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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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RHOA: Porsche is a child and children don't belong on this show. Period.

Y'all were way hard on kandi. I got where she was coming from with him and his job. He's not just not working with her. He's going to be gone for possibly months at all.

Nene is busy. Lol. Busy not working. One man hired her on a failed show and she was critically panned.

Mal is thirsty for a spot on this show.

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So. Much. Focus. On. Kim. Jesus. Why?! Ino salty didn't watch the party and don't care.

Then she attacks lisa and Lisa's home for not coming. This bitch. Who cares? I wouldn't go to a casual friends kids graduation party either esp if I had just flown into town. Ken mentioning she missed stuff, lol. And her freak out and harrasment of him for it. Surprised Joyce didn't defend him since she loves it when husbands get into fights with single women.

Carlton as much as I like her just doesn't fit.

Joyce is obsessed with being bullied. I wonder how much of it is legit and how much of it using the go to bus sword for sympathetic story.

Why is Kyle bringing a large, small animal eating dog around? Jiggly is a tiny hand held dog. The difference is huge.

Glad Joyce said she doesn't think Brandi is racist but made a racist comment. That is true. Lisa and Kyle listening in was hilarious. I kinda miss their friendship. Brandi is on point about Joyce talking at people not to them lisa is a D cup? Hum. Didn't think that. Brandi and Joyce are both immature brats who are desperate for attention and storylines on this show. They are like a failed Gretchen and Tamra.

I did love carlton going in on Joyce and calling her out on labeling. Joyce got so damn defensive and rambled on and on too. She can take on a Brandi who can't handle [!@#$%^&*] but someone like carlton took her down with one sentence.

Brandi's non apology apology was fantastic. Can we move the !@#$%^&*] on from this now?

"We can agree to disagree but we don't have to hug" LOL

I missed Yolanda

Edited by JackPeyton
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Pump Rules is fantastic this season. Last season was a slow build but this season has been drama start to every single moment.

Stassi is the queen bee. She ruins all of these peoples loves for fun.

Kristen is her best friend but she's awful. Her boyfriend cheats on her and she blames everyone but him.

Schena is the girl who had an affair with Brandks husband. She sucks.

Katie is the ginger girl who stirs the pot and ends up causing the most drama but she's irrelevant basically.

Schwartz is dating Katie. He's very irrelevant but pretty. I like him.

Tom Sandoval is dating Kristen. Love him.

Jax is dating stassi. He's sexy but dumb. I love him.

Peter is the manager. He's just there.

Arianna is great. She's a bartender who slept with Tom. Or didn't. Love.

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Alex's new video has some good info re: New York. She finally confirms that she was asked to be a "Friend" during Season 5 and she turned them down because she felt she'd have to film and do the same amount of work as a regular housewife, but for less pay. She feels bad for LuAnn (who is suddenly being nice to her) because unlike her, LuAnn didn't have a choice. Apparently LuAnn filmed the season thinking she'd be a housewife and when she and Jacques broke up after filming, that's when they decided to demote LuAnn. She filmed a lot with Jacques so they probably had to cut out a lot of his scenes and according to Alex Bravo was furious.


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I thought Vanderpump Rules was better last season. This season has way too much Kristen and I cant stand the bitch. Seriously her storyline is ruining the show for me. Stasi's more likeable but somehow Scheana has taken her place and is just awful.

I pretty sure she already confirmed she was asked to be a friend last season. I don't get why Jacque and her breaking up would cause Bravo to demote her. Wouldn't they just make that her little blurb in the finale? Its crazy to think that they could demote her after filming. Arent contracts made before then? Wouldn't they have a deal set up with both parties agreeing she'd be paid as a housewife prior? Its crazy to think that she could invest all that personal time with them in her house and filming her about and then demote her without the proper compensation for that time investment.

LOL at what she said about Mynique. "She has nothing going for her except that her husband's a jerk." I do disagree with her assessment of Joyce and Kenya

Edited by Cheap21
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I liked vp last season but this season is bringing it. I hate Kristen but she's really a supporting player. Her storyline has given more to stassi Jax Arianna Tom etc IMO.

Re ny and Luann, IF the report is true (I don't think it is, honestly) she would still be paid her com trade agreement. But that contract doesn't make her a housewife and not friend of. It doesn't force bravo is promote her as a main wife or air a specific amount of anything, it just ensures a payment and filming arrangements. Other wives in the past have been filmed as main wives and demoted through editing. Didn't this happen twice on OC? And before on my?

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It was reported to happen to Fernanda on OC. She was even in the cast photos on Bravo's website as a main housewife. When the season aired, they barely showed her. Its crazy to think she was still paid as a housewife even if they didn't utilize her in that capacity literally just as the show was about to air

Meanwhile Sonja got bumped up to full housewife status mid season in NYC, when she was originally only set to be a friend that season with her upgrade coming the following season if she worked out. I wonder if she got a pay increase for that

Edited by Cheap21
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From the little I know about reality tv contacts, for a main person/star/contracted for all episodes they get paid the most, and are contracted to filming dates/range of time not episodes. For someone who's minor/supporting/friend of they get paid per episode they are in, not usually for filming. Meaning they could film but if it isn't used they don't typically get paid. Some people are are recurring/friend of status do get paid for filming though and some even have a contract for filming and of course then they get paid for their time regardless of what airs.

Shows do it differently of course, so I can't say for sure this is how RHo does it and because different companies actually make the shows it may even vary by location

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The story in the NW Daily News said that because the show is premiering so long after it wrapped, that having a season full of Jacques/LuAnn with no on-screen breakup would make the show seem dated.

This is true. Marlo from RHOA has said she has a contract and I'm sure it's similar to scripted contracts. She appeared in most episodes of I Dream of Nene and now she'll likely appear in around 10-12 episodes of RHOA, so she probably has a contract for the show in general, but that doesn't specify what her role is. I remember with Fernanda, she was reported as a housewife, in the promotional material, then she got edited out so much that her part of the reunion was only aired on BravoTV.com.

Another person meant to be a housewife was Jennifer Gilbert, who was filmed for three months for season three of RHONY, but she barely aired in the end. I actually think that was a mistake since that season was so flawless. I would've shown her scenes so they could get another 3-4 episodes out of the season. And hell, just to get my money's worth! I can't believe they didn't use her after filming her as a full on wife.

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10-12 episodes of ATL? Are you sure? I thought Marlo was doing a driveby, maybe 2 or 3 episodes. We are already on episode 12 and she's only now about to appear on that. You really think she'll be on every episode from here on out? Even then, I would think it would be over by episode 18 with an appearance on 1 part if the reunion

I don't think Jennifer was set to be a HW. She joined as a friend like Sonja as they were trying both out knowing Bethenny was leaving. Sonja got the apple and Jen got the boot. Her appearance was more of an audition that didn't work out rather than demotion

Edited by Cheap21
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I think it's likely that Marlo will appear for the rest of the season and I'm willing to bet this season will have AT LEAST 22 episodes, before the reunion. With these ratings (and reports it's airing through May), it seems likely. With Marlo I don't think she immediately will have a story, but we'll have to see her become friends with Kenya, then start feuding with Nene, then the charity event where she fights with Nene and fall out from that. I could see them getting 10 episodes out of that. We'll see. I expect the second half of the season to be very different now that we have Malorie, Marlo, Lexis and that new ugly woman who is Christopher Williams' wife and obviously part of Kandi's big blow up later on.

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