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Can't imagine they would. Unless something super epic happens we haven't seen and she's a part of it. Otherwise, they've made her a non factor like BH's Marissa (was that her name?) and NYC's Jennifer Gilbert.

Yes, Nene was the surprise guest. And she was in a good mood.

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Vicki's neckline is too plunging. Unless she has perky breasts like Lizzie, she shouldn't be wearing that sheer ice skater fabric showcasing the drooping breasts. Sorry to be mean but it's the truth. The color OTOH is great on her.

Watching Tamra getting slowly exposed for being the [!@#$%^&*]-stirrer she is was golden, but it wasn't enough for me. She has gotten away with [!@#$%^&*] for years. Since next week's previews don't really delve into it, I am hoping Reunion is where Tamra gets called to account.

The most delicious thing about the episode was seeing Shannon and Vicki throw Tamra under the bus in the VTs and at the dinner. Even more delicious? The fact that Tamra brought it upon herself, telling Terry and Heather about the comment and totally not expecting Terry to pipe up and hash it out with David and Shannon there and then. And Eddie refusing to back up his wife? ROTFL!

Shannon, sigh. I know you guys love the crazy ho but I can't. I think she is 100% entitled to call Tamra out on her telling tales, and Heather out on spreading gossip. But she is targeting all her outsized hatred at Heather. She doesn't want to talk about Heather's issue with being yelled at by Shannon at her Xmas party, but she keeps harping about Heather throwing her out when she got belligerent in Heather's own home? Whatever. IMO, Shannon is looking for something, anything to pin on Heather. She is looking for a scapegoat for all the unhappiness in her life basically. Maybe she needs to look in the mirror because, as Heather pointed out, Shannon was the one who shared David's text with Tamra, a TV camera and the world.

David and Shannon clearly cannot stand each other. Brooks is too gross for words as usual.

Lizzie has finally grown on me! I realized when she was pitching to the boutique her swimwear line that this girl knows about business and how to run one. This is no Alexis Couture bullshit. She got a loan from her dad, put a business plan together, and built the business up slowly and organically. Kudos! Plus her take on HWs is so right on.

Edited by Cat
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Aww hell f*ckin' naw! I read that she ran off stage in tears! I hope Lizzie eviscerated that b*tch before she did though. And Shannon is a dumbass if she forgave Tamra so easily. I'm not shocked that Vicki played neutral because let's be honest, she really does not like Tamra. She fears her. That's why Vicki originally jumped on the Gretchen/Alexis bashing wagon. She knew Gramra was jealous of the much younger Alexis & Gretchen and instead of staying neutral, she sided with Tamra so she wouldn't be the target. And Heather.... :rolleyes: I find it odd that she forgave Trampy so easily when she tossed her under the bus easily. These heifers (minus Lizzie and past HWs, who've seen the light--e.g. Gretchen, Lydia, Alexis, Peggy, Lynne, Laurie, & Jeana) let Tamra get away with murder.

This is why I hope that the producers keep this cast but throws a curve ball at them and brings back Jeana and Gretchen. I would love for them to bring back two of Tamra's greatest foes, so she can sh*t in her pants. Or cast two uber b*tches that won't take sh*t from Tamra.

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I think she sealed her fate for next season. And she's not that connected to the girls anyway to even be "a friend of" like Kathy Wakilie is on Jersey this season. No big loss to me.

Maybe the Bangs will look better on camera. I thought Tamra looked good with her bangs...for that one scene she had them in. some people can pull off bangs, some can't. some people look awful without bangs.

I loved the new Jersey taglines. Although i was suprised that both Teressa and the sister were pushed into one tag line. I don't know if it's ever happend in housewife history before.

I wonder how close Joe and Melissa's house is going to be to Caroline Manzo. I know she lived in Franklyn Lakes. I don't remember if Jaclyn did or not.

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Dina: "Im back to bring the zen. Namaste, bitches!"

Finally the show got a new opening and I really love the taglines. MUCH better than NYC. I really like that the family shots were kept in there like OC. I hate how the other series' cut them out.

Dina's sisters and daughter all look like her. LOL at her not liking Melissa

Joe Gorga putting his tongue on a cold pole outside...how dumb. Did he never see A Christmas Story?

Of course it hasnt./ The show has never had twins before

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New Jersey is expertly produced! I LOVE the new opening colors and styling, plus the taglines are great. Dina is just so fricking flawless. I missed her icy ass. As for RHOC, I feel like they at least have a solid four, but Danielle and Lizzie can kick rocks for next season. I expected so much more from Lizzie based on how she looked.

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RHONJ bored me to tears last night. It's sad when the intro was the highlight of the episode for me last night. I'm going to need Bravo to reach out to kooky Danielle and bring her back. That deluded Queen needs to reclaim her throne and take this show back to the must-see TV it used to be.

In the case of RHOC, I've heard through the grapevine that Lizzie starts to come out her shell next week. And if she and Tamra had a huge blowup at the reunion, regardless of Lizzie refusing to take the cast photo, I see her being invited back next season. Besides Vicki, Lizzie has been the only other housewife on this franchise to get a warm reception this season. The other three (especially Trailer Park Judge) have been getting tons of heat, but I don't see a casting change occurring unless Lizzie opts to not resign. If anything, I see them keeping the same cast or adding allies for Lizzie next season.

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