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ATWT March 2010 Discussion Thread

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Ah, come on good old DC is perfect as Chris.I dont know, I never thought Chris should be a typical soap "hunk," he should be cute but "normal," looking.

Bailey Chase always reminded me of Frankenstein for some reason. And I must have missed Dylan Bruce as Chris, whom I will dub Gay Porn Chris Hughes..which that shot looks like it was taken from!

Of course, I always liked the pretty boy second adult Chris Hughes, the one that really acted gay (though suprisingly someone posted about him and he is married with kids..who knew.) and thought they were going with a gay storyline back then before Holden's annoying girl came into the picture.

I hope when Reid and Luke finally get it on they go to some remote island..I can imagine how shrill Luke is going to sound when he finally gets it the way he should, his screams will start a tsunami!!

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DC is fine as Chris. I am just saying they could easily have asked a previous Chris to end the show with...thats all...lol.

I never thought of BC as Frankenstein. I always thought he was hot looking. That pic os Dylan Bruce is when Ali caught him naked when he was being drugged. LOL at your Gay Porn Chris Hughes....How did you miss seeing Dylan Bruce??

I was thinking about pretty boy Chris the other day and cant remember the actor's name. I remember he was involved with Molly and Abigial. He was very good looking. Hmm....werent there rumors he was going to do a gay story??

I am looking forward to Reid and Luke this week.

I'd give anything to see her back. NuAli isnt cutting it at all.

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From TV Guide's Nelson Branco for this week....lol

Top 4 Most Entertaining Performers:

1. Amanda Setton (Kim, One Life)

2. Tuc Watkins (David, One Life)

3. Louise Sorel (Vivian, DAYS)

4. Eric Sheffer Stevens (Reid, World Turns)

Top 3 Dream Couples:

1. Kelly and David, One Life

2. Reid and Luke, World Turns

3. Steffy and a morgue, B&B

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*eyeroll* If NB actually watched the show, he'd know Janet/Dusty/Jack isn't a triangle. And BTW, how dare he leave Carly out of that quad. Screw him. Next we'll get endless blind items about how well hung a certain new gay doctor is.

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Can't help it, I LOVE Henry & Barbara together. I love him with Vienna, but I didn't like how she was today. She truly doesn't accept Henry as he is and Barbara does.

It would be weird though if he and Babs married cause he'd be stepfather to his half brother LOL

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Barbara and Henry are growing on me, only because Barbara seems to accept him for who he is. Vienna comes back and instantly wants a changed man just like before. Her whole vibe just wasn't right today. However, Henry seriously needs a backbone--these women just seem to walk all over him, and he lets them. You can't please everybody.

Whoa Janet that rock...OK GURL! Let Carly have Jack's country ass--good riddens. -_-

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Personally, I liked the most recent actor who played Chris. The guy was hot but in no way looked like the son of Bob and Kim. He was fairly semitic and my first though upon seeing him was 'I didn't know the Hughes family was Jewish'. He was a good actor and handsome so why was he fired? Does anyone in here remember?

The new Liberty is a good recast; however, since the character lacks any real purpose, why bother when they could have easily killed her off? Janet has hit it rich! Dusty own's Worldwide and has millions of Stenbeck cash so looks like her waitress days are over. I agree with ChiTown about Dusty being a way better catch than hillbilly wannabe cop Jack. Still, after all these years, I can't figure out what Carly sees in him.

I liked the scene today where Carly tells Parker that he has done a good job raising her. Parker has almost been a caretaker when it comes to his mom.

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'Cause some weenie dayplayer sonogram tech told them he thought Janet was "five weeks" pregnant (even though she and Jack did it only THREE weeks ago...*eyeroll*). Since Dustmite only mounted Juicy on NYE, she'd have to be ten weeks preggers for it to be his kid. I can't wait to hear the explanation on this when TIIC finally backtrack and make it Dusty's kid. Some poor doctor's going to have to try and explain another incompetant goof of a Memorial employee.

I liked the Parker/Carly talk, but the "I'm finally a grown up" stuff grated my last nerve. Yes, Parker's taken care of his mother--but he's hardly "raised" her. If that line had come out of Liberty's mouth, I would have applauded.

And y'all KNOW I cheered when Jack took that ring of Janet's out of his nose off his finger. I've already decided what Dusty's wedding present should be---earplugs and aspirin. A gross of each.

I'm not sure why everyone's so ga-ga over new Libs. Hard to judge her acting when she's encased in a bubble, lying in bed with a dumb-ass hat on her head.

FREE AT LAST, Free at LAST!!!! Thank GOD, Jack's free of Janet at last!!! :D

Henry/V/Babs---wow...not only did I feel for Babs, but I was supremely annoyed at the crass way V talked to Babs today. Not to mention, her arrogance in assuming Henry was panting to hop back into bed with her after like six months!

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Oh lord was he foine!!! I never understood why they got rid of him, he had a very sweet quality where I could see he was the Hughes youngest kid. As kinda gay acting as he was, he had a very nice chemistry with all the women on the show, sexual and otherwise, especially with Helen Wagner..he acted very protective and loving with her, and you could see him raised in a house with strong women..(probably why Shafer didnt know what to do with him, he actually was nice and polite and protective of women.)

They ruined him with putting him with that dorky kinda fat and much younger Abigail..but he and Molly were hot.

I LURVED the toliet flusing opening!!!

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