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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Even if we are to belive Kim (lol) she made it clear Tre knew something was going down with setting Melissa up and she did nothing. Turning a blind eye doesnt make one innocent.

I belive his parents didnt speak to him for quite awhile but started again a few months ago. when mel was on WWHL a few months back she said it had been strained between joe and his parents but recently they starying having dinner and then last night she said it was weekly and they just dont talk about tre. Not hard to picture Tre turning her parents on mel and joe at all, she is evil.

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She knew something was gonna go down, but she wasnt personally involved and didnt plan this. She didnt know exactly what was going to be done. Should she have warned Melissa? Yes, but she did give her a heads up in private once creepy guy approached her. I will say that she said she never called Melissa a stripper but thats a lie and I wish she'd just own it.

I dont like Kim D but I liked how she owned what she did. Basically she was like Im a spiteful bitch. Melissa you messed with my business so I went and got you back. Made sense. What I didnt get was Joe goign out of his way to apolgize to her before she started talking. Made me think she knows alot more and he was scared Kim was prepared to bury him and Melissa, so he tried to smooth things over before she talked

Jacqueline refusing to tell who was tweeting her about Teresa.....whatever ho. She was set up to cause drama with Teresa and she's too stupid to realize it. Or maybe she's at a point where she just doesnt give a F---K anymore and doesnt care. I wish she'd own that

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The fact that Tre, and everyone else, has acknowledged that there is in fact a tape Jaqui has that she isnt allowed to release really says it all for me.

RHONY: Carole is flawless and perfect and i love how she put people on blast. Heather was on point with Sonja. Luann is desperate but at least can keep her lies straight. Avivia and Ramona are both insane and childish and insufferable. Very boring reunion all together. The old ladies need to go.

Ramona gets so uncomfortable when her drinking is brought up. I find that is usually a telling sign, honestly.

And lord Jill on WWHL. I can not. Is anyone watching couples therapy on VH1 with Alex? LOL. I hate both of these ladies so much.

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The fact that Tre, and everyone else, has acknowledged that there is in fact a tape Jaqui has that she isnt allowed to release really says it all for me.

RHONY: Carole is flawless and perfect and i love how she put people on blast. Heather was on point with Sonja. Luann is desperate but at least can keep her lies straight. Avivia and Ramona are both insane and childish and insufferable. Very boring reuni

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Why is everybody, fans and the cast acting like the edited show is accurate? We all know the Fabelini party with Dina was aired out of order on the show, yet you still have Jaquline crying in talking heads about how her friend didn't invite her. This was after the Posche fashion show and reunion when they stopped speaking! Plus, Dina revealed they edited the conversation to make it sound like she was talking about Caroline and she wasn't, yet everybody acts like the Bravo script is correct.

And as for setting Melissa up, who the hell cares if she was a stripper? If this is a setup it's obviously a BRAVO setup against Teresa. Look at the end result, Melissa came out looking like roses. We know (confirmed by Danielle AND Kim G) that both were contacted by producers to return for the Posche fashion show. The original storyline was supposed to be Danielle returning and exposing how Melissa contacted her to get on the show and trash Teresa. When Danielle turned them down they decided to bring on Kim G to fued with Teresa. When Kim G turned them down they decided to do this stripper thing with Melissa, which would turn the cast against Teresa for trying to cause drama in her family.

Let's not act like this is real and not heavily scripted. The situations and story arcs are setup and the cast reactions are genuine. This is why Cat Rodriguez, the previous producer, was fired.

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Crazy how both Jacqueline and Melissa could sit up in their talking heads and LIE about why they were not going to the Fabellini party. Melissa said she was taking the girls to get manicures and pedicures, but the store owner said that visit was in July 2011, and the party was in October. Then botox lied and said Teresa flat didn't invite her knowing full well the party was after the Posche Fashion Show. I don't believe sh-t that comes out of their mouth, but some people act like Jacqueline and her unnamed sources are gospel.

And another thing why did Jacqueline need to bring up how she met Chris a SECOND time? Bitch you were a stripper, own it and keep it moving.

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Really? Wow, Id have loved to have seen Danielle especially since there was that one episode where they had a LONG flashback about her out of nowhere which led into nothing

Whats the deal with Cat Rodriguez? Spill!

LMAO! I just saw Closet Freak's video. Everyone's a stripper!

and here's some Teresa gifs









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Cat Rodriguez was producer for Season 3 and 4 of NJ. She is apparently Melissa's lesbian lover lol... but they are close friends. She was behind the PFS fiasco and was the one texting Jacqueline and actively trying to make Teresa look bad all season bc she hates her. She was fired for conflict of interest.

Edited by Eric83
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