican leaders have been of the 'fiscally conservative but socially liberal' variety. What is interesting for me is that while Carole was pro-Hilary (and I suspect Dorinda and others may have voted that way too), some speculate Bethenny to be more 'libertarian-Republican' in her politics. As Carole's BFF, I wonder if the show will allude to this, or whether B wants to keep her role strictly neutral politically. Or maybe C and B are on the same page politically!


So ready for LuAnn in her fur chubby and her face-off with Bethenny. A part of me hopes they put the meanness aside and come to some point of understanding, as vicious and destructive as Bethenny was last season. 


Image result for luann gifs


Image result for luann gifs



lol can you tell I'm excited about RHoNY coming back?? 

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Yaasss! That performance was such a hot mess I had to create an audio track to listen to while working out, haha. 


I, too, am wondering if any of the ladies voted for someone other than Hillary and/or would ordinarily vote Republican... and whether they'll cop to it on camera. 

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