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Shannon can kiss my ass. Here's what probably happened with Shannon and Vicki. After the affair Shannon probably fed Vicki a slew of statements about David being abusive and cried wolf about their domestic dramas and abuse. Vicki believed all of it, bought into the hysteria and concluded that David hit Shannon because Shannon probably said that David did or made ambiguous statements about her bruises like "I can't believe this is happening" or "he's hurt me so badly"...a lot of context gets lost in text and it's clear these women rely on text a lot. Conveniently, Shannon omitted the fact that David plead guilty to assault. Shannon didn't like that the ugly truth about her life got exposed and she is furious that she's been revealed as a mess worse than Vicki - and that says something.


Everyone knows the rumour that Eddie is gay. It's been spread for years! From the day he started on the show. Tamra trying to pin it on Vicki is ridiculous. 


Vicki never should have repeated any of these rumours or beliefs to Kelly. She's wrong. She admitted as much. But it's awfully rich of Shannon and Tamra to act pious when they've trash talked on the same level for years. 


Heather is irrelevant. She tried to make herself happen during the reunion and it went nowhere. Meghan was irrelevant too. I hope she has a healthy baby and is never seen or heard again. 


Kelly mimicking Shannon's shocked face made my night. She didn't give a flying damn about these women and their opinion of her. 


They're going to need to fire Shannon. If she can't play nice with Queen Vicki (that explosion about being accused of being a CONWOMAN was fabulous) then she needs to exit stage right. Dr. Moon is waiting.

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Exactly. I said I would've showed out had that been me. But whatever. 


@DaytimeFan, I was just thinking about you watching the OC. 




1. Meghan saw first hand tonight that the Coven (Heather/Tamra/Shannon) aren't her friends. She was always a number for them and used to bring down Vicki. Had she not been pregnant this season, I think they would've turned their talons on her too. Heather sure did tonight by calling her out about the Glamis incident. 


2. Tamra calling Vicki old ... bitch, you ain't a spring chicken your damn self! 


3. Shannon looked more guilty when it came to trying to get Kelly to drink. She could explain herself out of that situation to save her ass. 


4. Vicki and Kelly need to work on their allegiance to one another. Kelly totally f-cked up and flipped on Vicki a bit towards the end. In my opinion, I think Kelly flipped on Vicki a bit to stick it back to her for the crap in Ireland. 


5. I believe Vicki. I believe Shannon got her ass whooped by David b/c she was too belligerent when Vicki brought up that other people heard her. I think Shannon knows it that other people know about David tap dancing on her skull and wants to keep it hush hush. Like I've said before, I see all of this coming ahead if Shannon does not remove her ass from this show, which I know she won't. David better be prepared to be tossed under the bus next season for Shannon's story. 

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THIS classic moment! And on Heather's jutting jaw of anger, too!



Actually, if Shannon doesn't leave the show of her own volition after this reunion, it will reflect badly on her. No one in their right mind would put up with this type of rumor-mongering from a fellow castmate if the allegations were completely false. Because this is the kind of gossip which ruins lives and makes men unhireable. She would leave for the good of her family. But I have a feeling she won't. And she'll be sanctimonious about it -- "I'm doing this to clear David's name!"


TBH, I cannot deny that Shannon makes the show tick. She creates drama and story, and she isn't completely evil like Tamra is. Nor is she as slippery and untrustworthy as Vicki is. When she admits to her flaws and foibles, I warm to her. When she tries to pretend there's nothing to see here, that's when I smell the BS.


Was it one of you guys who said you thought Shannon and David probably got mega drunk and both went at each other and hit each other and that was probably what happened? I thought that was an interesting theory. Maybe Shannon called his bluff once when a fight went out of control and that's why this is now a matter of public record.

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I feel trepidatious watching Kenya's SL. OTOH, I like Kenya and Matt together. Driving in the car, he seems a nice fit for her and (his sister aside) his family seems to love her. She seems to adore his family. Tamra Tattles indicated that Kenya must be also very much attracted to a united family that wants her and accepts her, unlike her own mom. I am just nervous watching K&M because I know this is going to implode and Matt is gong to reveal his anger issues soon.


I don't buy this Sheree & Bob... thing. Bob is almost as thirsty as Peter for a peach!


Speaking of thirsty... who was that chick who rolled in on Kandi at her place of work all mic-ed up and pretending to be mending the rift between Riley and her deadbeat dad?? That girl was desperate for some camera time and her 'concern' about Block's non-existent relationship with his daughter was disingenuous. Somebody wants a role on RHoA! And Block is trash. "If she don't urge my daughter to call me" -- Turd, that's why it's up to YOU to call your daughter and arrange time with her! What a spineless famewhore he is too. Making Kandi ku-ku-ku-cry in her signature shaky way! 


Porsha looking for a sperm donor... NEXT! Can't she just poke a hole in the condom of the old geezer she is bedding for luxury goods? That's how proper gold diggers do it!


Phaedra really has no SL this season huh. 

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I loved the final part of OC reunion! I especially loved Heather calling Meagan out, whom really should have just taken the L and been apologetic, but she came across like a bitch.


LOL at Kelly and her nutty ass. She needs to be brought back


Vicki all but admitted she spilled Shannon's secret and spread rumors about Eddie to get back at Shannon and Tamra for going in on her about Brooks last year. That makes her super messy and not one to trust.

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Kandi's baby daddy girlfriend was all sorts of weird. That was a terrible set-up, microphone and makeup done up for the camera. What's the backstory, was she supposed to be holding a peach? And then to have a whole segment devoted to her, the baby daddy, and two friends (billed as Kandi's friends?), it was like some weird backdoor pilot to a new TV show, like they used to do on sitcoms back in the day. 


The producers are not making this season look organic at all. At least try


Porsha is a hypocrite for looking for a sperm donor, having shamed Kenya years prior. That said, she picked a fine specimen to get a sample from! I can't blame her for asking him.


Sheree's hair looked absolutely beautiful when she was working out with Kandi (love how they "work out" with 5 lbs of makeup on, but I digress) but that short 'do is a don't. Next week, looks like she's back to the buck shots. She's very hit or miss with the hair. 

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"That tired Mama Joyce wig" LOL....Kenya had me DEAD at this! I was exhausted and sick of the bickering until that line


Lena...I didnt even realzie who this chick was until her name was mentioned. Did I miss it r did this girl not get an introduction? She just shows up. She is being handled worse than Demetria who at least got a proper introduction and integration into the group even if she ultimately didnt become a main chick


Block is a worthless POS. I felt for Kandi during that call

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Kenya is so damn ruthless. 

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 Kandi wanted to punch her ass out last night when she tossed that shade at Sheree even though it was true. 


Poor Lena. They just left this poor woman on the cutting room floor. This is the one thing about RHOA I've hated in recent seasons. I hate how they just leave important characters on the cutting room floor instead of not giving them a real chance. It happened with Mylanta, then Demetria, then Tammy, and now Lena. At this point, they need a new girl in the mix to provide new energy. Sheree is bringing it (with Kenya), but a new girl we know nothing about would be so refreshing. I hate how Lena is yet another women to be robbed by Bravo/production. The least they could've did was give her a friend status position with talking heads too. All that damn filming for nothing... I'd be pissed. 


I got the impression last night that Cynthia's time on the show is nearing it's end. It seemed like her swan song last night. I don't think she'll return next season unless Nene returns. She is just not interested in the show now that Noelle might be going off to LA. If she does chooses to move to LA, I wouldn't mind her joining RHOBH as that show needs some flavor. I think she is one of the few that could assimilate into the show well too. 


I am over the Block story. It is obvious he was intending to use Riley to get a spot on the show. That's just horrible. I am all for Momma Joyce wreaking havoc when it comes to him. 

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Nobody talking about Cynthia and Leon? I was all about those scenes in LA with the launch of Cargo etc. Cynthia was so confident steering press and media Noelle's way and working the room. Noelle will never be the model her mom is, but I liked seeing them work together (as spoiled as Noelle is). Best of all were the scenes with Cynthia & Leon. I feel like Leon still loves her and would get back with her if he could. Maybe I am projecting, but I really loved the way he was talking to her and the way she was leaning in to him. 



LOL spoke too soon! Yeah, I wondered about that too. It would make me sad because I think Cynthia is an oasis of relative calm in the RHoA vortex. But I would totally support her need to put her business and her family and new life first. I also support her joining BH, even though she is probably not as rich or as bling-bling as LVP, Erika Girardi etc.


Uninterested in the fake Sheree/Bob stuff, or the taser scenes. The funniest thing was seeing Phaedra ALL in fluorescent white and running around like a potato with legs in the perma-darkness.


LOL @ Mama Joyce talking while Ace was being rocked in that weird AF machine behind her. 

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 Kandi going OFF on Bloick was absolutely deserved. What a POS he is, using his daughter like that. I hope his ass gets dragged to hell and back.


Next week's previews and what Kenya says about Matt are... concerning.

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Well we had poor ass Brandi on the show, so Cynthia would be a total step above that. At least Cynthia is able to keep a steady income and live within her means. 


I think a frugal Cynthia on RHOBH would still be able to mesh will in their scene and be the best dressed & best looking. I do think she'd have that whole cast of women pressed and intimidated by her beauty. 


Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Cynthia landed some wealthy man by hanging with these women. She's the type of eye candy a man in Beverly Hills would kill to have.

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She would be, though I still want her with Leon! Better him than a wife collector like David Foster or Mo Hadid's next GF. And you are right -- in terms of hair, style and making an entrance, 'frugal' Cynthia would be outshining the other HWs who think drowning in labels means getting dressed for an event. Maybe she could also help Eileen out in the fashion stakes.


Speaking of that poor-ass ex cast member, Brandi tweeted the following but later pulled it down:




I'm not a regular churchgoer but I was raised as catholic and do find it offensive. 

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 It's a free country I know but... was this necessary?


So glad this trashbox is no longer on BH.

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I want Cynthia back with Leon too, but I like them as friends too. They are the image of perfection when it comes to co-parenting. Everyone should aspire to have a relationship like they do. 


re: Blandi Trashville--I am not surprised she'd do something tacky & crass. Gotta do something to get the people talking as RHOBH is right around the corner. She's simply trying to establish relevancy but no one is checking for her. Had she played her cards right, she'd still be sitting pretty on RHOBH.

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