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ATWT March 2010 Discussion Thread

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Wild guess here but I think this was the metaphor: Janet loves Dusty thus the ring slips off. Jack is bloated and can't get the right off because he is tied to Janet via is Brad guilt. This or maybe Jack's finger is bloated because Michael Park is really gay and it happens to be his time of the month.

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Now we can see how Televest is burning off the lease for the shitholes they rented in Peapack. Today Damien confronted Lily in the foyer of the GL Farm House as he came out of the Spaulding Dining Room.

How come ATWT's outdoor shots look so much better then GL's did?

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The shots are better because ATWT is actually making an effort. Unlike The Guiding Light, location shots are not an every day thing for the show so maybe they are putting some planning into this. Also, I think Goutman hopes to find another job in the industry so he somewhat careful. From a tech standpoint, I am pretty sure that World Turns uses a different Sony camera and this may help.

As a sidenote, I find it really strange that JaNut is nowhere near Libby. The girl is in a freakin' bubble while Jan is all wrapped up in man drama. Good thing Liberty has Parker to keep an eye out. I'm not a parent but can't imagine leaving my kid alone while she is taking part in a clinical trial.

I hate how ATWT will totally ignore half the cast for extended periods. Paul, Emily, Hunter, Meg, Margo, and Tom have been MIA since the wedding. I get that CarJack and Lilly+Holden have the biggest fan bases but quite a few of us are tune in to see PEM. Also, I like Hunter and wish they would have developed the character somewhat. He and Emily were good in the scenes they shared.

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I actually hate the remote scenes. They look so cheap looking. The days of Emily riding her red car in Malta are long gone. That was a nice remote. There is way too many remotes nowadays on ATWT.

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The remotes look just as equally non-flattering as GL's. No difference. (Except I think MW looks better in the remote shoots than in studio...)

CarJack. :wub:

The rest of the show.... <_<

Sage was pretty freaking annoying, too. She has the mentality of a 6 yr. old--trapped in a 12 year old's body. <_<

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Good, glad I'm not the only person who think Sage might be retarded.

Tommorow looks good with the Emma+Paul and Emily+Meg stuff. I'm just worried TPTB might try another PEG redux before September. I love finally seeing Emily happy and on solid ground. Feel like the writers have never known what to do with the character. KMH is great but always gets pushed to the sidelines. Instead, we get NuLilly and Janet on what feels like every day. Lilly was never used this much when Martha Byrne was on the show aside from the Rose days.

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Are you kidding me? Okay, I know its a low bar, but, GL's remotes looked like [!@#$%^&*]. I mean, there was a shot from behind a tree, across the street (a stalker in Springfield??Naw, they were trying to make it look like the Hills, cause that is the reason the kids are watching that show, the weird camera angles..so we will for sure get the demos now) up someone's nose (you know its boring when you count Zimmers nose hairs instead of listening to what is going on) sound would be drowned out, Springfield looked like a ghost town except for the 12 people left in the cast, and Springfield all of a sudden became a rotting farm town in advance stages of decay (who can forget the fact that Harley's backyard was filled with rusted out junk..this is where two young children play???) At least Oakdale looks like a populated, upper middle class suburb and I can hear what people are saying.

The days of Malta remotes will never come back unfortunatley.

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I honestly see no difference in the two.

NuFaith is slightly creeping me out. Yesterday, she shoved herself so close to Jon Hensley that their lips were literally 4 centimeters apart. And her constant shriek/whine combo closely resemble Noelle's half-ass so-called "acting". *shudder* No wonder they hired her...

Sage wouldn't be so intolerable if they would write her with a little maturity. Screaming while jumping up and down and gushing about Mommy and Daddy being a family again...?? GMAFB.

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Sage acts like a teenager.

As for yesterday....sigh. After I realized the warehouse was (IMO) the same one in Peapack where GL's Lizzie's was held for like an eternity last year....I hypothized it must be in some naturally occuring vortex of suck. Poor Lesli Kay---if B&B had given her anything to do, she wouldn't have been in the midst of that tragedy. The entire thing was ridiculous.

And I don't get why Meg's "so messed up"---still. Sure, threatening to kill Damian was out of her normal realm of behavior. But, she acts like she was some pure, virginal waif who snapped. The woman married Craig, FCOL. I won't deny being married to Paul messed her up....but Emma totally skipped over some vital facts when blaming Paul---like Dusty, for example.

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