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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Your opinion. I didn't find them kissing Lisa's ass at all. At least not Joyce. And I don't find them as flops. I think if they're brought back for a second season, they'll shine. Especially Joyce. And if Alexis can be brought back for 3 seasons, ANYONE should be able to be brought back.

Gretchen's first one was not epic to me IMO because it was a pile up, and I don't find them to be epic. Seasons 7 and 8 reunions were OK. They weren't all that. Brianna and Brooks was the ONLY thing that made s8 reunion decent. RHOBH reunion s2 was decent.

Oh and did anyone hear that supposedly Fantasia and Kandi had a falling out at her wedding. Word on the street is that Fanny was drunk and cussing during her speech to Kandi and Todd.

Nobody better not call me during a RHOA reunion period unless you're dying. Otherwise, you'll get read. Season 4 reunion, I cut my phone off altogether. Especially on parts 1 & 3.

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I'm okay with that. I recall they had trouble with casting and with filming set, I'm glad they didn't scrap the Hawaii shoot. I'm sure the three will be interesting enough, especially with a trip to Hawaii. I'd rather that than editing the two other ladies in awkwardly like they did Alexis last season.

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It'll be a throwback to the earlier seasons with more individual housewife scenes.. and even events where they came together and got along.

From what I read, one of the new housewives is being introduced in the 3rd episode or so.. so I'm wondering if episode 2 will be when the other new housewife comes in.

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Gretchen wasn't the problem, Slade was for me.

Vicki will never be cut. She gives off the train wreck moments, and her meltdown on the ski slope last season bought the show to at least 2.1 or 2.2 million viewers last season while the other episodes hovered under 2 million. It was promoted in commercials, online, etc.. and when it had a ratings increase, Bravo talked it up.. which surprised me considering that it was in its 8th season.

However, the constant rotation of housewives on this particular franchise is what's kept it fresh. We would have had more rotation if Heather's friend hadn't backed out of joining in season 8 and Bravo had to bring back Alexis.

it's telling that even when they had trouble finding new housewives, and Lydia quit right before filming of season 9 that they didn't call Alexis nor Gretchen to come back.

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From what I was told - by a rather reliable source - was that Lydia never signed on. Something had happened between wrapping and the next season with her and she and Gretchen became friends and when Gretchen was returning Lydia didn't want to. They knew well before production started that she wasn't returning. Idk for sure but this person has been reliable in the last. Either way I'm so happy she's not returning.

I do believe the rumors that Vicki and Tamara refused to sign on for another one with Gretchen.

I will say at least these shows don't take just anybody. When they have a hard time it isn't for a lack of interest from women. It's a lack of interesting women. But man have we had some duds over the years for various reasons.

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We were wrong! Looks like Shannon will appear in the season premiere for Orange County. Just looking at the clip on Bravo's website (http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-9/videos/no-cell-phones-for-shannons-kids), I think we're going to have a different feel without Gretchen and Alexis. I look forward to something fresh for the series!

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I love Sonja but she is turning into Little Edie Beale of Grey Gardens with the crumbling townhouse, her wardrobe full of weird stuff she mixes and matches, and her crumbling dental health. Her body is SICK, though. Especially for a woman her age.

Aviva, wow. I seesaw from hating to loving her. Hating her because she is so cavalier in the way she refuses to understand Carole's point. And because she clearly thinks she is incredibly saintly, gracious and benevolent to share her presence with the rest of the HWs. And then, she does a flip on me.I love the emotional maturity and kindness she showed to her childhood friend while visiting the "scene of the crime." All this adds up to a really interesting HW, IMO, and a key addition to the franchise.

Heather has brass balls and I love that she defends her friends and doesn't back down from a fight. I also do not think she went overboard or was in any way involving herself in something that did not concern her.

I like Kristen. I like that she is an observer, a voice of reason right now. She's not being too thirsty about getting up in each and every HW's face. She seems like the genuine article, and that is rare on the RH shows now.

LuAnn! How I have missed your superciliousness and your cake diplomacy at times of high hysteria! So glad she is back.

I could have done without the Coney Island mermaids tbh.

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