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Y&R episode discussion

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I don't buy that Y&R is in dire financial trouble. If B&B - the No. 2 show - can afford to have more contract players than it has in years, and hire big names like Rick Hearst and Don Diamont, Y&R can afford to bring back Traci a few times a year.

Contempt for the Abbotts? Jack, Ashley and Billy are practically the stars of the show! If MAB had contempt for the Abbotts, Ashley and Billy wouldn't have been brought back in the first place.

They have/had contempt for ONE Abbott: Colleen. Probably because she was also a Carlton and was used heavily under LML.


Maria and co. have their problems, but some make them out to be MUCH worse than they are.

She didn't appear at all in 2004 or 2005 (under Smith and Alden)...

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Only when they are losing, going crazy, dying or propping Newmans.

Just cause she brought them back doesn't mean she can't show contempt for them.

Driving Ashley crazy AGAIN, making her lose another baby AGAIN, getting crapped on by Victor for Nikki AGAIN, being alienated from her family & friends to prop The Newmans AGAIN?

Aunt Jack the emasculated, salmon colored lip chewer being raped as a plot device?

Radish Face Billy being thrown under the bus repeatedly by his own mother & turned into a teeth chattering, alcoholic manwhore to prop a lying, felonious, self righteous ostrich with a Talented Mr. Ripley complex?

Dingo Colleen's father dies, then she's bullied BY HER GODFATHER who happens to be holding her crazy Aunt hostage for months, only to then die & give her heart to said Godfather who hated her, her father & her Uncle?

The very definition of contempt.

That was under Smith.

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Billy barely interacts with the Abbotts most of the time. They focus more on his connections to the Chancellors. He has very little use for most of his family, it's always about him. Ashley is the same way. She spends most of her time with the Newmans.

The show has dismantled the family. Even now their grief is a distant second to how we're supposed to feel about the Newmans.

DeeDee, you said it better than I could!

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That's my problem...they take SL's and "rest" them for a week, or TWO, or THREE, and then resume them. It makes them lose their momentum... Nina WILL be back on front burner, be assured of that... it just will be next week, or week after. I think Chloe has shown GROWTH... I still maintain that they've fashioned her after Lorie Brooks, but she seems to lately be MANIPULATING men more than being NEEDY for them. And I'm liking that. Mac is supposed to be a mess, she found out the love of her life is NOT her cousin... I just wish they'd played out the emotional beats of her and Billy having RESENTMENT over the the tiem wasted. But back to Muhney this week.... LOOK WAHT THEY DID with Clementine Ford, and how much YOUNGER they made her look after everyone pitched a fit. They need to give Muhney this treatment, softer hairstyle would make him look alot younger.

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After the whole MJ/Ashley/Adam/Jack et al stuff is over(if it ever ends)Jack needs to regroup and rebuild Jabot with Ashley and Billy.

I'd love to see Traci decide to get involved at Jabot and Jack ask Jill to return.Throw in Keemo,Phyllis,Chloe and you've got old skool Y&R.

A bunch of characters intermingling with different agendas,professional and personal lives intertwined.

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LMAO this is so true you made me laugh.

I tried to watch yesterday and couldn't take it. Beth M is doing real good and so is MTS they were very impressive too bad they couldn't keep me the whole way through. Everybody else int he scenes with them all I have to say is WTF did I come back to. The performances used to at least make it watchable but what's going on with the cast? Anyway I must say I kinda missed MS yesterday for some odd reason however I'mma bit conflicted there because I was hating the shell of Phyllis the last time I took time to watch on screen

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The problem I caught in the show when I stopped watching and reading summaries is it's regression. The decline has been progressive. The characterization was a bit off, but the acting, production standards, dialogue, and direction were all still great from Jan to April or May and so I was willing to work with it. I was sold, they were excellent in each of those categories. Then the day to day writing was becoming poor while the characterizations became worse. Story continuity was becoming ridiculous and insulting to me as a viewer, the dialogue was being watered down from great or good to just simply average to bad. Then the actors seem to all either be bored, asleep, or getting by in there scenes for the most part. The direction has gotten worse continuity is off, blocking and overall direction of scenes were not adding up and has a viewer like me going WTF? Now I come back to worse acting,writing, and direction which in itself says worse things about the production standards; which by itself is just poor in comparison to when Kay and Marge spun off the road. My question is this why TPTB not paying attention to this regress? What is it that they are trying to accomplish? I don't watch this show "these days" because it requires more from me to do so than not to. It's one thing to complain about stories (that will always eb the case in daytime) but when everything else is "off" it just becomes work for the viewer and not even a job to be enjoyed

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Ooooh. This is good!

It also explains a lot of what happened here at SON.

Some folks with particularly acute senses of "what is Y&R" started complaining early. Others of us (including me) said, "Nah, this is good, all is well, don't go looking for trouble".

But, as time went on, it was like a rolling stone. More and more of us saw the problems. Now, even the most ardent defenders acknowledge that something is way off with this show.

I would never have used the word regression, but I see your point. It is a "roll back" in some ways to the plot driven, fast-paced, often-islanded characters of the late LML era. I still disagree that the characterization is as "off" as it was during the end days of LML...but I cannot deny that Jill, Gloria, Billy, Adam, Victor, Nick, Victoria, etc are all acting differently from what they have, or what I would expect them to be. The sociopath turn for Adam is one example...a key character sacrificed to advance this plot. Even though I am pro-baby switch (Sheila-Lauren convinced me how great they could be), I can see that this was a huge strategic error...most viewers hate it.

Regression! A slow, cumulative loss of identity.

This post is a keep for me. Thanks classicmoment!

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