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HBO: Game of Thrones


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She is my favourite character, but that was an amazing Hell Yeah! moment. I also admit to becoming giddy (I literally clapped in glee) when Tyrion met Dany.

I will be devastated if Melisande somehow convies Stannis to kill his daughter. I'm guessing his fish wife will end up sacrificing herself to do the deed.

Does anyone else laugh when someone says Winter is Coming? Pull the other one, show.

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YAY to Cersei finally about to get her comeuppance. What a vile wretched woman.

How does the king have absolutely no authority here? If he wants Marg back, why isn't that granted to him? Why is she even a prisoner. If I recall, she was asked if her brother was messing with Renly and she said no. The squire that claimed to have screwed him only proves that Loras was gay and doesn't discredit her testimony

HAHA, I can't. I was thinking the same thing Edited by Cheap21
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So was Bright Eyes calling you a piece of sh!t, too?

I've told you, as well as others, what the truth is. I have no reason to lie to you because, if that's what I thought of you, best believe I'd tell you straight to your face. But I am done. I can't deal with your persecution complex.


But they're never going to let this go.

Edited by YRBB
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Antonye is not my mother or father so he has no right to tell me to "go sit down somewhere" like I'm a child. But its just a pattern of disrespect that he and others have shown towards me because I am simply voicing my opinion on the show. Its not a persecution complex. Its just a fact.

I believe BrightEyes is fairly new to this particular thread and I've never really interacted with her or him until now so I have no idea how they feel about me nor any prior conversations to say whether they hate me or not.

But its clear to me that people like you Antonye and others have nothing except disrespect and rudeness to show me and that's fine. I won't be intimidated by people like you. I won't even call you bullies because its such a overused word but it definitely isn't the behavior of nice people.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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What a beautiful thing to have serious, never-smiles Jon smile at Sam when he went to say goodbye. It was great that Sam stood up to those idiots, although I suppose he's never going to be allowed to properly learn how to fight.

Sad to see Aemon go. What a lovely presence he's been on the show for so many years.

Darling Sansa... she turned to Theon too fast. One can understand it, considering her desperation, but he wasn't anywhere near read to be 'turned.' I wonder if that corkscrew or whatever it was that she picked up while come into play later. Glad to see a much-less passive Sansa who doesn't seem willing to give up anytime soon.

Please please please Stannis do not hurt your daughter. There is no way he will give in to that... or is there?

Still "meh" at all the Dorne stuff. Myrcella/Jaime... who cares? Bronn teased by one of the Sand Snakes... who cares? All those gratuitous shots of her naked body--like, we get it.

I love Cersei but, my God, what fun it was to see her ridiculous ill-thought out plan to release a bunch of religious fanatics and give them power come back and bite her in the behind. Her last line about her face being the last thing ReligiousFanatic! Brienne would see was fun, too.

I was so thrilled when Dany and Tyrion met. Talk about two different worlds on this show colliding.

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I agree with all of this. I loved Aemon. At least he got to see a world with dragons and where Dany was rising to power on some level.

I knew there was a reason this show was trying to make us fall for Shireen. I don't like her chances.

The Sandsnakes are a huge fail. They may as well have cut all this Dorne stuff because it's terrible.

I hope Dany sees that Tyrion could be useful to her.

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I gave in and clicked on the thread after the last episode, and saw some of the comments, which are basically my fault (I know they're done now and I'm only commenting after people stopped caring). I wanted to apologize for my comments - sometimes I've taken YRBB's posts and tone a certain way, perhaps the way that wasn't intended. It's easy to do online - maybe too easy for me in some cases. If I wasn't already fed up with the story I may have been more able to be reasonable. Maybe not. I don't know. Either way, I was in the wrong. Sometimes I comment instead of keeping my thoughts to myself. I don't dislike YRBB, and I do enjoy reading what they say on a lot of topics. My disappointment in this show colored my attitude, and I let them bleed into each other.

I'm also sorry if anything I said caused any animosity toward ThePrinceofSunspear.

I still don't have much to say about the show, and that's probably for the best. I just wanted to say sorry for what I set in motion.

Edited by DRW50
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Thank you for that. I can certainly understand how feeling passionate about a show can spill over into other things and my directness doesn't always translate well online. Nothing has ever been meant with malice, even when we disagree. In any case, I'm sorry, too. Let's start over.

I really do hope they prove us wrong regarding Shireen. If not, I will still be happy though because we got that wonderfully touching scene with Shireen and Stannis. I think that might even make it worth it in my eyes.

I try not to bring the books into it too often but, even as I was reading it, I just couldn't see a way that the Sand Snakes would translate well on screen. Even in the book, it's sort of ridiculous. I hope they wrap this up quickly, although I suppose a storyline is a storyline and I don't know what else they could have Jaime doing.

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