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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Faye and Brandi are cut from the same cloth but the one thing I will give Brandi is that she is a lot more authentic. Faye tries way too hard whereas Brandi's trouble causing seems more natural and extension of who she is. She sticks her foot in her mouth and thinks about it later. Faye thinks about it first and then sticks her foot in her mouth anyways

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At least half of these ladies weren't born with a golden spoon in their mouth. The difference between Brandi and the rest of them, right now, is that Brandi didn't marry a rich enough person for a divorce to work out in her favor (Camille, Taylor) and she's not a millionaire independently or due to her husband, yet.

I'd compare Faye to Taylor more than I'd compare her to Brandi with the making money from dragging the dead "loved one" angle - except I don't dislike Taylor like I dislike Faye.

The major problem with Faye is negative association from one of the most polarizing trials in American history. I think with Taylor possibly getting the axe (--> I wouldn't mind if she didn't get the axe) and Camille possibly quitting, they have room for a Faye like person in the cast. The OJ association makes me feel queasy though and she might not be right for the brand from that angle. I think Brandi talks smack (and talks without the filter) but I don't feel Brandi is a trouble maker as much as I just feel some of the rich people are using money against her because she isn't rich. Essentially, I think Adrienne wouldn't (and hasn't) threaten(ed) to sue one of her richer friends for talking (accurate) smack. Essentially, I think Kim and Kyle act ghetto from time to time and get away it with because they consider themselves higher class but then call Brandi out on any ghetto antics because she's literally lower class.

Yolanda is going off on Kim (and Kyle) again in her blog. She's not really going off, but it's just weird to here her harping as much as she is. Something about them must have scratched her butt bad at the reunion or in the last episodes. It looks like [the sisters] are going to somehow draw up people as enemies of the Richards sisters by seasons end in relationship to Kim's issues. Yolanda also mentions she first realized she was having issues (lyme disease) when she couldn't easily smack down Taylor with her verbal skills in this past episode.

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Hee. Oh, Kenya.

I liked Kenya in the Kenya versus Phaedra wars but she's becoming a little hyper-emotional ("you cut me to the white meat") and it's a little off-putting. That's making me miss the Kenya that was putting down all those wannabe models and I hated that Kenya or I thought I hated her, lol.

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Yolanda blog (parts..)

Storyline. Period.


I think sisters Richards are/were/did come up with a story to mask/hide/explain kims drug use, and i think they knew yolanda knew the truth and may have attacked her to hide it. this will be an experience to watch.

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I wish I could feel sorry for Dana/Pam/$25,000 for having to give back the Lamborghini to her nasty investment banker ex (he probably wants to palm it off to his new trick). But I don't! Twenny Five Thouzind is a skanky opportunist of the lowest order. And her jealousy of Brandi is hilarious and sad all at once. Because what Dana doesn't realize is that the audience saw through her try-hard, wannabe, siding-with-the-mean-girls, fraud self and instead took to Brandi. Brandi who (despite her faults and crude-ish sense of humor) calls it like she sees it. She is 1000 times more authentic than this fake poseur.

Honestly, TayShanna needs to stay at this point. And in a weird crazy way, so does Faye. I don't know why I "prefer" Faye to Dana/Pam, I just think she stirs the pot better. She is brazen as opposed to snide and bitter.

So much word. Something happened because they are working so hard to pretend that it didn't. Remember all those episodes where Kim breathed through her bunged-up nose "I can't even look at Ibuprofene because it would mean I have relapsed. Pills are a no-no!" And now suddenly she's on medication (even though in the same episode she chastised Lisa in a VT for thinking she was high on something) ? And she's mixing them up? OK, whatever. Maybe TV isn't the best place to detox for you, Kim. Setbacks/relapses can happen but seeing them immortalized forever in the media doesn't help.

Edited by Cat
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Uh no I do not think that Brandi and Faye are cut from the same cloth. Nor do I yhink she is trailer trash, she seems to have a very well traveled and worldy past as everytime the Ladies introduce her to one of their friends, Btand already knows them and has a past with them. And yes Brandi is rude and crude, but so are the other women, they are just more on the DL with it and are more vicious imo, and oftem times Brandi is just as crude when talking bout herself LOL.

Poor bitter Dana, she didnt get a diamond pretending to be like Camille or kyle last season, so now she tries this new poor put upon dumped smoking drinking more crude version of Brandi act to try and get on and uh NO!

Another No to Kim and the bs with her micing up the pills.

I am pretty sure Faye will be at the reunion, and on WWHL with Brandi, Andy states that Brandi drops a bomb bou/ont Kyle and I am dying to know what it is LOL!

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