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Lorraine Broderick as AMC head writer

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She did both stories yes. She was definetly stronger when working with FMB than with Francesca James but part of the prob was the alter stuff was when ABC was worriedby DAYS ratings climbing and started asking for more out there stories--like the babyswitch, the voodoo story (and even Myrtle falling in love with Santa Clause lol). I admit at the time some of these felt a bit of a mess, but in hindsight I'd take them all over much of the past ten years... Yursoakinginit said it best in that awesome post--even with the over thetopstories the character writing came through.

I also agree with Vee that any of the really human and goodstuff during her time at OLTL was probably her doing (WHitesell and Gary T seem more responsible for the camp,which I admit to sometimes enjoying a lot)

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That would suck if she arrived after the anniversary was already written.

I kind of wonder if she may have been involved in some of the returns. When I heard people like Taylor Miller were returning I didn't immediately think Pratt or Frons would care about that name.

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David was bit dark under LB's pen, but I do realize he was only supposed to be temporary, so it'll be interesting to see what she does with him now.

I love her as a writer for Erica. Minus the Maddie stuff, she was really good with her. I loved Erica/Dimitri the last time around, well, pre-miscarriage anyway. So she does know how to do couples.

Can I ask when she started with AMC? Early 90's right? 92 or 93? (Sorry, I was so young at the time, and have been working on a paper all night and haven't had time to go through the thread.)

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Kylie she started at AMC as one of the scriptwriters in 1979. By 1981 she was an associated head writer (that's how Wiki credits her anyway, I know the episode creditswere often a bit different) till 86 when for a year she was co-headwriter (this was when Agnes went briefly full time to Loving to try to help it--the first time she did that of two or three times) and then she was an associate head writer again from '88-91 (with Agnes, Wisner Washam,and briefly Maggie DePriest). She then moved to Guiding Light(I think because she was offered co headwriter) but returned to AMC as head writer in Oct 1995 (keep in mind that Agnes Nixon still sometimes had her name in the writing credits through to about 96-97) till Dec 97--at first briefly co headwriting with Milee Taggert whohad worked with her at GL according to the credits. (and of course ironically McTavish immediately moved toGL)

*edit* I see while I was typing that the wikipedia credits were posted lol-- Not to be anal but I do think ti should be pointed out in the 80s and even much of the 90s the head writing position wasn't always sure, and the actualcreditson episodes often changed (Likewise for the Emmy submissions Agnes Nixon's name was ALWAYS at the head of the writing team)

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Iknow it's annoying to always hear some fanswhenever anything good happenson the show claim it was Agnes Nixon's doing but in this case I bet many of the returns and maybe even some of what we'll see/hear on screen for the anniversary IS her doing. Especially considering hercommentsabout howshe'll missbeing able to visit the set--this is a sort of farewell for her too.

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