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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Tamra tweeted that OC wrapped filming right before Christmas and will return in late March. Still no casting news on NYC but they won't start filming until April also and will air in the fall. People are suspecting all 6 ladies will be back + 1 new women. I read an interview with Aviva from a few days back and she said she couldn't say anything.

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Mia loves the gays and the gays love Mia. yes, totally see it.

Love Robin and her bluntness. Love Amanda and her attitude and her being in over her head. Love ronnie & jodi minuplating newbies to fit their agenda

Robin actually wasnt awful once she got going, but mary was phenominal. Im pretty sure i had a mary single back in the day, i should look into that.

I like Ulia. Also, thats how ill be spelling her name. Hope yall are ok with that.

its interesting to see Amanda and Ronnie discuss drinking. Amanda owns her issue, and Ronnie is in denial and wants to dress up the word and make it something ok and acceptable. If she wants to be an alcholic thats fine, but man to say that to another one who is in recovery? How insulting. Im always interested in these discussions because people often call me one, but im really not - and not like Ronnie in denial. I can and do go weeks/months without drinking or thinking about it, am the DD in my group.

Robins friend is a bore.

Jody is obsessed with Mary.

While I do think Robin is not grasping the full issue of drinking problems, I get what she is saying and I liked how she didnt back down. Im glad Amanda let it go on until dropping the bomb and owned her ass. I also loved how Robin took it in and owned what she said.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Taylor thinks she's fallen in love after 48 hours of being re-acquainted with some guy? She had no clue Kyle had Kennedy? What kind of mother has no clue where her child is? Bitch sounded trashed and high on some drugs. She is turning into Kim of last season. What Marissa said about her was truth.

Faye was on! How many episodes does that make it this season?


Adrienne, STFU with my husband would have done a good job, etc..... This isn't about you ho. BTW, I hate her new hairstyle. Im glad Lisa called Adrienne out on ruining her furniture with her tanning. If Adrienne was any type of woman, she'd pay to have things cleaned and I hope she did bc its not like she cant afford it.

"You know what they say about Karma. Its a ....." Yeah it sure is and you are getting yours. "I don't look down on people unless I can pick them up." Im sick of her lines


Check out the season 4 cast. OMG, it's a black girl! Although she looks more ATL than BH, but she will do. She can replace Adrienne or Shana next season.


I aint a hater bc Shana looks good

Who the hell Is Bernie?

I loved Ken coming to Brandi's defense. Oh dear, there goes Shana throwing in her two cents again and making it about her

Edited by Cheap21
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Im sure you didnt read all the posts yet, but its been stated the nany was to take her from school to her grandparents house and stop at kyles to pick something up and kyle asked to take her to play with P and the nanny said ok and told the grandparents, but not taylor. and kyle acted shocked taylor didnt know.

I think she is stunning. Id welcome her on board, either as a fulltime or a friend of to test her out.

This is the best she ever looked on this show.

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OC should be done or close. I believe OC will be the next announced series and then NJ will follow Beverly Hills. NYC films in April with the latest rumor that the season five cast is returning with one or two new ladies. Alex and Ramona have been tweeting and hanging out, but I doubt that means anything show-wise. Still, no real rumors of who the new HW is.

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Thanks. I still say she sounded trashed and it was messed up of her to just leave her kid like that after a 2 day romance. She even said he loves Kennedy. He's met Kennedy in those two days and has been acquainted enough with her to say that he loves her kid? Taylor had me shaking my head

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Oh, she admitted she was trashed.

It was a lousy thing to do, but at the same time i can unerstand being swept up and taking off for a weekend when you know your kid is being taken care of by your parents. It isnt like she forgot her at school and Kyle had to go get her and keep her for the weekend even tho kyle tried to play it up like that.

Its an old friend of hers, so im sure he knew Kennedy.

OMG why am I defending taylor? What has my life become?!

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I love the way Ken and Brandi "love" each other. And how Lisa is not threatened about it at all. It's one of the sweetest things about RHoBH, I think, this L-B-K friendship. And for GorillaPaul to fall back on that lame "They hang out together all the time! That means something must be going on!" spiel was just ugh. Adrienne and Gorillaback were awful in last night's episode.

That tall black lady who went to speak with Adrienne was very pretty and very self-possessed, I thought. Even when Dwarf Nassif and Dwarf Maloof were going nuts.

WTF? No apology for leaving self-tanner all over somebody's furnishings? First of all -- get the spray tan done the day before an event, that way you won't smear it all over your clothes and people's stuff. Secondly, offer to clean the furnishings as it is your fault they got soiled! Really!

I missed Yolanda, too. And I didn't mind TayShanna in this episode! Crazy.

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Loved the trailer for RHoOC! I am not a fan of the new girl so far and her bring friends with trashxis says all i need to know.

cant wait to see Heather again. i also cant wait to see gretchen drive miss piggy crazy just by existing, and for bri's husband to finally flat out call her what she is - a bitch.

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