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OLTL: Discussion for the week February 8

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That's not saying very much though!

It's all so juvenile. I love you but we can't be together because of Danyeller! But ZOMG our passion! Next day. I love you but we can't be togther because of Danyeller! But ZOMG our passion! Next day.

Why are they even on for two weeks straight and they are not even involved in the action.

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The stumbling around in the snow, I thought, was most effective with Stacy. I started to feel something for the little tramp. They went too far when she was buried. Dorian's frozen toes and subsequent screaming at Charlie was another true moment. Any Canadian kid has felt the same pain in ice skates after a long afternoon at an outdoor hockey rink. The excrutiating pain and loud mouthed irrationality starts when one's feet are thawing out indoors.

For this reason I hate fireplaces.

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I think, as silly, stupid as it was before, when malone did that storyline it was all over the top gothic. I dunno, for some reason that made the implications of incest a bit easier to swallow for me than this shock therapy route.

If Jessica, post ECT, can't remember anything before her teenagehood--why was she so easily and quickly convinced Mitch is her father?

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I know Frons would never allow it but I really wish Viki had not been so damn low-key through this story. Why is she having scenes with Kim while this lunatic who is obsessed with her family is tormenting her daughter and husband?

Look at these clips with Viki and Victor and then Viki and Mitch. They're superb. Erika and Roscoe are phenomenal in these scenes (Mitch looks like a sexy version of annoying Baltar from the BSG remake). Even that one line, "I'm gon' win," was better than most of Mitch's scenes since somewhere around December.

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Carl, I was just watching those scenes about a day ago, ITA with you. I think the writing has failed RB this go round, it is too often just laughable. The fine line is so apparent when you compare his scenes from then to those of today. Khan, I must say, I was thinking the same thing when I watched. I had to check myself and make sure that it wasn't just because I was taken by these few scenes, but there are several clips from his tenure where I have felt the same. One thing that always tickles me is Viki's dialogue back then, so theatrical. She has a line in one of the secret room scenes where she talks about Victor's "capacity for betrayal". (And what about that 13 second pause she takes in that first clip? ^_^) But yeah, it's hard for me to describe, but no matter how OTT things got, there's this undercurrent of sophistication when you have trained folks like Slezak and Strasser really driving scenes under Rauch's also trained eye. I don't remember which writer gave Robin Strasser the (back handed) compliment at the time that, "(She's so good) she doedn't know that she's on a soap opera," but that in certain ways applies to the show as a whole.

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