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I dont think Kelly has the best motives when it comes to befriending Vicki. She probably watched the show and knows that its not wise for newbies to get on her bad side so she chose the winning team. Good for her bc had she stuck with the hate squad, she'd end up on the losing end when Vicki reclaims her crown as queen as they'd throw her under the bus and Vicki would remember how she was treated.


Im on Eddie's side on the Ryan debate. He is too old to be supported by his mother. Most divorces are due to money issues and he's going to have to accept that he's never going to get that $8000 back if he and Tamra are going to survive bc he's just not going to get it, ever. Tamra's going to have to accept that he'll resent her for it and will bring it up in arguments and she has no one to blame but herself


Heather and Terry. They love their family but I get the feeling that they dont necesarily like each other. He appreciates the time away from them which is kind of messed up since he's a doctor and already misses out on so much. I see divorce in their future but I hope they can make it bc they do have a nice family


Meaghan...irrelevant. Why is she back?


Shannon. i dont have any thoughts on her except that she is coming across very petty with this Vicki feud. it makes her look bad, not Vicki. She needs to get over herself

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Heather & Terry are too aware of the cameras now. It's funny that Heather pointed out on the OC Special that Gretchen was faking stories when I think that Heather has been faking stories since s9. I think this Terry/Heather current story is fake a h*ll as Heather truly knows that if Terry doesn't work like he does, she won't live the fancy life she loves. They need to cut the bulls--t with this story. 


@Cheap21, I agree that Kelly is aligning herself with Vicki b/c she watched the show; however, I do think that she'll genuinely grow to like Vicki as the other women are judgmental twats. Especially Shannon. One of the big joys of this season is seeing the mass audience flip on Shannon, who thought she was a fan favorite just b/c she won some E! housewives poll about 2 years ago. 


Shannon's scenes with David were so uncomfortable and lacking chemistry. There's no way that David isn't stepping out on her again. I burst into laughter too when Shannon questioned if Kelly loves her husband. This heffa is so damn deluded. 

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I like Kelly because she's smart enough to lay out all her dirty laundry about her marriage before any of the women had the chance to talk about her behind her back. No marriage is perfect and Kelly has boldly acknowledged the flaws in her own. She has wisely aligned herself with Vicki who already has the majority of viewers behind her after the rest of the women demonstrated just how petty they're going to be about this Brooks debacle.


It isn't that I blindly believe everything Vicki says, but I think she was honest about her "sympathy and a casserole" comment. That's what she wanted and none of the women gave it to her. They hated Brooks more than they liked Vicki. She will emerge from this season back on top - that is a foregone conclusion - she makes for great television and isn't a vile victim like Tamra. 


Tamra created a monster with Ryan and she's done NOTHING to get him to grow up. He's a spoiled man child with zero ambition and Eddie is 100% right. It must gall him to see Ryan take his wife's money and throw it away. Say what you will about Simon Barney but he wasn't wrong about Ryan. Tamra is on thin ice being friends with his baby mama - she will turn on Tamra in an instant.


Meghan is totally irrelevant and unlikeable and   I don't want to follow her journey to motherhood at all. 


Terry and Heather are on the contrived storyline train. If Heather wanted Terry to work less she would not have bought that land and built that ostentatious house. She would have bought a simple home and stopped living an extravagant life. It was surprising for Terry to admit he performed surgery on 4 hours sleep -  I'd be uneasy about that if I was a patient. 



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I like it and don't like it. I like the update with the skyline and bridge, and it's cute that NJ still includes the families. Something about the color almost looks like a parody though, or a Housewives intro from outside the U.S.  Teresa's tagline is good. The rest are "meh."  The actual phrase is "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me," so right off the bat, Jacqueline's doesn't make sense, if she's trying to put a spin on the phrase. 

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Honestly...Carole, go drop dead. She is USELESS this season and her comments about Jules' eating disorder were outrageous. Certainly, Jules appears to have some issues lingering around, but why be so cruel and mean and point them out to her on camera in front of everyone? Digging up Barracuda Heather and swinging the two of them around an ice rink didn't make me nostalgic - it just highlighted how Carole has ZERO purpose other than being a FOA (Friend of Andy).


Sonja sorting out her basement with Dorinda was sad. Sonja is likeable, at least to me and I think she's covered up a lot of pain with booze and sunniness and giggles and bad business deals. Sonja wants to be part of a family unit - cared for and caring for others - an old fashioned housewife. She is one of the realer housewives and that sadness was real, how dare that bitch Bethenny try to freeze her out.  


Dorinda has a really bold sense of style, that cape jacket in a million colours she wore to Jules' house was beautiful and she looked great. She gave Jules great advice. 


Ramona is still hilarious.


LuAnn: "All of my friends are happy for me except you bitches!" - I can't wait for next week, she is a legendary housewife with the last few seasons and the way she's let it fly. I love that she is over Carole and Bethenny and isn't going to play this game. Team LuAnn. She is a straight up badass. 

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This is the first time I've been excited about RHONJ in, like, 5 years. It is giving me old school vibes. I'm so glad those awful twins and that other one with the thug husband were sent packing.


LOL as soon as they launched into the blood chat, I swear I could FEEL every male, gay or straight, (and a couple of females) switch channels.


I thought the way Bethenny and Carole treated Jules was disgusting. Look, it's clear something is going on. Jules's marriage is self-destructing, she probably has zero appetite and is super stressed. She is also very, very intimidated by Bethenny. I feel that these Two Bitches prodding Jules about her food issues might trigger a falling off of the wagon for Jules. A mean part of me thinks B&C would love that, just so they could be 'proved right' about her anorexia. Another mean part of me thinks that B&C are extremely competitive with Jules about her thinness and food issues in a weird way. Both are pretty twiglike themselves.


Dorinda makes me love her so much this episode. She was such a good friend to both Jules and Sonja (not to mention Bethenny last episode). This is why Dorinda is such a good addition to the franchise. Messiness aside (and who isn't messy on RHoNY?), Dorinda has lived a great life and she is kind. She is a mother hen to these women, and that warmth is very much needed on a show where the relationships can be very sharp and caustic.


Luann is so boss in another great suit and her statement necklace. I can't wait for next week when she shades them all. Honestly, do B&C have any fans left? They are coming across awfully this season.


Oh, and Bethenny handing her blood-stained pillow to her sweet chauffeur for 'cleaning' was BARF INDUCING.  I would rather burn the damn thing than ever show a period-stained pillow to anybody! She's rich enough to just get rid of the thing!

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Im with Luann when it comes to Bethenny, Carole and even Ramona for bringing the BS back up


Bethenny and Carole need to STFU about Jules weight. The two skinniest bitches on the show have the nerve to comment about someone being thin.

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