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OLTL: Dorian/Adriana question

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I think if this was spun as being Viki's weakness it would be interesting but I feel like the show has her as Todd's enabler to try to show us we should root for Todd. She's done this with Todd/Tea off and on for over ten years now.

I would much rather she realize that she is perpetuating abuse. I think the only way this might ever happen is if something happens where Bree is hurt by Todd's schemes.

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I see what you mean Carl, and "propping" is just something I can never get behind. That's weak, lazy, manipulative storytelling, you don't need to (and you WON'T) convince me to like someone by having someone I DO like show me that they do. What's sad is that for every writer who spreads and glorifies masochism over the airways, there are hundreds of thousands of female fans who eat it right up. I'd love a nice two minute long monologue where somebody who is time enough for Todd just dresses him the hell down, I mean, really tells him about himself to the point where he can't snark it off. Bring him to tears. And not at all so we feel sympathy for him, though I'm sure his diehard fans couldn't help but feel that. :rolleyes: As my best friend would say, "He needs to be hurt." I'm tired of people just being angry and exasperated with him without it having any sort of effect. DAMN, I wish Megan was here to hand him his ass! :lol:

And I agree that it'll take him hurting Bree or even Jessie for Viki to change her tune.

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If that was really Victor. ;-)

Sometimes, I wish people would leave Malone and Griffith's stories out of explaining or understanding issues such as Dorian and Viki's feud. Those two paid attention only to the parts of their backstory which served their own.

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It's one thing if Victor had been off-screen (either dead or away from Llanview) from the very beginning. However, Victor was on-screen, and a major player, from the show's first episode, until his death (or "death") some eight years later. Therefore, even though Victor had a wildly dysfunctional relationship with daughters Viki and Meredith, to suggest to viewers from back then that this man had been a child molestor (and a brainwashing, child-snatching, Nazi-sympathizing, gold-hoarding, underground city-building one at that) the entire time, without so much as a hint of this tawdry secret life either in the storytelling or in the different actors' performances, is asking them to suspend entirely too much disbelief.

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IMO, Malone resurrected "Victor" in order to explain why Mitch would impregnate Viki. Unfortunately, his attempt at explaining an already convoluted story just made the situation worse.

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As Robin Strasser would say, "In my mind..."

* Dorian wrongly believed Viki had voted against her, causing her to lose her medical license. (However, protocol dictates that all votes remain secret. Thus, until the plane crash, Dorian did not know the truth.) Also...

* Dorian did kill Victor. Or, at least, she didn't exactly rush to keep him alive.

* Victor never sexually molested Viki (or Meredith). He manipulated and dominated them, yes, but never raped them. Not once.

* Viki has only one alter, Niki Smith, which is a result of either witnessing her mother's death as a little girl, or walking in on Victor in bed with Irene Manning. (I'll leave it up to you which "explanation" is better.) All the other alters - Jean Randolph, Princess, Tommy, Tori, Blanche and Baby Jane, etc. - do not exist, but are the work of one head writer who thought he was doing the show, and longtime viewers, a favor by being medically accurate, instead of adhering to a basic rule of daytime (i.e., "If we didn't see it onscreen, then it never happened").

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