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I loved Tamra this season, but the reunion proved to me that she is fake, 2 faced, and a liar. Vindication is not due to the two Hypocrites Vicki and Tamra, who are admitted liars. Gretchen didn’t make them look like fools those seasons they were spreading rumors, they did. Vicki clims to be the victim of Lauri’s lies, last season Tamra said she was a victim of Jeana’s lies and here they are still doing to others as they claim others do onto them. I guess vindication is owed to Jeana anmd Kauri LOL.

Last season Tamra and Vicki were throwing stones ateach other and claiming to know the real deal on each others marriage, and at this reunion Tamra admits that what she stated about Vicki was hearsay GMAFB with those two!

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I do think Vicki called Tamra from Mexico with a man naked in her bed. It's just now that they're friends again she's trying to backtrack. Just like last year Nene was blasting Kim saying she was racist but when they made up she said at the reunion that Kim is just ignorant and doesn't realize how black people may take her harmless comments. Or Jacqueline exposing that Tre walked in on Juicy f-cking his secretary (love Tre but its not out of realm of possibility) and Jacq apologizing about it when she made up with Tre. These women get caught up in the moment and spill each other's business and just backtrack when they make up.

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Just watched the two episodes with Lisa's Lingerie Party. Oh... my God. What the f.uck was going on? James/Elaine throwing a drink on Beau's face and pushing him in the pool... That disgusting douchebag Joe telling everyone that he slept with both sisters... Joanna ready to attack Marysol for wearing fur... it just kept getting worse and worse. Adrianna decides that's the best time to finish her conversation with Karent, Joanna butting in and then they have a catfight?? WHAT? And, out of all this, Lisa and Lea decide they're besties (but Lisa keeps making digs about Lea's age). I just can't. And I thought this sh*t only happened in soap operas.

And you were SO right. Marysol calling Karent a carrier pigeon laugh.png

And Elsa ( wub.png ) walking around her house telling herself she has no one, she's lonely, no man, no friend, no thinking or talking. OMG. Priceless.

Edited by YRBB
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RHOC reunion

My god I was having flashbacks of three reunions ago talking about the Jeff [!@#$%^&*] again.

Vicki's surgery has settled nicely.

Lydia is such a [!@#$%^&*] stirrer.

I don't even like Gretchen but I found that she handled herself pretty well, but I mean she's had years of practice with Tam/Vicki ganging up on her.

God I need Jeana back on this show.

Edited by Antoyne
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It's my favorite episodes of any Housewives series. I also LOVED when Joe Francis & Marysol say at the same time "Don't say anything around Karent" (and Joe finishing with "because she's the devil!") So many priceless moments in those episodes. They were and are the gift that keeps on giving!

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I have to admit JackPeyton, I sometimes wonder if we're watching the same show.

Vicki hasn't danced around cheating on Don. She has said in VT interviews "I cheated," "I was unfaithful," "There was infidelity on both sides of this marriage for a long time." Thus, I really don't understand what you see as her avoiding or not owning up to.

And my issue with Gretchen denying it, even though everyone knows she did and there's proof to substantiate the claim, is that she's lying. And it's a big lie. And it's a pattern of negative behaviour that she won't admit to her lies.

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Because Vicki does what she always does when she admits to anything. She then pulls back and dances around it and gets super vague. She does deny cheating on don with brooks when that is the cause of major family issues for her. Bri knows how long Vicki has been with brooks and I'd. ET it was long before she and don broke up. She puts all the blame on don at this point. She is a hypocrite, a liar and a whore. All the things she hates about Gretchen everything Vicki trashes and attacks Gretchen for are 1000% things she hates in herself and its just sad actually.

I think it'd be great if Gretchen would just fess up. But I understand why she doesn't. It was likely an agreement between them, and if that is the vase it's not cheating. But she has remained close to his kids and they don't need to hear the deals about his sex life or lack there of and agreeing to let his arm candy go have sex with guys on the side. I don't think it's a big lie at all honestly. And she's the one with the least proven track record of being a liar and having negative behavior.

I'm not saying she's perfect or innocent she's not. But that's kind of my point. The obsessive hatred that Tamra and Vicki have of her and their tag team attacks on her make into a victim when she isn't one. They cause this. They make themselves look bad. Vicki bashing Gretchen then preaching female empowerment? Vicki making a huge deal about Gretchen cheating when she was banging every guy she could? Her outrage at bretchenpimping her product is when every other world of out Vicki's mouth is insurance? Her baiting, bashing and attacking Gretchen basically every week then denying it - sometimes with flashbacks to dlrove she did say it? That IMO is the biggest pattern of negative behavior that someone won't own up to.

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I just don't see the vagueness and dancing around the subject when it comes to Vicki. And I don't appreciate or understand the double standard with Vicki needing to provide more information than Gretchen does.

As well, I don't see the obsession you speak of. I see the three of them as having a feud. It's equal blame on all sides. And really...Tamra started it all with "Hold on to your daddies girls, Gretchen's coming!"

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This is never going to happen bc she just got engaged and is firmly planted in CA, but I think a great move for Gretchen would be if she hightailed it out of the OC and moved to Texas in the first RH spinoff series. Imagine if they used her as a springboard to launch RH of Dallas? Go there to find a rich oil tycoon to marry. Feud with the Texan trophy wives and mix it up with a whole new batch of ladies.

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You don't see Vicki deny that she cheated on don with brooks? You don't see her shift blame to him? I don't think Vicki needs to provide anything, Gretchen either. I said its pointless for Gretchen to admit to cheating on Jeff because it isn't going to solve anything. It will become a hunt for how often with how many men and what position she did it in etc...

I'm honestly shocked you don't see an obsession. This entire season, as well as every season since she came on, Vicki has trashed Gretchen from start to finish. Sometimes it's blunt, it's usually backhanded or a snide remark or done in a TH, but it's always done. She hates Gretchen with a passion. Gretchen has been more than civil, I'd say nice, to Vicki but its pointless because Vicki can not stop herself from trashing the girl for any and everything. How dare she throw ya,RA a bachelorette party in Mexico. How dare she give them her own production. She isn't a real business women. She's a lying whore. She's supporting a dead beat dad, disgusting - now let me o do the same. That's Vicki on Gretchen always. It literally seems to be a case of Gretchen could solve world hunger and Vicki would have an issue with it. It isn't a fued, Gretchen and Alexis is a fued, heather and Alexis is a fued, even Tamra away from Vicki is just a good old fashioned fued for the most part with Gretchen. Tamra is far from innocent, but she's not the point here. I'm talking about Vicki. Vicki who trashes Gretchen but very single thing she hates about Gretchen is something Vicki herself is or does. Vicki who is a toal hypocrite and liar. Tamra usually owns her [!@#$%^&*]. She knows what she's doing and she isn't afraid to admit it.

Yes please! This would be fantastic. She could totally anchor a new city. I'd love to see who Vicki projected all her self hatred on without Gretchen on OC.
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What I saw was Vicki say to Brianna "Don't bring this up on camera" when she said Vicki cheated on Don with Brooks. I think cheating is vile, but who it's with is immaterial to me because it's the act that's the first hit of deplorable behaviour. I haven't seen Vicki shift blame to Don, she's said, probably 20 times over two seasons, that she had a bad marriage and that both of them cheated.

I don't see an obsession at all. What I see is Vicki provoking and being provoked. She's as guilty as Gretchen in that regard, but it isn't a one sided attack. Gretchen has been nice to Vicki's face but she has never liked her in a VT or throughout a season like she has with Tamra. They never clicked. And in just the same way that Vicki trashes Gretchen's licensing deals and business acumen (or lack thereof) and her support of deadbeat dad Slade, Gretchen has trashed Vicki's looks, Vicki's private life, Vicki's friendships and Vicki's relationships.

What I'm saying is, they hate each other, clearly. But it's equal, it's mutual and although Gretchen has been much nicer to Vicki's face, the hate has been there just the same, Vicki just doesn't bother with bullshitting Gretchen with a smile on her face, in essence, Vicki doesn't bother lying to Gretchen, she just out and out hates her while Gretchen seethes behind the scenes.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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She doesn't want it brought up on camera, she doesn't wan to own it, but she wants to bring up details of Gretchen's love life she doesn't want to discuss. That exactly ,y point. She lives a lie and she has a double standard. It's off topics whenever anyone dares to mention anything against Vicki but she wants to expose people.

I def don't think it's equal by any means. Gretchen more than less attacks defensively because she's too weak to know or do better sadly. Vicki is always on the attack. She's always desperate to find something to degrade or hurt retched with. Then she denies it and lies about it. Vicki isn't blunt, isn't honest what she is is a hypocritical, jealous liar. She isn't bullshitting Gretchen? Really? So she doesn't trash her and attack her then deny it when Gretchen calls her out on it? Look no further than the Mexico episodes this year for proof of that.

I do think Gretchen would let it all go and move on the way she tried with Tamra. Vicki would and could never. I truly think her extreme hatred of Gretchen stems from seeing the things she truly hates about herself in Gretchen commend with being insecure about her looks. It's cut ally really, really sad because Vicki has a lot to offer. HS a very unique and interesting person and she isn't hideous, tho her surgeries tend to make her look worse not better, and I genuinely like her at points but then I see just disgusting behavior she repeatedly does. And it isn't just because I like Gretchen. Don't get me wrong, I love the girl and would prob be friends with her in real life, but Vicki just has so many character traits that I truly thing make for a pretty terrible person to be around.

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