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According to Mediabase it also had 1,838 spins on Top 40 radio its first day out which brekas the record previously held by Britney Spears' Hold It Against Me (619).

It also was the most played song on Pop radio yesterday already getting the amount of airplay of songs that are currently already in high rotation.

Edited by Eric83
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Gaga's record company had a special thing going with many of the major top 40 stations yesterday where they played the song at the top of every hour. Given the hype she and her management created for this song and its from her first real new full-length album since The Fame, I think the first single was always going to debut huge.

The song will surely debut at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles chart.

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You interpretation of her is really hitting the nail on the head. Her actions kind of contradict her message of "Be Yourself, because you were born this way".... she seems to be trying to hard to perpetuate that she's being herself that it comes off as rather artificial and hollow. She just needs to embrace who she is, a pop star who knows how to put out a catchy beat and has a great group of handlers. I mean, she doesn't have to be an icon or a visionary to make decent pop music, not in my mind anyway. I think if you had been living under a rock these last 2.5 years and when you came from under that rock and just listened to her music without any preconceived notions, you'd enjoy it if you were a pop music fan. Her beats are infectious, but its her projected image that seems to cloud that for many people and they can't be blamed for feeling that way. I really hope she dials it back a notch, because she won't be relevant within 5-10 years, let alone be this "icon" she already claims to be. Its sad to me, because I really do like her and her message at its roots and really do think if she was banking on her talent alone she could be here to stay for many years, I just can't stand the hype and hysteria she seems to propagate for herself.

Wow, that's insanity. Does We Belong Together by Mariah Carey still hold the record for most radio impressions in one week? I think that record is on its way to being broken then.

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Yeah, true. Never thought about that. We Belong Together was probably the biggest hit across the board we've seen in the last 15 years... probably the one before that being that song she did with Boys II Men. And yes, Sylph Mariah has fell back to the mediocre status she was in from 2001-2005... I don't know if she has two "comebacks" in her.

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I guess I'm the only one who doesn't really care what artists say or do - just as long as they don't commit harsh crimes and like murder or rape. So if Gaga or Kanye, or whoever, wants to announce that they're the best ever, or wear strange outfits, go right ahead. It doesn't affect my judgement on the actual song.

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And the funny thing is, for as hard as she tries to prop herself up, her star status really isn't that high. The media and tabloids don't follow her every move like they do with Madonna and Britney. It seems like Gaga craves that kind of fame, as much as she supposedly tried to mock it, yet she's never really been able to achieve it.

The constant comparisons with Madonna need to stop too. For as self-centered as Madonna was sometimes, she never claimed her work was the best this or best that, she just laid it all out there for people to take or leave and didn't give a sh!t. It was the media and fans that propped up Madonna's reinventions, not Madonna herself. She didn't go around giving a million interviews about how different she is how oh so innovative she is. Madonna in those first 10-13 years had a very keen sense of humour to her work, so while she was often message heavy, a lot of it wasn't pushed on audiences on a serious and "oh look at me" way (that is barring the SEX Book/Erotica/Body of Evidence fiasco, when she was just overexposed at that point).

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I think it has more to do with the hype machine Gaga has. Gaga and her management having been giving away teasers and putting out information about this song for weeks and weeks in advance. It got a lot of peoples hopes up (not mine, I don't expect much out of her), so when it was released, so many of them were disappointed and angry over the stir she tried to cause. There were so many outcries on various music boards yesterday.

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Capital Y-E-S! LOL I was having this exact conversation with a good friend of mine yesterday regarding Madonna at her height never claimed to be better than anyone else when she probably could easily have. One of the many reasons Madonna is an icon and one of the many reasons Gaga doesn't even come close to her status at this point, and she most likely never will. If Gaga is to be an icon, she will be an icon because she brings something different to the table. She has yet to do that, and probably never will. Like I said, she doesn't have to be an icon for me to enjoy her music. I wish she'd realize that....

Toups and AMS, I agree with you to a point... like I have established, I am a Gaga fan so I guess I can enjoy her too with all the added hysterics she has about her, it still does get to me though. Just like anyone I come across in my life that is egotistical, it rubs me the wrong way. I am by my nature a very modest person, so that's probably why. Bragging and egotistical musings turn me off big time.

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These YouTube videos popping up about how much this song rips off other songs are getting to be way too much. This one was is particularly well done though. :lol: :lol: :lol:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JD93yzTU_SQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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