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Lorraine Broderick as AMC head writer

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I'm very happy this is happening for AMC. It had to happen in order for this show to attempt to survive.

But frankly, part of me thinks this is also being done in order to justify to fans and the press cancelling OLTL sometime in the future instead of AMC. We've all heard those debates - AMC is terrible, over budget, doesn't make as much revenue, and for months OLTL (which is on or under budget, thus making more) was slamming it in the ratings, so why cancel OLTL? Now they have a rationale. "AMC is coming back." They wouldn't have had that with Pratt. Even Frons finally had to realize that.

I wish I didn't have to think in terms of this "X versus Y" binary with the two shows now. But we do.

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They're going to gimmick and Guza GH to death. They will never change the deck chairs there, their egos are too wrapped up in that setup. James Franco, JJ, maybe Laura, who needs to fix anything? It's got about five years, I think, eight tops. Which is sad because it does have good people in front of and behind the camera and even the Franco thing and the return of JJ works, it's just in how the stories are told and what stories they choose to tell.

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I wonder how much of it also comes down to the headwriter salary. Whether OLTL stays or goes, AMC probably can't survive with a "name" like Pratt bleeding them dry.

For that reason I wonder if Lorraine is temporary and they may use her to help teach a cheap, unknown writer to take over.

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Broderick isn't flashy enough for Frons so it wouldn't surprise me if he replaced her. But it may not be about that now; now he just needs the show to survive.

She's okay. I don't think she's anything amazing, at least not in the last 12-15 years, but she'll do to help the show. Sorry if that gets in the way of Sylph's latest Writers I Fetishize And Overidentify With Even Though I Just Heard Of Them Six Hours Ago.

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I think this is an odd way of thinking. Just because a soap hasn't hired her, you don't think she'd want to return? She hasn't been gone that long. Now if they were saying Nancy Curlee was coming back, maybe I could go with your line of thinking. Look at Claire Labine, she's willing to return, but nobody wants to hire her. I don't think it's surprising that most of the better writers are unemployed.

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I think she's a good fit for AMC, with the right producer. I'm hoping since the canvas is in need of such repair we won't get any psychos running amok, which damaged her runs at ATWT and OLTL (although Mitch's return may not have been her doing).

Most of all I wonder how someone can break through the death warmed over feeling of stories like Ryan yells/glares to save the day, and JR disowns his father part 532.

I'm also hoping she might be able to do something with Tad, although that may be too far gone.

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Mitch was Whitesell and Broderick, yes. They'd planned to kill him off in February sweeps 2003, but Malone and Griffith extended it.

I thought Whitesell and Broderick's run was largely a cartoonish mess, but with a few good storylines and characters, specifically the baby switch arc with Natalie and Jessica which led to Mitch, and Max/Roxy. I credit her with anything good that happened. There was a lot of silly, memorable, funny stuff, but very little that was actually really good.

I think that without a Whitesell, she's be good for AMC.

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I hope so badly this is true but when her and Whitesell left OLTL didn't Fronsask her to AMC and she said she wouldn'twork under him? Of course this was all largely gossip,whoknows what was actually said,but... Maybe Agnes Nixon is behind this and begged Broderick to step in if only temporarily and see what happens?

Has anyone tried asking Agnes on her website? :) lolNot that that sweet, beyond angelicwoman would ever say anything mean or controversial at all about anyone...

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I just said he was alive. I didn't mention anything about a comeback. :P

I would find it impossible for Washam to get into today's AMC. A much different show than the one he left. Not to say anything about the general network climate etc.

Why don't you go and ask her then come back and report? :P

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