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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Bravo has a clip on their website that makes Adrienne look *so* bad! Adrienne and Paul keep going on and on to Bravo about how she forced them to hire a lawyer and they aren't suing her, because they aren't like that. Then they flashback to Adrienne telling Kim, "That's a lawsuit!" Wow. It looks like they are going to drag that bitch for filth. I can't wait! :D

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That was by far one of the best episodes of the series ever.

Taylor egging it on, Lisa calling her and Brandi aside to tell her to stop it, Kyle pointing out Lisas excuse to leave the table w/ them wasnt valid, Camille sticking up for Adrienne, Adrienne not denying it but not answering the question, Marissas facial reactions, Lisa trying to defuse it, Brandi finally going there and calling her out. All of it was delicious. I need Brandi to show up to that white party with the letter in hand tbh.

Next weeks also looks insane. Im sad Kim will be on it, she really does nearly ruin the show. Its like they force her scenes/story in. It just doesnt fit.

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Vancouver’s Real Housewives: rich, mean, nosy – and profitable


She may have stopped drinking – for the most part – but Ronnie Negus, the wealthy, puffy-lipped Real Housewife of Vancouver with the oceanfront estate and the California vineyard, says the show’s portrayal of her as a sloppy, sometimes hostile alcoholic is not, in fact, real.

Negus offers a concrete example: That scene in the first season, where she’s doing her bull-riding routine and waving a scarf around, yelling “Arriba!” – obviously hammered? The display, she confides, followed an unscheduled three-hour break during which the cameras were supposedly broken. What else was she supposed to do with the downtime other than drink?

“You know, they filmed 3,000 hours, and 11 make it,” said Negus this week. “Was I drunk all the time? Hell, no.”

Turn up your nose at the content – or the producers’ methods for achieving it – but The Real Housewives of Vancouver is one of the few bright spots in the B.C. film-and-TV industry, which is currently fighting for its life as more attractive tax credits out East lure shows away from British Columbia, or threaten to.Housewives may not have the production budget, or job opportunities, of a big feature film or long-running scripted series, but it’s a ratings success – not to mention a weekly commercial for Vancouver, with its beautiful scenery and people. Negus, for one, with her great looks and great wealth, seems right out of central casting.

“Life’s a journey,” she says, in voice-over as viewers see her strolling, bikini-clad, on a dock in the show’s Season 2 opening sequence, which airs Tuesday. “It’s just more fun on a private jet.”

With a format licensed from NBC, which produces the series in a number of U.S. markets, The Real Housewives of Vancouver is a 21st-century sociological experiment in narcissism, voyeurism and good old-fashionedschadenfreude: Throw five or six rich, underemployed women into a spa-treatment room or seaside soiree, and let the booze flow and the cameras roll. The many grievances that result may be petty, but the stakes are high.

This week, more than 2,200 reality-TV types – up from some 1,500 delegates last year – descended on Washington for the Realscreen Summit, a non-fiction-TV-and-film industry conference. There, they heard that reality shows make up the lion’s share of original prime-time programming on cable, and that last year 31 of the top 50 series on U.S. cable were reality shows. Also in 2012, audiences for unscripted series on the big four American broadcast networks were 25 per cent stronger than the overall scripted series average.

“Comedic ensembles are the next big things,” said David Paperny, president of Vancouver-based Paperny Entertainment, on his way home from the conference this week. “Shows like Duck Dynasty or its more disreputable cousin Honey Boo Boo are the big thing: situation comedies set in real worlds with real people who know how to make fun of themselves.”

In Vancouver, currently struggling with a steep decline in production work, the genre is an important success story, with long-established companies such as Paperny, Force Four and Omnifilm Entertainment developing and producing a wide range of series – and not just wince-worthy stuff like Real Housewives. Shows such as Paperny’s Yukon Gold, premiering next month, and Force Four’s Border Security aim to educate and inform rather than simply titillate and provoke.

Newcomer Lark Productions hit it out of the park with The Real Housewives of Vancouver when the show premiered last year. The first episode attracted 1.2 million viewers, a Slice record, and remains the top-rated show in Slice’s history.

Lark Productions was launched in late 2010 by broadcast veteran Louise Clark. Within a few months, and within two weeks of each other, Lark landed two big series: Housewives; and Gastown Gamble, picked up by the Oprah Winfrey Network. (Lark’s first scripted series, Motive, premieres on CTV right after the Superbowl on Sunday – and it’s been picked up by ABC.)

This week, two key Lark contributors opened up about the process behind the creation of the show that has put the company on the map. “It’s all about casting,” said executive producer Grant Greschuk during an interview in the royal suite of a local hotel, while in the room next door the housewives lunched on salad niçoise and edamame. Added Erin Haskett, executive producer and vice-president of development at Lark, “We made an agreement that we weren’t going to do [Real Housewives] unless we could find [the talent], because otherwise you’d be making a half-baked show.”

Very early in the process, Haskett, in an effort to infiltrate the ladies-who-lunch community, pulled off a National Geographic-style anthropological field mission with a researcher. They put on their best dresses, had their hair and makeup done, and hit a black-tie fundraising gala at a Vancouver steakhouse. “It was very targeted,” says Haskett. “It was never an open casting call, because with something like that, you end up with crazies.”

In the development stage, the team looked at both Vancouver and Toronto. Vancouver came out on top for several reasons. For one thing, the Rosedale movers and shakers didn’t seem to mix enough with the Bridle Path types to produce the connections and conflicts upon which a show like this depends. As well, says Greschuk, “Toronto seemed to be a bit more reserved and we couldn’t quite find the right group of women.”

“We knew that Vancouver would give us a sexier, more glamorous look,” says Haskett. “We’d have the ocean and the mountains and the city of glass, which was just very publicized with the Olympics.”

During development, members of the Lark team met with the producers of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Working with the California production company, the Canadians noticed that many of the series’ writers and directors were refugees from the doomed soap-opera industry. This made sense, says Haskett. “If you think about it,Housewives is the new soap opera. We’re the new Dynasty, the newDallas, or the new General Hospital.”

Maybe we’re just hate-watching the Housewives, but Haskett believes it’s more than that, a kind of gilded mirror through which we can view an extreme version of our own lives. One of the key messages at Realscreen was that viewers want to feel a range of emotions from reality programming. The key to that, says Haskett, who was in Washington to hear this, is finding a good character: a Ronnie Negus with whom we can somehow relate. Maybe, like Ronnie, we have a special-needs child, and dream of giving her the kind of life that comes with owning your own plane and winery.

“Our housewives are mothers,” says Haskett. “They have relationships. They try to have good friendships with their girlfriends. But they live it in an extreme version. They get to do it in amazing heels and with beautiful hair and makeup and great dresses.”


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The SH-T went down last night on BH

LOL at Lisa saying Camille was a complete bitch. Also Shut the F--k Up has really become the catchphrase of this series

Marissa...are there reports of her getting a divorce bc I cant imagine her husband staying with her after seeing this show. "After havng sex with him for 16 years, it would be nice to have a change" "I just say what every other f--king bitch is thinking. I just want to sleep with someobody else" WTF? Who talks like that. Like she clearly doesnt want her husband and has no problems, telling everyone

There was Kyle bringing her mouthpiece Faye again. Like really? Kyle is such a coward

LOVE Yolanda and its a shame she couldnt be at the tea party. I love how she read Adrienne to Brandi by saying she's using her rich status to bully and intimidate her. I also like how she said she has become good friends with Brandi bc she says it like it is

Go Shana! Cant beleive Im on her side but I like how she brought the bullsh-t up and set Adrienne up to be called out. Haha, thats such a bitch move

I dont think Adrienne was technically lying. I think her lawyer sent a cease and desist letter to get Brandi to stop talking. Thats not equal to an actually lawsuit suing her.

Man how long is this season going to be? 13 episodes in and Paul and Adrienne still havent seperated. Does that happen after the season is done?

Edited by Cheap21
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She said there was no lawsuit, not threat of a lawsuit, no letter. So she is lying.

Its 22 episodes. The next episode is the white party & i bet a cliffhanger & the ep after is more of the whiteparty & fallout. Thats 14 & 15, and then id say the paul/adrinne hits the fan because the White Party is late june and they seperated in july and filed for divorce in aug and the show taped through aug, i believe.

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Yeah Adrienne was def lying as she was denting that her lawyers sent a cease and assist papers, which is def a threat of a lawsuit to Brandi. Brnadi is not savy with the legalies but in her mind she is being sued. Adrienne was screaming lawsuit as she was leaving Maurizio's party after finding out what Brandi said. Adrienne just doesnt want to own it puvlically as she knows it will make her look nad and like a hypocrite. And I gotta give props to Shaylor for pointing that fact out as the HWs had an ish fit when Shaylor's husband threatened over the phone to do the same thing to Camille.

Really Kim, your dog hit u in the facw?

Why would Kyle bring an uninvited guest to Lisa's party, and Fay of all people knowing Lisa, Brandi and Taylor dont like her.

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Brandi's ignorance doesnt mean its the case. She isnt savy with legalities which is why one would get a lawyer and she said she has spent a ton of money on lawyers in regards to the letter. Any lawyer would tell her that a cease and desist order is NOT the same thing as being sued. Has she gone to court? Is their a pending date court date with Adrienne? Thats what would happen if she were being sued. She is misspeakingif thats the case, what a bust that was. Faye was a TOTAL nonfactor this episode. She addesd absolutely nothing and I forgot she was even there Edited by Cheap21
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I've said this once, and I'll say it again. . . Kim does NOT need to come back for Season 4. Give her spot to Marisa or Camille. She's a bore. She has no story, and I'm over Kim. Like seriously. It's like they keep inviting her to functions and she has an excuse as to why she does come each time. I'm over it. Give her flat head a** the boot.

Adrienne. . . a disgrace. If you're going to be a liar, be a good one. I so wanted Brandi to reach across that table and slap the h*ll out of that Cat Lady. I cannot wait for the reunion because Adrienne will feel the heat from Brandi, Yolanda, Lisa, and now Taylor, who has shockingly won points with me. While TayShana does bring everything back to her situation, she does make valid points. And it was Paul and Adrienne that lead the pack against Taylor and Russell last season. I don't blame Taylor as she keeps bringing up her situation. And I was glad when she brought up the papers Adrienne sent last night too.

In the words of Goddess Yolanda, "Who is Adrienne Maloof in this world? She's nobody. . ."

Fayded Glory. . . Ugh. Why does she keep showing up? And I doubt the producers were telling Vyle B*tchards to bring Faye. She wanted too. B/c if the producers wanted Faye to come to events, she would've been promoted to HW by now. I seriously think that Fayded's hatred towards Brandi is not the insults that were thrown toward Adrienne or Kim, but the fact that Brandi came on last season and resonated well enough with fans to be given an official HW position--something Faye could not do. I hope this trash shows up at the reunion too so Brandi can sling mud at her AND Faye can really feel the heat from the fans.

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As Brandi stated, she cant speak her mind or she will get sued, so I think Brabndi knows what the C& a means but to her she is being sued just like when Shaylor husband sent Canille a text threantening the same thing (I dont think papers were sent) and Camille's Lawyer told her to stay away from Shaylor and her Buvvy and Adrienne, Lisa, Kyle were all screaming "she is suing us" and all that drama was just from a text LOL.

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