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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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LuAnn WAS this season. The show would have been nothing without her. They got rid of anything with Dorinda's John as quickly as they could. And then Bethenny vs. Sonja calmed right down. Carole did nothing all season. Jules is in a terrible marriage that she was only so happy to leave behind in Miami. But for LuAnn there wouldn't have been any storyline worth watching.


Fortunately, LuAnn WAS there and this episode was so welcome. If LuAnn was fake crying then she puts Heather Dubrow to shame. THAT is how you do it. We know she and Tom are still together, but what solves the conflict next week? I can't believe the season is over. 

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.... and a 1,775,000 for NYC last night, narrowly overtaking OC for the gold, but we'll settle for a solid silver. 


All joking aside, good for them! I think people had written this one off after the unsuccessful reboot between Season 4 to 5 when Jill, Alex, etc. got the boot, but they're kicking Jersey's ass easily, even without a cozy Sunday night spot. 


There's rumors Bethenny won't return. Thoughts? As abrasive as she's been since her return, she definitely helped make this season the success it is. 


On the sites reporting about NeNe's money woes, they mention she's a former RHOA star and isn't returning next season. I thought she was? 

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With Bethenny it's a tough one. She does create drama and stir the pot, but she's such a bully. No one is allowed to call her out on her methods or her bitterness. She has to be the winner all the time and to do that, she must put the others down. Case in point : LuAnn . The rumor is that B wanted to have the engagement /marriage SL this season, and when it looked like L was beating her to it, she did everything to pissed all over. Basically abandoning her principle plan to alienate Sonja off the show, because she needed her to show up LuAnn. 


As for Nene, she will be advise to pay off the IRS quickly and quietly.  But former cast member? Lmao. Now she needs the Bravo cheque to help pay up. Brawway ain't gonna cut it. She has that new face to pay for, too.

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Nene owes so much tax it's laughable at the way she's conducted herself, obviously living way beyond her means. 


The catch 22 is whatever she may or may not earn with a Bravo cheque for the upcoming season (so far she hasn't filmed at all) is going to generate even more tax for 2016 and Nene isn't going to reign herself in. She'll keep on spending and her debt will grow. The IRS doesn't play around - they'll foreclose on everything she's got and even if she declares bankruptcy she isn't safe because those IRS liens aren't usually discharged. 


Very rich, bitch, my ass!

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Glad to hear NYC is on the upswing. The past 2 seasons (for me) have been good. 


Jersey is dead in the water if you ask me. Jacqueline's delusions of grandeur aren't helping. Melissa and Tre's fake makeup ain't cutting it. Tre showing no real remorse over her actions ain't cutting it either. Delores and Siggy are the only ones keeping this show afloat. Bravo should've went all out to save this season, and (IMO) Danielle Staub was the answer. 


I don't see Bethenny going anywhere as the show serves a platform for her to hawk SkinnyGirl products for free. She'll stick around just for that alone. 

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There is NO way Bethenny leaves NYC.  She is living for this... I follow her on Snapchat and you can just tell she's into the Housewives game for now.  You can also tell she's certifiably crazy if you follow her on Snapchat.  :ph34r::lol:


Jules of course is gone.  I think if they catch Luann marrying Tom in the beginning of the season (NYE), and Ramona/Sonja actually find someone (like Vicki is good at doing), then you have a great season.  I'd actually be more interested in seeing how Kristen is doing post-scandal than watching Jules be single.  Or, just bring in a new housewife, although really they don't need one.  



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I'd prefer for them to just bring (dare I say it) Heather and Jill. 


Jill b/c she is close to Luann. Heather b/c she'll align with Bethenny and Carole. Plus, she still has unresolved beef with Dorinda and Luann I'm sure. 


I see Bravo bring Jules back to see how she does single. Bravo has a knack of not kicking women when they are down. Look at Porsha. Look at Camille. Look at Ramona. Bravo is gonna ensure she gets to tell her side of the story while smearing her husband in the process. 

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I much prefer Jules to Kristen and that hag Heather. Jules can at least make a decent joke and hump a trumpet. Kristen is dull as hell and Heather is charmless.


I say keep this cast for next season. This season was awesome. I looked forward to it. Not one did episode. LuAnn for MVP. She made this season happen.


Using a Christmas tree analogy it's clear that LuAnn is the tree. Ramona and Sonja were like tinsel and lights to the tree - hanging off the tree and making it more interesting but without the tree they'd be relics in a box. Dorinda is like the Christmas novelty Santa and Mrs Clause people have at their front door - can stand on its own but not as essential as the tree. Jules was like a cup of egg nog, not to everyone's taste and a but by itself but theme appropriate. Bethenny was like a dumb cat trying to knock the tree down and Carole was the collar around that cat - an irrelevant accessory. 

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I finally watched this latest episode of RHoNY. I cannot believe how tolerable Carole was here! 


Sonja is literally a wind-up toy who has nothing to say until you wind her up and she repeats "Tom was my lover! Tom was my lover!" over and over.


Bethenny is literally the worst. She is an absolutely awful human being, gleefully feeding off another person's possible unhappiness. She prolonged telling LuAnn for days just so she could make fun of her on the sly. And I thought she was bleeding out of every orifice/on her deathbed? Not in that tiny bikini.


Poor LuAnn. I really feel bad for her because she knows that these women made it their business to bring down her engagement. I also felt for when she told Carole that her marriage to Alex de Lesseps was open because she just had to put up with his cheating. Otherwise she was not cut out for that kind of life.


Best moment of the episode:









lol amazing analogy! Carole's was the kicker.

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OMG, that Chic C'est La Vie had us cracking up!! 


Well, whatever the cause or backstory is, Bethenny can sell the tears (Heather Dubrow, take note) and make it look like genuine turmoil inside. P.S. She must've had some sort of work done, but I can't tell what. But it makes her mouth look different. It's the same way she looked when she appeared on WWHL during that timeframe, with her hair lookin' all good and her mouth looking like a barbie doll's that opens all cute when she smiles. I can't put my finger on it; maybe DaytimeFan can enlighten? :)    (cute Christmas tree analogy, BTW. It works) 


LuAnn's reaction was reality TV gold. Breaking down before Bethenny even said the secret, fumbling to get into her hotel room, and breaking the fourth wall by telling them to stop it with the cameras. The season finale episode looks amazing, and one of those juicy situations where you can't believe all that is going to be wrapped up in just one hour. Can't wait for next week, plus the reunion! Luann's gonna be coming out, balls dragging and ready to take names. Plus there's the "revelation" about Bethenny brought up by the other girls. 


Oh, and let's not forget the hilarity of our jokesters. At some point every night, Dorinda will hit that mark where all her words are slurring. Kudos to Bravo for closed captioning her gibberish with unintelligible words! Ha!  LOL to Ramona and Sonja being Ramona and Sonja and wanting to do something more fun on their own instead of attending the pre-planned event of Dorinda's. While they missed out on the gorgeous boat views of Miami, they definitely upgraded on the entrees. 


I would give Jules another season, if she were open to it. Post-divorce, she'd probably open up more so and give us the details. Way better than Kristen ever was, and Heather is old news. This cast is perfect for another round. *IF* they were able to put up with Jill Zarin, I'd be totally down for it, but their Nielsen ratings were too good this season to justify a need to bring her back.


(Now a Danielle return to New Jersey is another story. That'd be pretty much a last-ditch effort, IMO. They did it with Bethenny and it worked. Perhaps the queen of delusion needs to return to The Garden State). 


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I LOVED this part. It is the highlight of the episode. LuAnn's happiness is contagious. 


Bethenny herself has said she's done some Botox to change the alignment of her jaw, to soften her jawline and to treat TMJ pain (I have had TMJ and it is excruciatingly painful and it's caused from clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth). It definitely makes her jawline rounded off and more heart shape like. 

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I read that Nene hasn't filmed at all and won't for this season... and Cynthia seems to be up in the air.  There haven't been reports of a new housewife.  Phaedra just hosted a big event and she's been hanging out with Porsha.  So, I'm guessing we have everyone back (except Nene) with Sheree as full-time and Cynthia either being full-time or friend.  Honestly not sure how interesting that will be... they need new blood or something different.  I don't need another season of SSDD.

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