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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm surprised with all this Lydia hate. She actually grew on me in this last episode and looks to be even more on point in the next one . I want to see her get further ingratiated with Gretchen and Tamra.

I disagree with this Alexis being bullied crap. First, she brings up those stupid dresses and keeps calling herself a businesswoman, when in reality, she is the "spokesmodel" for a trampoline park! :rolleyes:

As for who's the MEAN GIRL- it's VICKI! Vicki did all this shizz on purpose to stir the pot- put Tamra on the spot, guilt Alexis into going knowing she's gonna get thrown under the bus, calling Gretchen a "stupid person" because Gretchen got confused when Vicki referred to Troy as "my baby" when it actually DID sound like she was talking about a completely different baby.

I don't consider Tamra a mean girl this season (or last season) at all. So she speaks her mind and can be blunt and curt. So? She's just being honest about how she felt. And Alexis was in NO WAY bullied in Costa Rica. They were having an adult conversation with her and actually trying to help her with one of her character flaws, and it was in no way mean-spirited. ALEXIS and her perpetual victimhood turned it around to make it seem that way, but it just wasn't the case.

Did anyone else catch Gretchen making little "jack off" hand gestures when Alexis was talking about her dress line and saying other phony crap when they were on the couches? I was like THIS BITCH! You gotta love her. And the milk money/lunch money analogy was dead on, not to mention her saying that if Alexis truly wanted to make amends, she could have called them all individually and had sit-downs. I just love that Gretchen is over her and Heather has no time or patience for her. Good stuff.

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What all this Lydia hate? There doesn't seem to much of that over here and its mainly been one person who expressed negativity against her. I thought Id end up hating her from the getgo but she is just there and really irrelevant at this point. No real opinion on her one way or the other. Just a guess but I think that's more or less how others are as she hasn't received many comments yet bc no one is really talking about her

Edited by Cheap21
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I agree. My problem with OC is that they're all pretty vile, rotten, superficial bitches with no one real stand-out star (there's no NeNe, Lisa, Bethenny, Teresa, etc.) It's just a sea of vapid blondes and 1 has-never-been actress. And that new girl? Yikes. I'll refrain myself from saying mean, but funny, remarks about how she looks.

My favorite is still Gretchen, but it's really like choosing the lesser of all the evils. What the eff was with Vicki getting all bent out of shape because Gretchen cracked a joke (a joke, get it? Like funny, ha-ha? Oh, I look forward to Teresa returning...) when Vicki said "my baby". Chillax Miss Piggy! :)

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Then I'll say it for you, buddywink.png .

Lydia looks like Buckey the Beaver. Period. Point blank. End of discussion. tongue.png And I think you've summed out how I feel about the OC. They come off as all that you stated, but (again) they try too hard to be funny and are too aware that the camera is there, so they turn up their bad behavior even more. I used to like the OC during Alexis' first season, but that season when Peggy debuted and forward has not grabbed me as a viewer. There were moments (i.e. Trampra & Gretchen nixing their feud) that had me for a second, but something else would happen (i.e. Vicki still leading the witch hunt against Gretchen last season when everyone else has moved on) that would turn me off. This cast needs an overhaul. This cast needs a "sister" from Compton or a "bodiqua" from San Jose to come on this show and turn it up.

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I don't like nor dislike anyone that isn't conventionally attractive.. lord knows I certainly have no room to judge nor make fun of someone's looks. I will say that I find myself laughing at and with Lydia. Her intro episode alone, I found myself laughing at her and I found it to be a nice break from the toxic behavior of the other five women.

Though I will say that i did like Alexis/Jim in scenes by themselves in the first two episodes of the season, which says a lot about how toxic the show is that I found their scenes to harken back to the old style of the show. You know, an inside peak at families in Orange County.

I do think that the show started changing in season 4, but it didn't become apparent that it had strayed until season 6.

I do know that Quinn was fired because she wasn't mean enough, plus she worked a 9 to 5 job that prevented her from being filmed during those times.. at least that was the explanation she gave for why she wasn't asked back for season 4. She said she didn't want to say anything mean spirited, because it would be forever seen by her family, friends, and the public. It's kind of funny that her donning the blonde wig and trying to get her boyfriend to like her seems tame compared to what the show is now.

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Lydia seems so shocked with these women acting crazy lol. The show could use a character like that now that Heather has become as toxic as the others with all the Terry bickering (it's HIS money, remember? Adrienne you are not)and the Alexis hate. Come on, we all know people as stupid as Alexis. They are harmless.

Heather should have chosen a stronger and more capable enemy. Alexis has never done anything to her and it is way too easy to yell at her and talk about her behind her back to people she knows.

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I hardly see Alexis as Heathers mortal enemy she has waged a war upon, lol.

She doesnt like her, and hasnt acted as if she does. She has said a few rather harmless, pointless things - like to lydia about the ring - i guess, but i dont see that as picking her as an enemy. In mexico last season at the dinner she did bring her issues with her, and Alexis overreacted and made it a huge issue. This weeks episodes Alexis targeted Heather and tried to start a fight with her.

Harmless or not, stupid, fake people are exausting to be around. And this is a tv show. Not to say anything and just move along = being fired.

I also disagree its Terrys money. Its their money. They are married and she is raising his children.

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