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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Forgot to add there is speculation this woman is the new Atlanta housewife her name is Mynique.




She's married to a former football coach for the University of Tennessee and player for the Atlanta Falcons (She probably used to kick it with cock eyed and broke ass).

They are also currently in Savannah filming. Wonder if they'll stop by Paula Deen's restraunt....lol

Edited by Eric83
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I like the idea of what Nene's going for, but the color and execution is terrible. I do wish they'd just make Marlo a housewife instead of anybody new. In other news, the press release for Leann and Eddie's new vh1 reality show states the sons will clearly be a major part of the show. How is that fair? I hope the deal means that they are also able to appear on RHOBH. I don't understand why they'd be able to appear on Eddie's show and not Brandi's.

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I hope that VH1 show crashes and burns....or at the very least that she gets so much hate and negative feedback that its cancelled. Can't stand that fake b*tch and its so unfair that she can parade Brandi's kids and yet their own blood mother can't show them in a few scenes of RHOBH. That last pic with Cyn & Kenya looks gorg....love it.

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I'm sure I'll like Mynique, if she brings that drama, but I'm with Chris B.


Queen Marlo would bring it. Can't wait to see her grace us once again on "I Dream of Nene."

She's such a goddess!

And ain't nobody gonna watch FleaAnn and Cole from SB show. Ick!

And I'm all for Peggy coming back b/c she can't stand Trashra anymore. She'd have the balls to read her and kick her ass!

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I'm so over horseface. Dancing with the stars is a backhanded comment when all you would kill to get on that show. Stop.

Vicki... Brooks ruins what little I do like about her.

I love heather and Gretchen. They are bashing this out without being childish about it. They both stand their ground, say how they feel, and communicate even if they don't see eye to eye. Heather is a condensing bitch tho and I'm glad Gretchen called her out on it. I think heather can't stand that Gretchen was offered a role or a chance at a role on a show she got on. And the truth about why heather has all this hostility aimed at Gretchen due to hot in cleave lend. And is get that. That's a real issue and valid but she should have addressed it before letting all this [!@#$%^&*] build. And heather is spot on Gretchen's apology being [!@#$%^&*].

Vicki's obsession with Gretchen pops up again. Sad, pathetic and tragic truly are three words that describe Vicki.

Ugh. Jim and Jesus Juggs. I can't.

Tamra stays being amazing at her job on this show of changing [!@#$%^&*] up and making new alliances and feeds. She's truly a great cast member.

Ryan is such an !@#$%^&*] on this show. But it was trashy of the pot head to put her feet on a couch. Like kids know not to do that. Vicki has let him be like this tho. Billy seems desperate for a spot on this show too. I really need Brianna to join full time. Bye Lydia I hope to never see you again. I'd lov to see billy and Ryan fight tbh. It was an outdoor party tho as it always is at Vicki's.hes so out of line tho and it's nice Vicki finally stepped up. The best thing is for he and Brianna to move out and Vicki needs to accept it.

Gretchen is so right about Tamra. She trashes Vicki and Alexis then acts like their friend and tells them what Gretchen says. Heather looked scared there for a minute that she may be brought into this. I think it's pretty logical that they offered Gretchen a role and of course they denied that to heather. It happens all the time. Not to mention heather and Gretchen have been offered the same roles, shows and appeared together in other stuff.

Vicki causing [!@#$%^&*] again and making herself into a victim. Attacking Slade while dating a guy that's actually far worse than this. Nd stop Vicki you don't look good and you know it and you ARE plastic at this point. Vicki has never talked about Slade as a parent? Idk why every week I'm shocked by what a insane and deluded person she is. Here is jesusjuggs and horsegirl desperate to secure a spot. Lol.

Vicki feels sorry for Gretchen? She hasn't talked about Slade in three years? Seriously why can't Gretchen just slug this pig. Vicki's don't attack women argument holds no ground either because she consistently attacks women. And I can't at Vicki judging any man while dating Brooks.

And heather? Stop it. You judged her terrible surgery earlier this season.

My housewives a king after this season:







The other two.

Edited by JackPeyton
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My realistic dream cast for next season:

Lauri, Vicki, Tamra, Gretchen, Heather, Lydia

Recurring: Brianna, MAYBE Alexis

I don't expect any completely new housewives. I could see them asking Jeana back for guest appearances, but nothing more. As annoying as Gretchen can be, her and Slade are too central to be written out. As Bravo is showing with RHOM, RHONJ, RHOA and even tired RHONY, they aren't trying to change the casts too much. RHOC had a good season so I'm sure they're going to try and build from that.

In terms of other housewives series, my prediction is that RHOBH will replace New Jersey (sometime in October?), then New York will replace Miami (November?) and then RHOA will make it's grand return in the first quarter of next year. I think I Dream of Nene will make up for the absence of RHOA, so they won't rush to release it. If it's a hit then they can get double the return on the same group of people.

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After the experiment that was the revamped RHoNY last year, Bravo is shying away from too many new HWs and outright revamps. Andy Cohen was sending a message to its Bravolebrities about not getting too big for your britches like Jill Zarin. Unfortunately, last season's RHoNY shed a lot of viewers, most of whom did not return to see how the season played out (too bad, because after 5-6 v slow episodes, the stories really started coming together).

The WWHL special interview with Jill Zarin some months ago was a test to see if viewers would want Jill back, and if Jill would behave. Unfortunately, Zarin failed the audition. I don't think Cohen is willing to deal with her monstrous ego in any way, shape or form.

Consequently -- no more revamps. Better the devil you know, so keep the old HWs and, if possibly bring back popular ex-HWs. Which is why Bravo keeps reaching out to Jeana, Lauri, Peggy Tanous (!), Danielle Staub.

I would love it if Danielle came back to RHoNJ and just exposed EVERYBODY. I especially loved the stuff with her and her daughters in S1 and S2.

It could happen. Danielle's eldest girl (Christine?) defended Teresa and her kids on Twitter a few days ago when some nutty tweep started going on and on about CHHF. Teresa certainly seemed to appreciate the gesture because she singled out Danielle and her daughters for particular praise in her blog this week. Since Bravo are clearly ghost-writing most of these blogs, I am wondering if this is their way of making nice and getting Staub to come back.

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Its interesting that with this coming season of Miami, Alexa remains the first and only housewife to be downgraded/depart and come back as a full housewife.

Also by the end of the season, I think Miami will be the second series in which ALL the women are wives which is something given the title of the show. NJ starting with season 3 was the first

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The sad thing here is that Jill had earned her spot back in terms of ratings for her WWHL special, but she is just too much of a mess to be asked back. I still don't understand why they never asked Alex back. She is more popular than they gave her credit for.

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She was foolish to not take on the spot of friend of the housewife last season. She'd still be in the mix and with enough fanfare, she'd likely be back as a full wife this season. Plus that would have been her last attempt at securing a spot and I know she would have continued on with her feud with LuAnn, which was actually interesting. She shouldn't have been insulted by the downgrade offer bc Camille from BH and Alexa from Miami showed us that you can be a friend and still be very involved with a lot of airtime. I mean those girls went to most of the social events, got talking heads, went on the vacations, etc... The only change was that they weren't featured in the opening and we didn't see as much of their personal lives away from the ladies. Alexa had her own storyline with her feud with Karent and pretty much led the charge against her. Alex really shouldn't have declined Bravo's offer

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