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World Turns for a buck!

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ATWT still has life, many new stories to tell. Just look at the chem of Carjack. Who will be Katie's next soulmate? Will Nancy be Mick Dante's newest patient and give birth to quintuplets? Come to think of it, that would sell a lot of Pampers! This show is not ready for the dust pan of TV history. I have a great idea: why doesn't PGP sell the show to either CBS or another broadcast/cable network. It is clear that TeleNext wants out. There must be one televion programer out there willing, wanting and able to revamp the show. I don't know World Turns' dollar value; however, a dead show has NO value. Even if PGP can only get a buck for the show, a dollar saved is a dollar earned and, at the least, they'd get a lot of good press. Positive attention is like gold and every soap mag and site like After Elton would write an article. Proctor and Gamble's PR team could spin this faster than a washer load of Tide: World Turns dedication to social issues; Luke, Noah and tolerance on TV; Barbara and Lucinda: the battle against cancer; family values; love for their consumers; and respect for TV history along with the viewer. Free press will sell Downy Free: sales will Bounce.

With that said, no one has yet to answer my question as to why ATWT can not be either sold or 'gifted' (PGP giving up future rights to a dead program) so that the show can go on. Oprah's OWN would make for a great home but would she really want to pay a licence fee? She would probably want to buy it. The same goes for Lifetime TV. Why doesn't Cahill from TeleNext talk about selling the show as opposed to all his BS about finding new, innovative platforms? A lot of people seem to have missed my point: ABC shows will live on, even with bad demos, because they are network owned. ATWT will die because it is 'client owned', ask Les Mooves. How can PGP be convinced to sell a dead show? There must be one willing buyer out there. Maybe someone should start a petition asking PGP to sell all future rights to the show as opposed these well-intentioned but useless find World Turns a new home petitions?

If ATWT were CBS owned, Bloom would not have been so eager to help drive down ratings. In fact, the right people would have been brought in and ATWT would probably have about a 2.5 HH rating. Goutman's are only allowed to work for 'client owned' shows.

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I hate to break it you, but no one is going to touch a demo-challenged show like ATWT with a ten-foot pole. Its continuous poor demos are why the show was axed to begin with. They've been trying to court younger viewers for years but with little success. The mainstream press picked up on Nuke when that was just beginning and, true, it did help with the numbers somewhat, but they're old news now.

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Perhaps, if Carjack, along with several other characters/couples, hadn't have alienated so much of the longtime audience, ATWT might still be on the air (after next Sept., that is). Not blaming any particular fanbase, mind you. Well, maybe I am. "Supercouples," for lack of a better word, killed this show dead, IMO.

Not to mention, a lot of Depends. Because, God knows, if the day ever comes when beloved Nancy Hughes is de-aged back into a 20- or 30-something and made the mother of quintuplets, we're all gonna be peein' in our pants.

Because, as I have said before, CBS suddenly owning ATWT (or any network owning any soap) would be just as maddening, if not more so, than a third party like PGP/TeleVest. You think TeleVest interfered too much in the show's overall direction? Just imagine if people like Barbara Bloom had had full access to it.

True, but with "niche programming" all the rage these days, I have to wonder at what expense. If Logo bought the show, for example, does that mean it will be more "As Nuke's World Turns" than ever? Or if A&E purchases it, will it suddenly go hi-def "reality" and be renamed "Paul Ryan's Family Jewels"? I'm kidding, of course, but you get what I mean.

I love a "good" bad pun as much as the next guy, but come on. ;-)

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Ruxton, thank you for pointing out the issue regarding OLTL's demos; lets also remember that GH and AMC aren't that many points further along in the 18-49 audience. Both shows will stay on the air a few years longer due to them being owned by ABC. I remember there was a rumor that CBS wanted to buy ATWT and GL but PGP said no. I assume this to be true because NBC did want to buy AW but their offer was refused. I don't think a network like Lifetime would pass on World Turns due to demos but, instead, balk at the licencing fee.

Telenext isn't going to make ANY money off a dead show--look at all that money from AW Today...lol

They have a great library of shows but, aside from the recent China deal, there isn't any cash to make. If they were to sell or even 'gift' the show to a network or an indie showrunner for a web-based series, they'd have NOTHING to loose. Why do they insist on holding on to worthless content?

By the way, the Nancy getting re-youthed remark was an effort at a pun/joke. I was in no way suggesting that this should be done.

I just think fans should be looking at new ways to save their shows. This isn't just true of ATWT but also for the six other shows on death watch.

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Yeah, the ABC shows are in the crapper demo-wise too, but I think the fact that ABC owns them buys them a few more years. With GH, its demos are still relatively healthy and it's still ABC's marquis show. There's still brand recognition there, so I don't think that's going anywhere in the near future. AMC and OLTL really need to get their act together if they want to last beyond 2011.

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The thing with AMC is that even though its not far away from ATWT/OLTL it is still higher then them and their ratings have actually increased in total viewers and have stablized in the 18-34 ratings.

ATWT has just been declining in every category and CBS/P&G just didn't want to deal with it anymore.

And Khan, WORD. With Brain Frons still at ABC we might not see any changes...espcially at GH

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What's with this brand recognition?? That has nothing to do with it(GH) still being in the air. I hear GH will be the last show left. Yes, even Y&R will be gone before GH. The reason is because GH is the cheapest to produce. AMC and OLTL will be next to go. At least ATWT will leave with a bang. I can see it hitting #3 when its finally show airs. Hell ...GL reached #4 for its last show and #6 for the week and it was way much worse shape than ATWT is now.

ATWT is already tied with GH and beating OLTL in both HH and demos so things dont look good for OLTL either.

Carolyn Hinsley ripped CBS/P&G for not saving ATWT anyway they could. She suggest...hints..that Oprah should put it in her new network she is creating. I don't think it's a bad idea but Oprah is a big AMC fan.

Btw...welcome to the board Saving ATWT!

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OLTL and AMC appear to be cheaper for ABC which is why they haven't been cancelled despite the low demos. The move to the new studios (if OLTL does move) will cut costs even more. However, in a few years they will both follow ATWT and GL into cancellation along with B&B. Then Y&R, Days and GH will battle it out to see which will be the last soap standing. It is only a matter of time.

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