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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I get Kandi. She comes from a tradition, especially in southern, Christian black families, where you don't DARE talk back or "disrespect" your elders, and definitely not your parents. No matter what they do or say to you as their child. Doesn't matter if you're an adult. I come from a family like that.

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First off, that man in your avi (aka MY hubby :P) is looking so fine. Oh the things I would do to him. I'm gonna need for you to find out who that Adonis is.

And I think Aviva was telling some truth, however, I do think that she dramatizes the HELL out of something. She just should've said she didn't wanna go. No one (minus Ramona/Sonja) were going to miss her. I did think it was hella funny when she tossed that medication at Kristen's dopey ass. And Kristen is calling Aviva a liar but she's a liar too. When did she cut for Aviva this season? I haven't seen it or remember it. Only person I've seen come to Aviva's defense consistently this season was Sonja. All Kristen did was sit back like spectator each time people came for Aviva. #GirlBye

And Luann might as well stop arguing with Sonja. It's like fighting with Kelly from past seasons, pointless. You don't fight with crazy.

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I used my Catfish skills and searched for the image on Google and it is a Bollywood star named Varun Dwahan.




As far as him being YOURS


The episode as a whole was rather dull. The gossip from the facialist was not salacious enough to get me mad and in my feelings. Next.

Edited by Eric83
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I am loving OC this season, so many great ingredients have come together: a likeable new woman (Lizzie), the maturing OG of the OC (Vicki), the crumbling bitch (Tamra), the classy one (Heather) and the one whose nuts (Shannon).

It's about damn time Tamra's ass got exposed. Ever since she dared tangle with Jeana Keough with her "cyst and deceased" letter she has been dead to me.

Loving Vicki's storyline this year, she is clearly devoted to her children, her grandson and her career. She seems way more relaxed, way less tense than last season, Gretchen (and that leach Slade) going was just what this franchise needed.

Lizzie had many cute scenes.

Shannon is crazy. Like, insane, Southern California crazy. She actually takes her kids to get crystal energy massages and all that crap? And of course when the going gets tough, she breaks down and goes to a real doctor for a stress test. It was bizarre to see her ponder the state of her marriage when it seems like she and her husband just can't stand each other. Next week with Heather at her most imperious looks amazing.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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I like Aviva, but her excuse for not going to Montana? BULLSH-T! Whipping out the inhaler in her talking head....really? If she cant be bothered to participate and go on the trips then they need to yank her apple and drop her to simply being a friend

"Aviva, literally opened up her bag of crazy and threw it at Kristen" LOL

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