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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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If she's an idiot and Lisa Iis so high above her then why waste time talking down to her? And no just them being on the same show isn't a reason because it's not a snarky comment here or there.

And hey I'm not religious but pray wherever ya got to when you need to. I'm not gonna shame anyone for that.

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While we're going down NYC memory lane, Season 5 is currently available on demand for me, so I rewatched the first episode, and I was reminded of another issue with the reboot: the first few episodes, the ladies nitpick Every. Single. Detail. Of. Each. Conversation. It's like really bad. Even for petty Housewives qausi-fights. Because it's 3 women getting to know 3 new women, they really dissect every peak and valley of a conversation, just for the sake of creating drama. Fear not, first-time watchers, it gets better.

I know Ramona is not everyone's cup of tea, and sometimes she can be downright wrong and tactless. But I enjoy the hell outta her. And I love her words of wisdom to daughter Avery about learning a craft/skill/trade and learn to be independent so that you never have to rely on the support of a man. Wise words indeed :)

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Nene shades all the women including Marlo on The View this morning. I guess most wont care when she said she wasn't friends with them, but I guess that solidifies the end of her and Cynthia and confirms the rumors that they had a falling out




and Mama Joyce was also on The View, with Todd and Kandi and they went in on her

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So I'm near the end of s4 of NYC.

Ramona remains the absolute worst. Honestly I'd rather have to be friends with OC Vicki over her. I really don't have much more to say about her because she's just disgusting. And one of the biggest hypocrites ever. I can't with her reasoning for not being in Luann's video. I also find it sad that her daughter is home alone all the time texting her about coming home or not. Wow.

Sonja I feel for because of her situation. She's messy but fun and harmless.

I am shocked at how much I enjoy watching Jill and Luann. I don't like them really but compared to the others I do. Luann is phony as all hell but she adds a lot to the show. Jill I just find interesting. I don't think she's anywhere near evil like she's been made out to be and like I assumed.

Kelly is fun but clearly medicated or something because she's not insane like she was. Sad. I'm evil I know.

Then there is Alex who finally earned her spot last season and this season was just so basic and boring and trying way to hard.

Cindy is fun and I like her but I see why she was let to.

As for team blondes vs team brunette, brunette all the way and I'm so shocked about it!

I would have let Alex, Luann and Sonja go honestly. But the reboot was great. The new girls are all ready additions. I'd love to see the old 3 out after this.

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Ramona is going on and on about how she spends time with her daughter and Luann doesn't and somehow that Luann's daughter isn't turning out as great as her daughter is. Meanwhile in the last episode her daughter was telling her how she's never home and she doesn't know where she is or when she's coming home. She also claims she's a role model for her daughter but took her shipping for a burlesque show and tried to get her to try things on?

She's also talking about how wonderful and perfect her marriage is. LOL

I hate this trick so much.

Edited by JackPeyton
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All the discussion of RHOBH sort of shows me why the ratings have fallen. There isn't much show to be found in "Who is mean to Lisa and why are they mean to Lisa?" with a dash of, "Is Lisa a schemer or is she innocent at heart?"

The only other storyline the show has is Brandi as Marge Schotte with a mini-dress, and Carlton is very, very, very, very offended, and she needs to tell you why, and by the way, did you know she's Wiccan, but don't mention that, because she's offended. PS, if you don't mention it, she's offended by that too. And stop taunting her in her dreams. PS PS, she's sexy and hot, and she loves ladies. Wait, don't mention that either...

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It's as close as this season comes to a story. Even the Brandi/Yolanda/Lisa stuff hasn't been coherent enough for a story. Instead it's a big ball of, "Everyone is picking on Lisa."

I did forget about the dog.

I wish they'd shown more of the autograph show...have a cliffhanger where Erin Moran and the guy who played Carmine get in a hair pulling fight, or something.

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