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IMO, Lisa is defending Lea b/c she's thirsty. Lea has connections that Lisa doesn't. Lea has material goods that Lisa wants. Lisa only defends Lea for her own benefit. Lisa is nothing more than a plastic body, golddigging, social climber. It's pathetic and annoying.

The thirst these girls (Lisa, Joanna, Adriana, and even Karent last season) display in Miami is why fans can't connect with them. Half the cast is inauthentic.

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Why would Christopher Williams be appearing?

I just finished up I Dream of Nene: Episode 4 and I didn't expect to get so emotional. I almost broke out in the ugly cry when I saw Porsha and remember I'm going to have to listen to that annoying voice for 20+ episodes starting next month. :( And she sounds just as dumb as ever...

....in happier news, I found this a good episode for Marlo and Nene. Marlo is still looking fly and is effortless in her interactions with Diana. Another hat we got to see is Marlo as Creative Director for this wedding. Marlo has mentioned this in interviews so it was nice to clearly see this on screen. Nene even said that the new wedding planner would work with the help of her and Marlo. I like this. Nene better hurry and get over this feud because Marlo and Cynthia are the best things to happen to her on camera.

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Marysol is such a liar. Im glad Leah saved the text she sent and read it back.

Team Lisa! I loved that she confronted Marysol and yes Ana is condescending. As Lisa said, no one wants you here, please go home. Lisa called them out and good for her.

Adriana is crazy expecting her guests to change into a different outfit at her wedding. It can get expensive enough buying one dress but to get an even more lavish one for her theme after? And this is with a week's notice. Bitch is bugging. And it was tacky of her to send an e-vite for the wedding

Lisa's the most genuine one on the cast and the one I find the most relatable

I Dream of Nene


The shade honey, the shade! Marlo was killing her with those looks :lol:


Did you see the fabulous leg game she was giving us in that scene? I thought that was such a great shot with her dressed in white in her snake skin shoes. Diana on the opposite end doesn't look nearly as good

I cant believe the wedding planner was using four letter words with Nene. You don't start throwing around the F bomb to someone that hired you and is paying you money. Very unprofessional. As someone who's dealt with bridezilla's she shouldn't have had such an attitude and should know how to handle the situation better

Edited by Cheap21
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Some Miami thoughts:

It's kind of sick, but I find Romain hotter thanks to his "storyline". Is he gay? Can he only have sex with people he doesn't have feelings for? Who knows. But I like him being cute and awkward while looking like this.

Am I crazy or did I see a man in make up who looked exactly like Adriana in the preview? What was that?

Marysol reminded me a little bit of Elaine chasing Lea like this. What was the point of it? I hate you, but why didn't you send my mother flowers?

Hiding Lea's stupid friends (Elaine, Thomas etc) has done wonders for her on the show. She seems a lot nicer now. And much more beautiful. Lea doesn't want or need friends. She wants a pet with boobs and it's only logical that these "friendships" don't end well.

I still like Lisa a lot. It is obvious that she is not as naive as she was last year as far as the other ladies are concerned. Most of them are trophy wives, Lisa is the only one who is open about it and doesn't pretend to be a successful businesswoman or an activist.

Ana is still the nerdy cousin the popular girls are forced to bring to the party. (She hates all of them of course and she thinks she is the only smart person in the room. No you are not, Ana. I still remember your story with your ex from last year)

How can people stay mad at Adriana when they hear that sexy accent?

Edited by Elsa
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LOLOLOL! Funky Dineva's recap is just fantastic. It is hurting my heart the way Marlo and everybody keeps punking Diana out and I just can't take it. WHY did Diana start this mess and WHY won't she stop? She is sick lol. This woman is getting $28,000 a MONTH from her baby daddy (and courts already proved it's not going to the kids) and is on National TV dressed like she shops at Ross Dress For Less and Citi Trends. Cheap, YOU ARE WRONG for posting that screencap so we can see the difference in Marlo and Diana. She looks like a lost Simone from Passions from 1999!

Nene is a damn lie saying that she isn't picking sides. Thus far she has picked Diana's side and attempted to throw both Lexis and Marlo under the bus. Why is she asking them why they're mad at Diana? Lexis simply asked why Marlo and Diana were fighting and based on her interactions with both, gave an observation for why that might be happening. Nene is the one who ran to Diana like a messy bitch. Then with Marlo, Nene was there and saw that Diana started that. She was being one-sided and she wanted Lexis and Marlo to bow down and apologize to Diana. I'm glad they continue to clown her.

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This season is doing wonders for Lea. Watching the girls trip to LA....Joanna, Lisa, and Queen Bee Lea and the scene where they're besides the pool....just incredible. For the first time I saw lea show some genuine emotion. Her reaction to Joanna's journey was pretty raw and made me really like her in that instant....

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Kim tore Kandi's ass up in court lol. I figured Kim would win and I'm glad that she prevailed in the end. Another reason I wish she were on the show. I'd love to see Phaedra (who represented Kandi) and Kandi called out on this.

Kim Zolciak
Beats Kandi Burruss' Ass
... In Court
It's no clothes-tearing cat fight ... but it was still pretty nasty ... and now, former "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Kim Zolciak has prevailed -- beating the crap out of Kandi Burruss in Kandi's own lawsuit.

As we reported, Burruss -- repped by fellow RHOA star Phaedra Parks -- sued Zolciak over their 2009 song "Tardy for the Party," claiming Kim swindled her out of a huge chunk of the song's profits (... though we can't imagine they amounted to much).

Zolciak responded with her own legal docs, accusing Kandi of using the lawsuit as a publicity stunt to promote her now-canceled show "The Kandi Factory." (Clearly it worked.)

But NOW THE WAR IS OVER ... a judge has officially ruled in Kim's favor (pretty much on a technicality involving federal court jurisdiction and blah blah whatever).

But who cares. Because now no one has to hear the phrase "Tardy for the Party" ever again.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/10/12/kim-zolciak-kandi-burruss-lawsuit-tardy-for-the-party/#ixzz2hW1ZDXZX
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Chile....NeNe and Marlo got into it this weekend.

Nene was tweeting some threats on Friday night.

NeNe Leakes ‏@NeNeLeakes 11 Oct
Some people just belong n jail! See u court

Didn't realize she was talking about her former BFF and number one "bridemaid" Marlo.

According to Tamara the two of them got into a real fight while taping on Friday night. Marlo was on Team Twirl instead of Team Rich. Nene was pissed:

Nene Leakes and Marlo Hampton Fight on RHOA Set

Nene recently did an interview with Entertainment Weekly saying Marlo was extremely difficult to work with. Marlo responded on Radar saying she could not be a housewife because she isn’t married. (Um Hello, Kandi?, Kim? That one manly one that got fired?) So there has been a lot of beef between those two since I Dream of Nene ended. And Nene’s insults have been of the “no man will marry you” variety.

Edited: And great sleep I did. Still having trouble staying awake. But here is the latest. There was a HUGE season 6 scene for RHOA yesterday. It was The Bailey Bowl, a charity event sponsored by Cynthia Bailey. It was an event to promote fitness and nutrition and it was run like a field day.

Some of the competition was in the YMCA basketball court and some was outside. Nene’s team was TEAM RICH naturally, and well, they didn’t fare so well. It all started out well with friendly competition but that quickly turned ugly. TEAM RICH had all of Nene’s bridesmaids on it except for Marlo.

Marlo was on TEAM TWIRL with Kenya. Lots of Jawing happened between Nene and Marlo and Nene felt that calling the police about Marlo was necessary. Oh LAWD. Not to mention Kenya and Marlo palling around together.

  1. NeNe Leakes ‏@NeNeLeakes 12 Oct
    U can't throw every dog a bone because they might bite your hand#lessonlearned
  2. 4bca499322bde3ca48264ce436b17542_normal.NeNe Leakes ‏@NeNeLeakes 12 Oct
    I don't know 1 person on this earth that is worth me hitting! The most I will do is hit u wit the court system
  3. 4bca499322bde3ca48264ce436b17542_normal.NeNe Leakes ‏@NeNeLeakes 12 Oct
    I don't regret when I do things out of the goodness of my heart! It's sad when ppl can't see ur heart & all that you've done 2 help them

NeNe Leakes ‏@NeNeLeakes 2h
Every season they claim I hit somebody but u haven't seen it yet have u! That's because it never happens

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