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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kim left early and didn't give the show a whole lot of material. What she did give, they called her out on..."racist" comments about Kandi's house, excuses with not going on the trip, distancing herself from the girls...etc.. I thought she handled it all well. You could tell Kandi wanted to say more, but probably held back bc of the lawsuit. Im surprised she even said anything to Kim bc of that.

I know right. Kandi needs to sit her ass down. Bitch is not pregnant, nor does she have a son. That name is supposed to be on reserve in the event that both of those could happen (and it might never)? Girl, bye! I had to roll my wyes that Wig had to pull out paper work "proof" that she thought of it first and asked Kandi were her footage was. This was such a waste of airtime Edited by Cheap21
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100% agreed. She finally found a voice for herself, and I find myself rooting for her like I never have before. She can call people out on their bull, but doesn't get ugly or nasty about it. Don't play with her, cuz she won't back down or roll over. I'm loving this new Cynthia! :)

Edited by Gray Bunny
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So true. I hope we get more of her during Part 3. That's the thing about Cynthia, she calls a girl out, and then it gets resolved and they move on, instead of dragging it out and making it a huge ordeal for the whole season. The woman is classy, but it makes for merely short-term story arcs. Still, she needs to be there next season. She's waaaaaaay more relevant than Armstrong.

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Wow! NeNe shut Phaedra down and you knew she was right bc she remained quiet most of the time bc she couldn't wiggle her way out of it. Phaedra is just a sneaky ass chick! I wouldn't mind so much if she didn't hide behind this Southern Belle facade.

Kandi vs Kim was so boring as they argued over stuff that didn't matter. Kandi should know Wig wouldn't hesitate to do her wrong. That paperwork was meaningless as I'm sure Kandi mentioned it to her other times off camera during their friendship but it is what it is now.

I am glad NeNe and Kim were able to bury the hatchet and let the past be the past that was a nice end for her and her time on RHOA is over now imo.

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I love how NeNe finally called Phaedra out on bringing Marlo onto the show and talking to her sisters behind NeNe's back. I also like how NeNe clarified that the 3 haters that tried to stir up trouble were Phaedra, Wig, and "big-nose Sheree". Wig and SheBroke were her biggest haters, and Phaedra got onboard with them. I love how Phaedra could barely utter any words for a comeback other than a sheepish apology, which NeNe accepted.

NeNe owned Part 2.

I'm glad they took Wig to task over the fact that the girls and Bravo production worked hard to accommodate Wig's schedule, only for her to back out at the last minute without proper notice.

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Phakedra had to offer up an apology because she knew it was the only way to get out of that. When Nene said, "everyone has a past", Shady Phay shut it quick! Smart girl. Nene already chewed that ass up and spit it out, and the last thing Shady needed was secrets coming out.

Kenya was a bit pathetic for riding the coattails of Nene, but it was against Shady, so all is forgiven.

Glad that Cynthia told Wig that she was relieved with Wig left. You don't wish to be here, leave!

Why was Porsha there?

Kandi? Pathetic. Wig shut that ass down!

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I really hope there's some funny gifs made out there of some of Wig's facial expressions. Like when she first sat down and Andy asked her a question, she had some clownlike face going on.

Kandi might have a case if she had a bun in the oven, but to say Wig stole her baby name idea when Kandi hasn't even had a child in some 11 or 12 years? Sit down.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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this whole nonsense reminds me of something that happened with my sister and my cousin. A few years back my cousin got married and so she thought she would be the next one in the family to have a kid, but my sister got pregnant a few months later. As soon as my cousin found out, she sent her a text saying that she already called my grandfather’s name and that she couldn’t use it. Everyone was like the nerve of this bitch. God rest his soul, but my grandfather had an ugly name so my sister wasn’t even thinking of using it. She ended up having a girl so it was a moot point. My cousin ended up getting pregnant, later that year and had a boy. The thing is she didn’t even use the name! All that drama she was making was for nothing

The Kandi/Kim situation is even dumber bc they are not family. They arent even friends at this point. Kim’s Kash and Kandi’s (if she ever has one) don’t ever have to cross paths and can both exist in ATL with the same name

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