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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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RHOC- Honestly, from what I had heard about this trip and the promos i expected to be annoyed by gretchen, but man was I wrong. Vicki came off the worst, possible the worst of any episode. Her insecurity and jealousy of Gretchen has got to be one of the saddest things about her imo. She purposefully left Gretchen and Heather behind, as we saw in the shot. She got the other girls going, and they are not blameless- at all - but Vicki lead this charge and i am sure contenually told them to forget about them, if they wanted to join they would, etc... but even going back just to what we saw, on the way back to the hotel she tried to spin it already, placing blame on lydia by informing her she asked them to join, and lydia wasnt having it because that didnt happen. then she asked who they were going to blame. she knew what she did, because shes a terrible [!@#$%^&*] person. then all the jabs and backhanded comments at gretchen the next two days up until even tamra called her out on it. I came around and really liked vicki for awhile, but not anymore. why does it matter if gretchen had her own products in the bags? SO WHAT. Vicki mentions her damn insurence to everyone she meets. and gretchen is right, she is a hypocrite. even poolside when gretchen actually was asking her questions about why she htes her and wasnt being mean or bankhanded and vicki couldnt deal with it so she went right into bashing her, and vicki looked terrible. gretchen is 100% right she has never acted like she is the perfect princess and amazing, shes a pargy girl and [!@#$%^&*] up and owns that. and another great point gretchen made was how vicki blames her for taking tamra away from her, but gretchen doesnt blame vicki for losing alexis as a friend because thats illogical. vicki saying she should be gretchens mentor and she may not respect gretchen, the !@#$%^&*] even. and then tamra telling gretchen that vicki said her plan worked?!

i feel bad for tamra. not saying shes innocent and a victim, but she is in the middle here. i loved that gretchen called tamra out on pushing people who are close to her away, this may be a tv friendship but these two women truly do get and know eachother, i think they are so damn similar and thats why they fought for so long and when they decided to become friends they became best friends. holy !@#$%^&*] at tamra saying she and vicki dont go deep, its always been a topical friendship and vicki has always been controlling of tamra. vicki is much like eddie and simon to tamra.

Lydia, i liked her to finally but she lost me when going on and on and on about what a fun time the night before was inf ront of the other two. its just rude, and then to ay people need to get over it but then keep bringing it up. bitch shut up. she won be back over by calling vicki on her [!@#$%^&*].

heather, classy, flawless and perfect as always.

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I wouldnt say childish, because i dont think if vicki was pressing her buttons and jabbing at her and mocking her she would have said anything. i was shocked gretchen didnt lay it all out there, and i think she has every single right to do so. love or hate her, vicki accused her of being a golddigger - evn tho she wouldnt marry the guy - and cheating on her dying fiance when all along vicki was apprently out being the whore of cota de caza. i would have put what lori told me out there if i were her. i think in the limo vicki was trying to act like it was ni big deal and gretchen shouldnt care when we all know if the roles were reversed vicki would be a grade a bitch about it. hypocrite was the right word, for more than one reason.

but even if she was being childish, it doesnt change anything about what vicki did. it doesnt excuse it, make it ok, or lessen it.

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Yeah i could give a f-ck if Gretchen put it on front street lol even though it would be out of hand as she has no proof other than Lauri. Did you give your opinions on Lauri's return? Would like to hear them (read them lol) if not..

Oh and I watched OC Season 1 today how far we've come. The ladies dressed more casual and it seemed documentary style now today they are like mini telenovelas with all the producer driven drama.

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the first season is terrible, lol, thats why i nevber watched again until last season

lauri... i dont really have much to say. i dont much like her or not like her, i think she returned to hurt vicki only - and im ok with that because vicki deserves it. and i believe her, honestly.

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The first season wasn't too bad but it seemed there was a lot more stories about the kids and not the housewives together. of course it was a small season too. I'm looking forward to seeing various episodes from all the other seasons next week and the week after. I couldn't beleive how different Slade was. He was the 'sugar daddy" to Jo and wanted her to be a regular housewife. he was also more involved with his kids. Far cry from the last couple of seasons where he's been in debt and allegdy had problems with child support and everything else. Vicki doesn't seem to have changed that much. Her face is a little rounder (in present) but it's the same ol' Vicki, just with Don and not Brooks. It's interesting that she started off as a housewife with her first husband and then started her own company. Back then...like now she still tries to control everything.

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I don't have enough room on my DVR to tape marathons of these shows, so I'm perpetually waiting for more on Netflix, but the first time I tried to watch OC's first season, I couldn't make it past the first episode. The second time, I did make it through the season, and enjoyed it more, especially once I got to know more about Jeana. And Lauri's story was one of those weird real and reel blends where you never quite knew how much to believe in what she showed of her life (for instance, there were these big problems with her daughter which were only briefly mentioned in a blurb at the end of the season). The episode where she and her friend had to put on their slips and present themselves at the Playboy mansion was probably one of the most honest and degrading moments I can remember on one of these shows.

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