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I believe her when she says she's not drinking. She seemed to have taken rehab seriously and is adamant about not drinking alcohol. Her saying she is not an alcoholic to me makes me think she defines it with her being able to control whether she takes a drink or not and since she isn't doing that right now than in her mind she isn't one. However I think she's just traded in one addiction for the other. I suspect she must be abusing some prescription pills which keep her highly medicated bc she sounds awful when she speaks. I actually think she sounded better last season when she was drinking bc she was perfectly fine when she wasn't drunk but if she is taking pills now, they have an effect which last longer and its evident

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Last week I was teetering toward wondering whether Jody, Ronnie et al had a point, that Mary maybe was playing the victim and being a fake. But after this week's episode, I can only conclude that

-Robin is a coward,

-Amanda is a try-hard, low-class wannabe. Tragically, this deluded bimbo thinks she is queen of the beehive and that every word that comes out of her mouth is both hilarious and clever. It is so sad to see foolish people who think they are smart.

-Jody is truly evil. She has a nice side, especially when she is with Joshua and Hannah, but her hatred of Mary is psychotic.

Ronnie is doped up to her botoxed gills. She's obviously watering her prescription-pill addiction with alcohol. She is also incredibly self-involved and that + drugs = magnifying little problems into big, crazy, distorted issues. As DF beautifully put it, she is an "emotional vampire." She needs to be honest with herself about a lot of things, one of which is that she prefers "friends" like Jody and Amanda kowtowing to her ass as opposed to Mary who talks to her straight.

Mary acquited herself so well during the whole episode, especially in that talk with Ronnie. She was calm, to the point and willing to discuss the issues and get them sorted once and for all. Hardly the prevaricating liar dodging responsability for her actions. Mary is truly better off staying away from these hyenas.

Jody calls Mary a blowfish but what Ronnie has done to her beautiful face is criminal. Those engorged lips look painful. I am wondering whether there is some substance-abuse-related bloat going on there.

Ioulia is fantastic.

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Re: RHoBH and Vyle going in on my Yolanda -- oh hell to the NO. Picking on a woman struggling with lyme disease, all because she is loyal to her friends and calls people out on their BS? I hope Brandi and Lisa put that mean girl in her place if Yolanda can't. I can see I am going to need a glass of wine when I sit down to watch Reunion next week.

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I honestly don't get why you like Amanda JackPeyton. She's just so evil and the stereotypical highschool Mean Girl. I mean her behavior throughout the entire episode was just disgusting. I can't even begin to process it.

Its been clear since day one that she's been itching for any reason to making fun or Mary or to be rude to her. And she finally got her opening tonight when Ronnie decided to "take a break" from their relationship. Hopefully that slap in the face will finally wake Mary up to end that toxic relationship once and for all.

Ronnie is nuts and I can't believe I ever thought she looked good. Perhaps she's had more plastic surgery inbetween season 1 and 2 but the closeups of her face are just disgusting. If not for her body she would be a disaster.

I find it ironic that Ioulia, who I was absolutely prepared to hate and didn't think would be that relevant, has become my favorite cast mate this season. I miss Christina but if we can't have her I'm so thankful we have Ioulia because she's the one saving grace of this show.

"You can tell she's serious about her meals" - Miss Kenya Moore...LMAO

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Again, I actually mostly agree with y'all about Amanda. Yet she entertains me. I enjoy watching her. I'm gonna say its mostly due to her digs at Ronnie and how Ronnie expects Jody to say something and Jody doesn't because she enjoys it too. She also seems more like just a typical more harmless than not bitch. Not deranged like Ronnie and Jody. I love her on this show and try be told, shed prob be someone I was friends with I'd I knew her. Not besties, but that friend is call when I need to trash someone lol. I can't fully Stan her tho because I Stan for Mary so hard.

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Ronnie lost me at a very specific point in the episode.

I had no issue with how Ronnie acted during the lunch with Mary, sure she was over the top, but she was getting things out and getting them on the table and so was Mary. It was messy, but it was also honest.

I had no issue with Ronnie "sleeping on it" regarding her relationship with Mary. It's a 19 year friendship with a lot of baggage and so the decisions look a lot bigger than they actually might be, it's emotionally intense.

I had no issue with Ronnie phoning her husband, listening to his advice and deciding to end/take a break/step back/whatever with her relationship with Mary. Everyone has the right to decide who is and who is not in their lives.

I have a HUGE issue with how Ronnie told everyone she was done with Mary before she told Mary. And then to sit down at dinner, have Ioulia call it out and insist that Ronnie lay it out on the table (not Ioulia's business to do that, but it was also honest and transparent), and then reveal to Mary that she's done with her and insist that Mary "doesn't like her" and that she "feels that", having all the women sitting there (aside from Robin, but again who knows if she knew) know was the absolute peak of humiliation for Mary and that is the moment I concluded that Ronnie had lost me. It was low to openly humiliate Mary and torpedo their relationship publicly. And that is where she lost me, it was unforgivable.

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DPFH was hilarious. Allison and Faye were just going at it, and I actually enjoyed Camille's sh-t stirring in that episode. Loved it!

What other episodes do you have near the top?

ETA: I just realized all my favorite episodes come from 2010. DPFH on Beverly Hills, Nene and Kim going at in Miami, Teresa and Danielle going at it at the PFS, Kelly's psycho ass on Scary Island. I really think that's when the RH franchise peaked. There have been good moments since then, but it just isn't the same. It was more authentic then. (Or maybe I have just become immune to the craziness lol)

Edited by Eric83
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