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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Re-watching this season I really HATE LuAnn. She is so evil. The situation later on when they all had dinner it was obvious LuAnn didn't tell the blondes what time it was. Alex got there first and humbled herself and was very nice to LuAnn despite their argument and LuAnn just ate her ass alive, told her she couldn't eat dinner because she was late and then after Alex apologized for being late she made her so uncomfortable that she left the table. Then when Ramona and Sonja arrived she didn't even let them sit at the table.

If they were going to fire anybody for being toxic it obviously should've been Jill and LuAnn. Nobody else was being aggressive or crazy the entire season. In fact, Alex was mostly reserved for many episodes until people came for her. You can see the entire season people trying to make Ramona out to be this aggressive monster, but even she wasn't doing much besides sticking her foot in her mouth here and there. Jill and LuAnn were just vicious.

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which was funny and ironic bc Jill started the season trying to make a conscious effort to change after seeing how vile she was with Bethenny in season 3. It lasted all of 2 episodes and she was back to her nasty self. I will say that LuAnn was the worst. She was the most vile in season 4, than any other housewives in any of the franchises

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Luann being so vile and toxic in season 4 was interesting... and I think the show firing all of her allies coming into season 5 was karma. Season 5 reunion was great with Luann basically being called out for her pot stirring and for Pirate Gate... plus, wasn't it during this time that Cat from RHODC really laid into Luann on WWHL?

I think Luann was humbled a bit after all that, which is why she seemed more down to earth and less stuffy in season 6.

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I'm not sure what to believe because it's still early, but demoting your only original housewife is foolish. LuAnn and Ramona are all that's left and need to remain Housewives. Ramona is always central each season and she brings ratings. If anybody needed to be demoted it was Sonja who is just bringing nothing to the table. Also, although I like them, why would you build a show around Heather, Kristen and Carole when the ratings have plummeted since they were all brought on?

The goals for season 7 should be:

1. Find a black, rich socialite to join the cast

2. Bring back Jill as a full-time housewife, suck it up and bring Alex with her. Give Bethenny a deal for her own show ONLY if she agrees to recur on RHONY.

3. Get back on Fashion Week. Am I the only one who remembers weeks of them attending fashion shows and it really feeling like they were at the center of what was going on in New York? I miss that. No more Montana, give me Fashion Week.

Edited by Chris B
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I hear you Chris B.... I think also BH and maybe OC could benefit from a rich black housewife. I don't know what it will take for Andy to bring one on those franchises.

I've heard a lot of people say that they shouldn't be trying to cast a show around those three. But you're also right .... ugh I forgot where I was going with this part.

When would filming begin? Fashion Week is going on right now in NYC.

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Ramona doesnt bring ratings they have lost 800,000 viewers in the past 2 seasons. Ramona isn't needed. They need to find interesting women. I like them but I don't see what Heather, Kristen, and Carole have going that makes the producers want to invest in them for the future. The only thing I see is that they're cheap. The ratings suck there's no way they cam afford to keep Ramona who I am sure is asking for a Nene-sized salary.

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The biggest mistake RHONY made was firing only half the cast.

I'd be glad to see Ramona gone. Sonja is less interesting than BH Kim. Luann I love but can go.

Aviva absolutely needs to be fired tho. Her fake bullshit was pathetic.

I'd love to see Luann/Carole/heather/Kristen a new wife and some en supporting figures tho.

And tbh ratings be damned, last season of NYC was pretty damn good. Not one of the best seasons ever but it really brought it 90% of the time

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I'm sorry but Carole, Heather, and Kristen cannot carry RHONY. They are part of the reason this franchise has died. Fans don't connect with them [along with Aviva], hence why they've tuned out in mass numbers.

Bravo better just keep Luann and Ramona, woo back Alex and Jill, and as someone mentioned earlier, bring on someone like Jennifer Williams [from BBWives] to the show. She already has a following and she lives in NYC. Of the two spots left, then they might be able to keep one of the two [Heather, Carole, or Kristen]. Preferably Heather [even though I loathe her] as she's the most confrontational.

Carole and Kristen can most definitely go. Both are boring and don't bring anything to the show. Kristin is too rehearsed and it's apparent that Carole uses the show to boost her writing career. Outside of that Carole does not deliver.

And I'd think about bringing Kat from RHODC as lucky #7. Her and Luann clashed on WWHL one night, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind being brought back on a Bravo show. Plus, she'll bring the drama. Or bring back nutty Kelly.

NYC needs familiar faces at this point. That's what keeps ATL, OC, and BH afloat. They are not afraid to pull out old faces to stir the pot and provide comfort to old fans. NJ is about to do it now with Jacqueline as Dina has failed miserably to deliver. Danielle would've been better if you asked me but I digress....

TBH, it might be time to kiss NYC goodbye. I'd rather they go to newer locations like Honolulu, San Juan, Seattle, Detroit, Dallas, Houston.... Maybe South Central or Compton. :lol: Or go international and either revive Vancouver or do a Toronto housewives. Or just replace NYC with Melbourne.

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I liked the last season but maybe they should just cancel it and relaunch a new series in NY. Maybe Real Housewives of Manhattan. Same city, new name. Bring a whole new cast of diverse women. I don't care if they branch out and get women from Queens or Brooklyn. Not everyone in BH, lives there. Let the NYC go and embrace the changes

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I just finished watching the second part of Reunion. It was glorious.

Vicki's entire speech at Tamra, I have never heard Vicki so eloquent in her shade, in her dragging of anybody before. She destroyed Tamra verbally. Tamra couldn't believe it. The great thng about the speech is that, even if it was rehearsed, I believe every line of it. Vicki is happier this year. And she finally recognizes that Tamra feeds on other people's unhappiness. Hence why Tamra was trying to kiss up to Shannon -- she senses that Shannon's marriage is still not as fab as Shannon makes out now. And T is ready to exploit that in order to feel better about herself and the emptiness in her own life. I wouldn't be surprised if by next season, both Shannon and Tamra are on their way to breakups tbh.

I loved RHoOC this season -- it's the little show that could. It keeps surprising me, keeps raising the standard and bringing it. Best franchise of 2014 IMO (although I know RHoA would probably win that award in a popular vote :) ). I also love how genuinely fond Andy seems to be of the show and this cast. I have never seen him so comfortable and at ease with a cast as I did at this Reunion tbh. He wasn't afraid to push the issue with some of the women either.

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