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HBO: Game of Thrones


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Hate the changes from the book but overall it was a very strong first episode.

Ser Barristan is just so badass that I can forgive them for how they introduced him in the tv series.

Glad that they used the EXACT words during Tyrion's conversation with Lord Tywin Lannister. Anything else would have been an abomination and a complete mockery of that scene in the book. It was hard to watch but you feel the entire emotional weight of that scene.

I know I will love this season because of Natalie Dormer/Maegery Tyrell. She captivates me in every scene she's in. The character is just perfect for her and the word games between her and Cersei are gonna be so fun to watch! Esp knowing what's going to happen in the future from the books makes all the more delicious to watch!

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What were his comments?? It does seem odd, though I know when the show was greenlit and HBO was still having some issues someone high up (not sure if it was the same person) seemed embarassed that they were persuing less "adult" (ie Sopranos) style shows and more fantasy partly due to the surprise success of True Blood.

I liked the premier--I understand it's a slow buildup to re-introduce all the characters, and I expect the second and third episodes will be more exciting.

I did agree with this guy at NY Mag (who also did a very good review of the first episode) http://www.vulture.com/2013/03/plea-for-more-male-nudity-on-game-of-thrones.html

I haven't read the third novel yet--waiting probably for the two seasons of the show that cover it first (plus I have too much I need to read) but some fans--a significant portion have actually said that certain characterizations are more complex or interesting in the TV series. Again--not sure excatly what is meant, but...

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I enjoyed this episode as it featured my favorite Lannister, Jaime. Jaime always talks trash but hidden behind is word games is always some wisdom and truth telling. He is so matter of fact about everything in this cruel world, and perversions or not, he knows you don't get to choose the ones you love. That's more to the point that Cat's silly speech about all the ills befalling her family because she didn't love Jon Snow. I forget all the details now, but a lot of their troubles go back to her taking Tyrion prisoner. Admittedly she thought he pushed her son out the window, but she was wrong. And then when she finally gets the true culprit she sets him free. But desperate mothers will make deals with the devil.

I like the new characters. That archer has to be the best archer alive, and he can put Robin Hood to shame. That weird kid with the tough sister I like also. He seems like an incarnation of mystical goodness, and she the show can use a good guy somewhere. Diana Rigg got so old, I need to see more of her character to think more of her as the stock stereotypical shrewd old power player who has seen it all. This looks like a role Maggie Smith could play in her sleep. Diana Rigg doesn't even have to try to have this role down cold.

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Whoever they got to play the Queen of Thorns (Margary's grandmother) was simply amazing and was exactly how I pictured her in the books. The scenes with her, Sansa, and Marg were the highlight of the episode.

The whole scene with Cat about Jon Snow was completely made up and never occurred in the books. Was a waste of screen time and I totally hated it. They've already screwed up the Theon storyline and as a side result they ruined the Bran storyline so oh well. At least Alfie Allen has a hot body...thats really all I can say. Same for the Robb Starke plot. Even knowing how it ends makes me nervous cuz I'm so terrified they are going to destroy those scenes as well.

Jaime and Brienne were amazing tho. Loved their back and forth.

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The Queen of Thorns is played by TV icon Diana Rigg. Rigg played Mrs Peel on the 60s show "The Avengers" and the GH character Anna Devane owes a lot to Mrs Peel. She was a bold step forward for women on TV in that in the 60s she was able to take on men in battle and yet look supremely stylish while doing so.


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Tyrion was hilarious in the episode! I absolutely loved the scene with the rearranging of chairs, and later with Pod being so good at sex the prostitutes didn't want payment. :lol:

You know it's GoT when there's both male and female rape almost happening.

I was really surprised at Dany's offer to give one of her dragons away. However, I suspect that the dragon will remain faithful to her and hope that it somehow comes back to her.

And the ending! Damn. That was terrifying.

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Best episode of the season. I cracked up at the council musical chairs. Tyrion sitting opposite his father was a clever move. Ah, Podrick lost his virginity and very good.

Kudos to Jamie for saving Brienne. He is a bastard, but he recognized that she is wonderful.

Rob's uncle is played by the actor who played Brutus in Rome. It was fun how he kept missing the body with the arrow with fire.

Ha, I see Dany using that slave army to take out those people in charge of that city and getting her dragon back. I also see the man insulting her dying.

I thought it was sweet how Hot pie baked the wolf bread and ended up staying at the inn. It is his best chance to stay alive.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I don't like who they got to play Edmure Tully. He's supposed to be a womanizer...this ugly old man on my television screen does not and could never be a womanizer.

Its pretty sad that the Blackfish is even more regal/handsome than Edmure. For a show that usually does such a fine job with casting I was a little surprised by the one they found to be Edmure.....

EDIT: Arya saying goodbye to Hot Pie was very emotional. Glad they got that right....

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Poor Jaime. I don't know what use there is for a kingslayer if he can't slay anyone. He is my favorite Lannister and I love how his character has changed so much since the first episode where total evilosity set the whole show in motion. He didn't have to go to bat for Brienne. The one thing I don't understand is if she was bringing him to King's Landing anyway, why even bother to try to escape? Their sword fight last week was great but it was literally a no-stakes confrontation since whoever won the result would have been the same.

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Even though Jaime is not as smart as Tyrion, he is very intelligent. He's brutal in some ways, but I think he respects Brienne because she has a naive sense of honor. He didn't have to save her, but he did because he respects her integrity. I think the show opened with Jaime doing one of the worst things a person can do (trying to kill a child), now it's either relative redemption or death. I can only imagine what Tywin is going to have to say about all this once he finds out.

I thought Dany had some interesting scenes this episode, I can't wait to see what happens next for her. You can tell she loathes the master of the unsullied.

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Julia I forget if you're reading the books?

Its hilarious watching Dany's current scenes if you've read the book....the thoughts that are going on in the slave masters head and in Danys head are just too funny. Especially when the climax of her storyline finally arrives.

As for Jaime the show did a great job in this last episode of showing just how absolutely helpless Jaime was. In a way its true....without his father Jaime is basically nothing but another guy with a sword.

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