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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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As someone whose mother suffered through (and survived -- touch wood) Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (via chemo), I have a hard time believing that Brooks lost all that weight just for a storyline on OC. I don't know how to explain it other than chemo aims to nuke everything in your insides. It can be a difficult, overwhelming treatment. I could be mistaken, but Brooks has that wary, exhausted look in his eye that I've seen before. 


RHOC was incredibly badly scripted yesterday. From Tamra talking about the psychic she trusts her life with (but never actually met in person) to him -- surprise -- showing up at the restaurant, to Brooks being invited over to Cut Fitness because Tamra got him a cake (please! As if she would ever!), to Brooks tripping over the "cancer I had/have" moment. I am hoping this is a situation where Brooks is not lying but the SL that everybody is in on is that there are rumors he may be. I *HOPE* it is NOT "Brooks, let's pretend you have cancer and keep the viewers guessing." Because that would be awful.


I can't with Meghan. Period. The way she whined to Jim about how difficult it was with Haley to correct 18 years of parenting mistakes. Way to throw a mother dying of a terminal illness under the bus for the sole purpose of polishing your halo. #Hashtag is very pretty but her personality is so ugly to me. Everybody is disposable to her purposes of making herself look better. I see from Reality Tea that on social media she is trying to befriend Z-list coke-sniffers like Denise Richards. Good luck to you, babe. Honestly, Meghan isn't always the devil incarnate but the way she's using people to make herself look saintly is so... obvious. And she is condescending. It makes me take against her.


Jim Edmonds is giving me Jim Bellino vibes and that's not a good thing. At least he isn't giving me Slade vibes. Slade was the kind of guy who dated Playboy bunny wannabes because he thought he could control them. His ugly Miss Piggy diatribes against Vicki illustrated the kind of latent anger and insecurity he holds against women who actually stand up for themselves. I don't know why I am mini-ranting against Slade today, I just felt like it lol.  

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That was a good line but let's be honest. Carole can't talk as her ass was pretty desperate this season too. Without Luann on her ass, Carole would've had nothing going for her. Luann has ensured her ass some relevancy for another season just like Aviva did for her last season. 


I was all for Luann last night. That heffa stays going for the jugular. She doesn't give a f-ck. So funny because I couldn't stand Luann in past seasons. This season she won me over. 

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I saw your banner and thought you were being super shady putting Dawn all the way at the end, but then I saw thats how the promo has it. Cant beleive its back already as it feels like it just went off air not that long ago

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Now you know I didn't do the banner b/c if I had, Dawn AND Leanne would've been on both ends and Magali and Ampika, my two faves, would've been in the middle spots. :P


But I am excited for their return. NYC is about to be off after this Thursday (SN: Part 2 reunion comes on Tuesday and Part 3 comes on this Thursday RHONY fans) and I won't have a housewives show to entertain me all of September b/c OC ain't cutting it. I need something to distract me until November gets here with the return of Beverly Hills & Atlanta. 


But Magali and Lauren have both hinted on Twitter that this season is filled with drama. I cannot wait. Compared to the American housewives, RHOCheshire's drama is more lighthearted and funny--like early US housewives. 

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Well, NYC's Kristen just had an unpleasant surprise. Her husband, awful Josh, was outed as a user of the Ashley Madison affair site. At first, he denied it, then he released a statement admitting it but brushing it off. Liar, liar pants on fire. If she's smart, this is her next season storyline and she'll liberate herself with a divorce. 





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I was just about to say that (re: him buying her another season). While Kristen should be livid, she should be glad at this point because now she'll have a story for next season of RHONY, and Bravo is going to exploit every second of it. If Josh was smart, he better move Heaven and Earth to do what he can to keep Kristen's mouth shut and get her off Bravo.

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Damn, I wanted her dropped too but a messy divorce is recipe for reality tv gold. Not surprised. He didnt seem into her at all the first season and I knew this show would eventually lead to their divorce. Something tells me though that she'll make excuses for him and stay

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Meghan came off horrible last night in the argument in my opinion. I thought Vicki was being a little irrational at first because Meghan hadn't had a chance to explain but she looks bad either way. It's really none of her concern what Brooks chooses to do. People stop doing chemo all the time, it has nothing to do with the fact that they still have options. Some people literally get sick and tired of what the chemo does to them and decide to rely on alternative options or their faith. There is no way to disprove he has cancer so it was a losing battle to begin with. She looks foolish and the other girls are foolish for perpetuating the gossip.

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She will. Kristen seems like the type that believes it's 'cheaper to keep 'em.' To maintain the lifestyle she has, she'll suck it up and stick with him, but I see her constantly whining and making him suffer for his indiscretions.


Meghan is a twat. Regardless how people feel about Brooks, it is no one's business about his illness. If he wants off chemo, it's his choice. Chemotherapy is draining and not everyone has the will to endure it. But I don't just blame her. I blame Shannon, Pleather, and Trailer Sue too. All of them pushed the issue too instead of just nixing it and being done with it. But I hope that she is a one-season thing. For a 10th season, I've always said that they should've brought back Gretchen, Jeana, and Alexis and full-time housewives with the five from last season (Shannon/Trailer/Heather/Vicki/Lizzie). 



RHONY reunion pt.2: 


The second part was boring. I am glad that Dorinda called Heather to the carpet but she could've done better. And it annoyed me how everyone felt that Dorinda wasn't justified in her anger towards Heather. Heather is a twat and she deserved the heat that Dorinda was tossing her way. 


I did enjoy the banter between Bethenny and Ramona. Though they have their spats, you can tell that they really love and enjoy being together. It's like a sisterly relationship where they may dislike each other's acts at times but the love is still there at the end of the day. 


I'm ready for them to get to part 3 where they'll address the Turks and Caicos trip. I think that's where we'll get the most drama. 

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