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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I don't see Vicki living a lie. In just the same way that you've asserted 'everyone knows about Gretchen and cheating, why admit it'...that's the approach Vicki's taking as well.

I find Vicki very straightforward, if Gretchen is too dense to see that Vicki hates her the same way she does that's her problem. I think their fighting has been very even, keeping in mind Gretchen has Slade who does as much of her dirty work as she does. She has never once corrected him and never once told him his behaviour isn't acceptable. She condones it. They're a pair and Vicki is on the warpath.

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Caught up on the classic RHONJ episodes from today.

These early shows remind me of how much I loved Tre, Caro and Dina. Even Jac was okay. They all got along so well and looked so cute and natural. I had forgotten how beautiful Dina is and Caro looked really good too. Tre looked so soft and beautiful and I loved her mispronounciations and misspoken words. I still love them - they endear her to me. I love that they all laughed and teased and had so much fun together.
I think that later on, Tre reacted slowly in conversations/confrontations because she really was stunned at the vitriol being spewed at her from all sides. If you watched her on Celebrity Apprentice, her reactions and mannerisms and behaviors were quite normal and natural. I'm glad she had the chance to do that show.
I miss those times. Yes even Danielle Staub's paranoid and delusional ass. Now I can't stand Caro, Dina is gone, Jac has gone wacko and Tre is the punching bag for all of them. The addition of Mel just increased the circling of the sharks. Kathy added nothing to the show.
I wanna go back. :(
The Gorgas and Wakiles have ruined this franchise!!!

Not yet will let you know as soon as I see it! It looked good. I knew Queen Linnethia would finally give me a wedding spinoff worth watching.

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Would love to participate in the current RHoOC debate (LOL, I know it is good-natured) but am exhausted just reading all of it!

Let's just leave it at: Gretchen and Vicki are cut from the same cloth, two sides of the same coin, etc.

They both boast about themselves, they both (foolishly) think they can hide their "indiscrepancies" [© Gretchen for that Bushism], they both dig into each other's past in order to smear the other. Like Stephanie and Brooke on B&B, they are both obsessed with each other and, with that said, they just need to stop pretending, kick Slave and Brokes to the curb, and run off and marry each other. Then we can have the Gretch-Tamra-Vicki love triangle this franchise is clearly banking on.

Oh, and Lydia's "Douche-lorrrrrd striiiiikes again!" comment will be the moment for me that she bought her ticket to Season 9.

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I love how you like Lydia bc she was such a pleasant surprise as I was not expecting to like her. She brought more to the table than Alexis and she's good energy. Plus her husband is cute and her mother is a trip. I want to see more of her vs Heather and Douche Lord as she certainly has story for season 9. I hope Andy realizes her value bc it would be a shame to cut her when she's cemented herself well for a follow season

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Totally agree with you! I really like Lydia although i wasn't sure about her inclusion at the beginning. I love Heather but Lydia really read her at Reunion and exposed her entitled attitude. She doesn't back down from conflict and will usually tell Heather, Douche Lord, Gretchen and Vicki (re: the way Ryan treated her mom) any issues she has with them, to their face.

Calling out Douche Lord and trying in vain to protect Tamra's long-gone modesty as she peed in the snow were particularly epic.

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This is some truth!

As for Lydia I don't get it. At all. She's Alexis, basically, except she is in with Tamra and Vicki. I don't see how she read heather at the reunion at all, I will sy she was on the verge but she basically just proved heathers point. I'd love to see her and Alexis both dropped for women who are more worthy.

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Lol Lydia is nothing like Alexis. For one Alexis comes across as an idiot and Lydia has functioning brain cells. Lydia's very perceptive whereas Alexis is just delusional about herself and her surroundings. She has a somewhat very backwards submissive relationship with her husband which sets the women's movement back 100 years and Lydia is more progressive and has a partnership with her husband. I find Lydia to be much more appealing than Alexus and on the surface the only things they share is that they have families and are Christian but unlike Alexis, Lydia isn't constantly feeling the need to project that last one out there

As for Heather, no one really calls her on her sense of entitlement and how condescending she can be. I guess Alexus and Gretchen tried but both got shut down and Hearher owned them in their confrontations, especially Alexis. Lydia held her own, called her out, was not scared of Heather and didnt back down one bit. She didnt let Heather shut her down and dismiss her like the other ladies. If anything they left their ordeal at a standstill

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When Lydia turned Heather's Lisa Vanderpump argument ("She's a HW just like I am; how come she gets a cover and not me?!") right back onto her, that's when she showed up Heather. And while Heather's "pop a vein" comeback was hilarious, it was a last resort because she hadn't been able to win the argument.

I think Lydia is hilarious, [!@#$%^&*]-stirrer and all. Still, diff'rent strokes and all that. I hated Lynne Curtin when she was a HW, and some people on her loved her stint. Same with Kathy on RHoNJ. I am of the view that Dina vs. Danielle was epic, and that the Gorgas and Wakiles ruined the show but what do I know? Ratings have gone up since those twits came on board.

Edited by Cat
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Eh... they've remained stable but Season 2 with Danielle still remains the highest rated season of NJ and highest rated reunion tongue.png

Lisa vs.Yolanda?

Read on a Housewives blog that Lisa has unfollowed Yolanda on Twitter and this pic of them in a tense conversation on their cast trip in Puerto Rico has surfaced.
I hope not I love the Lisa/Brandi/Yolanda trifecta.
Edited by Eric83
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Lydia won me over in that last episode during the incident with her mom and Vicki's psychotic son in law (who seriously needs to be put down like a rabid beast).

She's nothing like Alexis who was boring from the very moment I first saw her.

Heathers dirty look is so fearsome tho. I'm cringing even though I know it's not even aimed at me!

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