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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oooh and another thing about Kim's phony ass. She said she was never friends with any of them. LOL! But NeNe's the reason she even got this gig and she claimed at the last reunion Sheree was her BFF. (Even though when the ATL cast were on Ellen during Season 2, Sheree/Kim were going back and forth and said they were never friends), but I digress.

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Just catching up on Atlanta... unless it was planned in advance, I don't think Porsha was brought on as Kim's replacement. Porsha was filming way before Kim left the brunch. By that time, she had already met with Nene and Cynthia, and held her event that Kenya went to. Right? Also, Kim and Kroy really turned me off with their exit. Wow.

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I'm kinda done with Beverly Hills. Because of Adrienne's money we won't officially know what Brandi did and I think it's unfair and makes for bad storytelling. We're going to watch an entire season of Adrienne suing Brandi and attacking her and calling her a liar, but we'll never know what Brandi said? What is the point in watching? We can't make a decision for ourselves and Adrienne can still call Brandi a drug addict, bad mother, etc. because she has more money. I'm not down with that. Adrienne needs to be fired after this season is over. Putting a lawsuit into the middle of this season will kill it.

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Suing a co-star over comments Bravo isn't going to air is so stupid and a waste of airtime. My friend and I were highly disappointed watching last night.

Another thing that I found utterly disappointing and disgusting was Paul's behavior. The fact that there were men there that allowed him to get that aggressive towards a woman without stepping in had me in shock.

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According to NeNe, that Spam-eating trash definitely referred to her and the rest of the ladies as N----s:


...which leads back to the main reason that I'm not only glad that she's gone, but am definitely vindicated in my assessment of her as the racist bitch that I suspected her to be since the end of Season 1.

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I thought I was the only one who was stunned and shocked by yesterday's RHoBH.

First of all, am I right in guessing that the big bleeped-out secret is that Adrienne had a surrogate carry her kids, right? So what's the big deal? So did Camille!

Or are Adrienne and Paul making a big-ass fuss because of somethiing Brandi said that actually did slip through -- that A and P were actively coercing Brandi to smear Lisa over Twitter? And they were embarrassed about getting found out?

I mean, I have to wonder why Kyle is suddenly so supportive of Adrienne -- unless Adrienne already told her that she's got her back if Kyle has her's.

I thought Paul came across VERY badly at Mauricio's event. Not just because it was full of Mauricio's business clients (which is bad enough) but because Adrienne is now suing for full custody and indicating that Paul's violence towards her and the children is the reason why. I wasn't sure I believed it when the suit first made it to press, now I have to wonder. I still think the Nasri-Maloofs brought this upon themselves though in their haste to besmirch the reutation of some former friends and neighbors.

Are they going to be bleeping this [!@#$%^&*] all through the season? Because that's going to suck.

Edited by Cat
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Actually sounds likes she's trying to rile ppl up without any real comment.

Watch the footage. It's pretty clear Kim says "bitches"

While it's not something is put past her saying, I just think it's clear as can be with a beep it's not what she said.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Yeah Bravo wouldn't want that type of backlash.

Remember NeNe and Sheree both said at Season 3 reunion that Lisa got upset hearing Big Poppa call Sweetie a "black b-tch" and Kim did nothing to defend her. Even when confronted all Kim said was "I can't control what he says".... SMH.

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I find it interesting that the shoe is now on the other foot with Adrienne. Last season she claimed Lisa told stories to tabloids and Lisa accused her of slander and defamation of character and she's claiming those very things to Brandi and now she's livid.

Paul's attitude towards Brandi was disturbing but the fact that absolutely no one intervened made it even more disturbing. Brandi came with a male friend, where was he? Everyone just stood there, including Mauricio, watching her verbally assaulted by Paul and the only thing Kyle was worried about was making a scene in front of her guests. Paul looked like he was seconds from smacking Brandi in the face. And this is where Lisa was sorely missed because she would never have stood for Paul berating Brandi (or any of the other ladies for that matter) in public like that. She's definitely a class act.

Since BH started Paul has always come across as a loveable goofball so for him to be that upset must have been one hell of a secret Brandi spilled and this is where the audience gets cheated since we will never know what was said.

Which leads me to Kim and her big mouth. She threw Brandi under the bus because she still doesn't like her even though Brandi made several attempts to make peace. It's kinda sad because Brandi is desperate to fit in with these chicks but they will never consider her one of them.

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