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January 2010 ATWT Thread

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I must have a love/hate thing with Janet, but damn today she was more intolerable than usual. What is the big deal with Liberty having this MonteCarlo job? The fact Carly offered it to her? Geez, the only thing she gonna be doing is drawing some sketches. So anyway, Maura was looking exceptionally yummy today.

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I gotta add my love for Maura West. Weird thing is in the late 90's, I didn't think she was hot whenever I saw her on ATWT, but then about 5 years ago, I started to notice her, and now of course I think she's hot. :)

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Speaking of Maura's hair, I remember back when Rose was around. There was a scene where Emily & Carly went to see Rose at the penthouse. Maura had extensions in that day, and with them in, her hair was about as long as it is now. I remember thinking how good they looked, but the next episode, the extensions were gone. (Speaking of this reminds me how close the 3 used to be. And after Rose died, I think they dropped the Em/Carly friendship. I don't recall them having many scenes together, if any, since then.)

As for today's episode....

Is Damian too dumb to check for a heartbeat? A pulse? Anything! He didn't even try CPR. :rolleyes:

Today's Molly/Carly gab-fest made me flash back to the early 00's. Carly designing, Molly coming in with all of her woes, only to be told by Carly she has some doozy woes of her own. I loved loved loved their talk today. I've always enjoyed the bond between them.

For someone who's not "officially back yet", Jack sure does hang around the cop shop a lot.....

Whodathunk that Carly, the scheming, sour-tongued manipulator from years past, would one day be a voice of reason. She's becoming a regular Emma Snyder. :P All irony aside, I did enjoy the scenes between Carly & Liberty. They work extremely well together; and it might be my sleepyness kicking in, but I like the thought of Carly taking a young ingenue under her wing and teaching her the tricks of the trade. Especially Liberty; they both have a knack for sarcasm--I think they'd give each other great company--minus the whole "your ex-husband is being halted from returning to your loving arms because I have leukemia and he doesn't want to hurt my mom's feelings" aspect of it.

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I watched the show in "real time," yesterday and it kept my interest for the most part. I agree about the Damien thing, I was just waiting for dumb ass Meg to get out of the chest and knock him over the head to save the day. However, I kept being distracted by several things in that scene....where the hell were the rest of the guests in the place???I still dont see that wispy little thing as Lily (real Lily would have stomped her feet and acted self-righteous that someone DARE try to kidnap her for the millionth time)and how fast I would be on the plane with hot ass Damien no matter how many dead bodies I found in his trunk. But the big thing that kept distracting me is Hensleys hair...WTF is up with that mop on his head and it was going every which way(I also couldnt help seeing how much he has aged...he looks really bloated and listless now.)

I think MW looks great...and love that when she opens her mouth she still talks like Serena...(I have no idea why when they did that special episode that she was Jeannie...they should have done a Bewitched and had MW rocking a wig, a feathered boa and saying "Hello, Cotton Top!")

I cant believe that Davey is trying another cancer storyline...this time as an obvious plot point to keep Carjack apart.

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I said KMH occassionally looks "plastic"...but I didn't mean it as in plastic surgery. More like her body and face sometimes look "hard", almost shell-like. It's weird. And I wish she'd do something with that hair. It's thin, and this week it looked horrible.

Friday's episode totally sucked. Why the fluck is Holden so pissed at Molly, for keeping her info on Damian for like a DAY?? I was surprised Lily actually got down off her moral pedestal and didn't judge Molly for it. The rest was boring crap. Why are they going down the Henry/Katie road again? Does anyone give a crap about DrHouseWannabe? (Okay, so it's a guilty pleasure seeing someone treat Luke like the snottyPOSbrat he is....but he seems like a ProfessorWhoever retread.

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KMH is one of my top three four characters (Em, Babs, Lucinda, Paul); however, her hair is so thin and I'm guessing this is why it was always short. As for her body: knockout! I feel like she is one of the more under-rated actors on the show. I mean, you never see people all excited about her as you do Maura or Martha. I wish they would give her one great story before the end of the World.

As for Thursday, there were moments when it was pure old school ATWT, thus, great. They did overlook a few details and the writing for Lily was poor.

On Friday, I love how they faded into the scene of Damian down at the docs. It reminded me of James' escape from NY back in the 80's. Also, Luke FINALLY has a real job. I actually like that he got the shipping company. This gives them a chance to grow the character up. At first, I was like how many 20 year olds own a billion buck company. Ten I thought about it and realized that wealth really does pass that way in certain rich families. I'm hoping that this gives Lucinda an opening. She can help him and get back on canvas.

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IA, KMH's hair looks much better short.

Luke's "job"...yeah...we've seen him work at Grimaldi for like two days, and suddenly daddyDamian "gifts" it to him. Whatever. He'll probably get bored with it in two weeks (just like his foundation) and beg Lily or Lucinda to run it for him.

Ugh...that fugly knit cap of Holden's reminded me of his dopey cowboy hat during his summer of Carly. *eyeroll*

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KMH needs to either keep it sort or get some sort of extentions. She is so PRETTY but thin hair ruins it.

I'd love to see Luke get 'married' to work (the Carly/Molly plan) but know it will never happen. Luke will probably get all bitchy and say he doesn't want his evil father's evil money. In the end, Lucinda will do all the work or buy it. I could actually see Dusty doing the sleezy shipping thing.

Oakdale is too 'trendy', those knit caps are all over NYC. The hat covers his bald spots against the wind. I'm pretty sure that scene was flmed near my apt. on the Greenpoint, NYC water front. Damian is reminding me of James and they are casting Luke as young Paul--lame.

BTW, why did't Holden run after Meg? The scene was bad, lacked logic. She almost died and he decided to cuddle Lily instead of helping his sister. Holden has NO balls with all that 'Lilly, I know you loved Damain and his Italian sausage'. He might as well say: "Lilly, I know I'll never be man enough to please you. It's okay for you to screw other men. I'll take pix! I love you Lilly! We'll do it for the kids.'


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Hmmm..and I liked the whole week especially Thursday and Friday. Go figure..lol....Monday's cliffhanger with Jack and Carly was heartbreaking....Of course I am not liking the whole Mick is James stuff anymore. Allison is just palin dumb and so is Emiloon. The whole Threes Company with Katie and Dr. Olive was funny...or so I thought. How quick Katie was to invite him a roomie though and why would Dr. Oliver accept? Yes, Oliver is a jerk..but cant wait to see him shirtless...lol

And that beanie HOlden had on made him look dumb...lollaugh.gif

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The overall stories are good but they never come together correctly. The characters don't act naturally: Holden not running after Meg; Damain just cracking up; Katie asking Doc to move in but we never see the invite scene; Mick hypnos Emily, knocks people out with a flashlight; Emily just walking out after a coma and Susan not really protesting; Allison with 'Mick is in my head'. Good overall ideas but the scripts still suck. ATWT never pulls it together, gets a story tight with the exception of CarJack and--hate to say it--Janet and Lib. It is all Goutman's sorry effort to do prime time. He must think he can get a job at CSI once World ends.

I did notice things got a lot better once Josh Griffin arrived. It suddenly felt more soapy.

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Did we actually see Molly confronting Grady?? I don't recall seeing it. Although it could have been on one eppy I didnt get to see a while back. Why would Holden run after Meg? His love of his life is Lily. He wouldnt leave her there hurt to go after his sister...lol. The Mick story is annoying me to no end. Susan is on and then poof disappears.

Like I said last week was pretty good. Could it have been better? Yes...but considering how bad the show has been it wasnt half bad. I am surprised Carly didnt bring up her romp with Holden to Molly during their cookie contest.

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They would never write a story like that 'cause it isn't aimed at the 18-34 demo. I'm 33, and barely remember the baby. They'd be like 'who, what, Iva is like Lilly's cousin, right?'

The show is so much better than a year ago and, at times, reminds me of old school ATWT but then there is always something off/missing. DK isn't a bad head writer, it is more like the people below him along with Goutman have trouble putting the eppys together: a jigsaw puzzle always missing a few pieces.

I do wish they would make business more a part of the show. Worldwide (Lucinda) was always a good story vehicle. I'd love to see her go evil again. Remember her lawyer, the old white guy? Also Jane? They use Jeane Cooper every day over at Y&R and Vivian over at Days. Lisa is a lost cause, off the canvas for too long. Lucinda is the Queen.

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