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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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But hasn't NJ been filming since Teresa got out? I still think that NJ will be out come late May/early June. I think it'll be like ATL where the first half will air while they film the second half of the season. I expect NY to come out around May/early June too b/c they've been filming for awhile now. I'm sure they are probably nearing the end of filming. 


With all these gaps, this is where Cheshire and Melbourne would fit in perfectly to fill the gaps. Especially, this season of Melbourne. Both of them do about 10-12 episodes a season and it would be perfect distractions for the time being. Putting them in sh-tty time slots on Saturday or Sunday was dumb. 


I don't expect the OC to be back around the fall premiere like September. I guess it'll be the only housewife show on the air at the time. 


@Cheap21 is right where RHOBH & RHOA will always debut Nov/early Dec. It's become a Bravo staple at this point for those shows to air at that time. 


IMO they should just pair the shows up to air at certain times together while cutting down episodes....


RHOA/RHOBH: Keep it the same--early Nov to early Feb

RHOP/RHOD/RHOMelbourne: Push RHOP back and move RHOD up a month or two. Have them start mid Feb, which is when RHOMelbourne begins and pair these three together and have them all air till about mid June.

RHONY/RHONJ: Start mid June to early September

RHOC/RHOCheshire: Start mid September (as that's when Cheshire usually generates a new season) to mid Nov. 


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RHoNY trailer has got me LIT!!!!!! NY is one of the most unique franchises, I love how it has its own particular flavour and kept a lot of the ambiance from last season (which IMO was one of the best NY seasons). P.S.: LuAnn is bringing it!




Lydiot is continuing to slay me with her crawling insincerity, giant-ass ego, complete Lydiocy and va-va-va-voom Italian sexiness! YASSSSSSS stir that pot Lydiot! She totally stabbed Pettifleur in the back, let's be real. However, all the ladies piling on her next week? Slightly unfair. I feel they are trying to edge Lydia out of the group and make her persona non grata, but as Lydiot made clear at Reunion last year, nobody puts Lydiot in the corner! She is going to fight tooth and nail for her place on the show this season, and I believe every word Susie said: Lydiot clearly wants to ally herself with Gina via Gamble.


What I don't believe? That Lydia didn't shag walking STD Shane Warne. I also don't believe that her husband is madly in love with her. The Porsche-buying scene felt totally fabricated, and when somebody bends over backwards to try and sell me how perfect their marriage is, that's when I start looking for the cracks. Clearly this is some PR move, and I can understand why. Shane Warne is a national (semi-global!) joke. Maybe to Aussie men he is still a cricketing legend, but then again, I doubt these men are getting "Fancy a quick shag in the toilets?" texts from him. 


Speaking of PR, clearly Pettifleur is on a PR drive of her own. Obviously she came in last year thinking she was going to be Joan and Jackie Collins' lost Sri Lankan sister. Her conversation with Gina shows that she still confuses bitchy meanness with wit. To be witty, you need to have subtlety and nuance, like Gina Liano or Lisa Vanderpump. You need to be self-deprecating. Pettifleur is neither subtle nor does she have self awareness. However, that's what makes Pettifleur so good to watch right now. She is not afraid to lay this whole PR trip out for us. She is rehabbing her entire look with Melinda the trainer (after this winter, I really need a Melinda too) and some decent fillers and plastic surgery. The horse riding scene at the end, with that amazing hairpiece, those gorgeous pink gloves and her face shot in profile? Pettifleur looks truly gorgeous. I'm willing to bet her nose has been redone, her lips and cheeks ever so gently upholstered, her chin tucked to show off a great jawline. On the image front, Gina is telling her that she has to show her vulnerability and humanity more, and Pettifleur is clearly taking that advice with Nathan. I thought I would hate the Gina-Pettifleur scene but I liked it. Bring on the Gina Teachings! 


Janet's ex-husband is awful. I can't believe he allowed himself to be filmed saying what he said. I hope Janet never takes his wrinkled ass back!


Gamble as usual is being her impulsive self. I love her for it, but trashing Susie for the sake of her new pal Lydiot? Watch out, Gamble. Lydiot is a fair-weather friend. And Gamble's remark about Susie being a 'Mafia mother' is going to play really badly. Susie mentioned that she comes from an Italian family; I don't think Gamble realised that and was probably referring to Susie as Mafia in terms of being shady. But I could see that word being debated as insult at this season's Reunion.


Sorry this is so long...

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Ramona just posted a pic on Insta of their 'fun last night' over the weekend.. I guess they wrapped up the season in Miami.   She looks like she's having a ton of fun with Luann and Carol.  I think Ramona just plans to be fun and wild this season.

She also said Season 8 premieres on April 6th at 9pm EST.  That's a Wednesday, which is odd for a housewives show.  That night normally goes to Top Chef, Flipping Out, or Million Dollar Listing, right?

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The Dallas promo is good, but being a Texan, it makes no sense to me.  I do not associate Dallas with oil wells.  Dallas has nothing to do with oil.  That's Houston and the entire gulf coast region.  Some people may move to Dallas or Austin after making money off oil, but those cities have nothing to do with oil.  It reminds me of when The Real World Austin was promo'ed like it was this big obnoxious Texas cowboy thing, but Austin is far from cowboys.  


I actually thought Potomac was clever with their promos, playing off the reaction to fans "Where's/What's Potomac?"  But you're right, I'd love Atlanta to have glamorous, well-produced promos like Dallas, BH, and sometimes NJ gets.  I think my all-time favorite was that Season 3 BH winter icy promo.

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Love the NY promo. It had such a nice mix of ladies. ANd the clothes, glamour, fun, and yes drama was there.


Luann v Bethanny looked like a friend trying to slap some sense into a friend so we even have friendship going on.


May Dorinda avoid the Season 2 Curse...

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Eileen Davidson is working overtime trying to turn people on Vanderpump. She was pissed that Rinna didn't immediately fall in line. Yet Vanderpump's the manipulator here? And how hilarious that Erikunt brings up Bobby Fischer yet claims to have never seen the show. Hmm... I love when the 3 hags were having their bitch fest over the queen, Vanderpump  was busy getting a custom miniature pony house from the head hags ex husband. Talk about winning! Stay bothered girls. :lol:


I'm getting serious season 4 vibes for the remainder of this season and I don't like it. At all.

Edited by MrPrezident
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