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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Bethenny's pencil shaped self has some nerve coming for the new wife for being too thin. Really? After all the criticism she's faced over the years, she turns around and comments on another woman's weight? I really cant stand her and hate that she got the center apple. That should be Ramona


Speaking of which, I like her extensions. She's been looking great so far


I like her tagline



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It doesn't matter. The second Rinna said LVP called her she said she never called and then said if she did she rarely called her at her home. That's when Rinna pulled out the call history because she knew LVP would lie and brought proof. It's also why Erica was amused. If LVP can clearly lie about not calling her, it's more than probable she's lying about everything else and Rinna is correct. Rinna is tired of being thrown under the bus since they all engaged in the Munchausen accusation, which she was all too happy to be the ring leader but she thought LVP would own her part in it. I suspect LVP did more than her fair share off camera since she doesn't like Yolanda however LVP is acting like she never did. If I was Rinna I would be pissed too.

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Rinna never said that LVP called her at home. Rinna said that LVP said never called her. LVP said she never called Rinna at home, so Rinna was lying. 


Rinna has a history of exploiting people's ailments for her benefit and she needs to own it. Even if LVP told her offscreen about Munchausen, it was Rinna who brought it up onscreen and stayed going after Yolanda like a dog with bone. That's on Rinna. Not on LVP or Kyle. Again, Rinna needs to take her own advice and--

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I feel that she has owned it. Her beef is that she is the only one involved that has with Lisa letting her take the fall. Its obvious Lisa is lying and its frustrating Rinna that she is lying on her. I honestly dont think she'd have as much of an issue if Eileen wasnt in her ear. She'd probably have swept it under the rug like Kyle has in order to be complacent


Lisa V is a G though and as others have stated is the queen. Im frustrated with her too bc I wish she would just admit to her sh-t but she wont break. I think it would humanize her if she kept it real for once but this story has made her come across very calculating and not in a good way. This season has ruined her but it has tarnished her a bit as her uglier side has been exposed thanks to the soap divas and Erika, all of whom wouldnt back down and stood their ground against her


Its only on the whole lie and conspiracy around Yolanda's illness where she loses me. Im on her side when it comes to the Eileen affair situation which in a roundabout way has fueled the conspiracy story by getting Eileen to wind Rinna up

Edited by Cheap21
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I don't think this season has tarnished her b/c she's actually tried staying away from Yolanda's ailment from what we've seen. It's Rinna, who kept bringing it up time and time again. I feel like they should've let this sh-t die at the picnic when Rinna and YoLyme had it out. 


I seriously don't believe that LVP started the Munchausen crap b/c when Rinna brought it up to her the first type, she and Kyle were both stunned. It was also LVP, who told Rinna not to explore it unless she was for certain. 


I think that after everything they saw happen on the previous season of the OC, they should've known to drop this ailment story quick because it doesn't go over well for any of the women on the cast. This season was pure sh-t. I need BH to revert back to the first season when it was all about glitz and glamor. This show gets darker and darker as the seasons progress. I am borderline wishing they'd scrap this show or do a mass retool like they did NY and NJ. 



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Kenya looked absolutely petty and evil during the Atlanta reunion. I don't buy for a second that Nene likes her or trusts her. And even if by some miracle she's backs to being neutral on Kenya I still think Kenya is the most fake disgusting trick to walk through Atlanta 


Onto Beverly Hills. I can't really see Lisa V doing or saying the things Rinna is claiming....but then I remember it's fake ass Yolanda we're talking about and it wouldn't surprise me at all if Ken and Lisa were so furious after last years fiasco that they just decided to go nuclear on her lying Lyme disease ass. The only problem is that there's probably no proof because if it were said or done on camera Andy would have aired that sh*t. 

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RHOMelbourne s3E8: 



Melbourne Dubai drama > Beverly Hills Dubai drama 


Oh Pettifleur! 


She was a hot ass mess this episode. I root for her when she puts Jackie in her place, but she loses me when she makes situations all about herself. Her crying on the beach b/c the women didn't acknowledge her was just stupid. Even when they tried gather sympathy for her, she quickly reverted back to being a bitch and taking a dig at Chyka of all people. I thought the women coming down hard on her at the end was necessary. She asked for it. 


Also, I hate people that shop like Pettifleur. My sister is the same way where she'll spend 2 hours in one store while I am quick with my shopping. I get that Pettifleur is proud of her body but it's too much. She doesn't have to spend forever looking in a mirror. 


Gamble annoyed me this episode too. I don't like how she continuously went to the other women to dog Gina. Like Gina said, if the had a issue with her, talk to her. Not the other women. 


Next week looks good too. I like how the drama is lighthearted compared to RHOBH, who were filming in Dubai at the same time as them. 


I also noticed they went to some of the same spots of the BH women. I am wondering if their production companies worked together and planned both shows' trips (the spots they'd go see) together. 


RHOP reunion was lit! Why couldn't they be this interesting during the season? But that's fine. I expect after this reunion that s2, which they start filming in a month, will be EPIC. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I just saw the RHOA Secrets Revealed and Kim is a condescening patronizing bitch! Even Sheree and Porsha noticed that she was shading and throwing digs at Kenya. WHY the heck did Bravo wait till after the season aired to show this? It would have done more to explain why Kenya wasnt feeling her bc Kim was terrible to her before things went sour over the commercial issue




These chicks are so shady! I loved the reunion. Part 1 and already its one of the best ones we've seen

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RHOCheshire s3e2: 




I knew Dawn & Leanne would turn on each other once Magali was out the picture but who knew it'd be this soon? Also, who knew I'd actually grow to respect Leanne somewhat? So much that I am not even calling her Lapdog as of now!


Even though it is early, I am enjoying how the new girls are sticking together, and how Seema/Stacey supported Misse with the Dawn incident. Glad that both of those women actually saw through the bull that was Dawn's apology too. Dawn's body language that entire scene displayed that she wasn't genuinely sorry for her comment towards Misse. 


I get Tanya is preggers, which results in her being hormonal, but she was a twat to Misse for no reason. I think that she is seriously becoming the new lapdog. 



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Pettifleur continues her streak of being the least sympathetic housewife in the history of the franchise. Her constant whining, victim playing, tears, attention whoring and general humourlessness makes her insufferable to watch. I am so glad the rest of the ladies came down on her hard and unified.


Another bitch is Lydiot. How dare she attempt to compete with Chyka? She will never usurp her level of fabulous. Yes, Lydiot, you were working in Dubai when it was a hole in the desert...but as the city upgraded, so too did the women who came there: enter Chyka. Lydiot has the dumbest smirk on her face and I look forward to Chyla wiping it off her face next week. Neither Lydiot or Pettifleur could stand that Chyka was getting more attention than them because she hosted the trip. 


Janet, Jackie, Gina, Suzie and Gamble were all useful adding glitz and humour and a few curse words about the two morons (supra). It was interesting to see Janet spring to Gina's aid when she panicked on the camel. 


The thing that I love about Melbourne is how much more light hearted it is than the other franchises and how, with the exception of the two morons (ibid supra) they are generally quite loyal to each other when the chips are down. They don't necessarily love each other, but they do have a basic respect for each other. Frankly, they're just nicer people.




It reminded me so much of Potomac! You've got the young, immature, crude, but generally harmless one (the redhead former cheerleader) vs the ageing, serious, thinks her mediocre house and husband are better than they actually are one (Leanne).


I too hope it's a 10 episode season, to test the waters, though it does appear more dramatic than Potomac based on the previews. 



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